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CN8CardSaver for NVIDIA GPUs

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CN8CardSaver is a high performance CryptoNight NVIDIA CUDA miner forked from XMRig-nvidia.

cn8cardsaver is a miner for CryptoNight coins with GPU temperature and fan control support. With it you can keep your expensive cards save. Keep it below 65 C to be on the safe side. If it gets to 80 C or above you could be damaging your card. Use the options --max-gpu-temp=65 and --gpu-temp-falloff=9 for example

GPU mining part based on psychocrypt code used in xmr-stak-nvidia.

Temperature control:

Command line options

      --max-gpu-temp=N      Maximum temperature a GPU may reach before its cooled down (default 75)
      --gpu-temp-falloff=N  Amount of temperature to cool off before mining starts again (default 10)
      --gpu-fan-level=N     -1 disabled | 0 automatic (default) | 1..100 Fan speed in percent

Table of contents


  • High performance.
  • Official Windows support.
  • Support for backup (failover) mining server.
  • Most CryptoNight coins supported
  • Automatic GPU configuration.
  • GPU health monitoring (clocks, power, temperature, fan speed)
  • GPU temperature management (option --max-gpu-temp, --gpu-temp-falloff)
  • GPU fan control (option --gpu-fan-level)
  • Nicehash support.
  • It's open source software.



Use to generate, edit or share configurations.

Command line options

  -a, --algo=ALGO          specify the algorithm to use
  -o, --url=URL             URL of mining server
  -O, --userpass=U:P        username:password pair for mining server
  -u, --user=USERNAME       username for mining server
  -p, --pass=PASSWORD       password for mining server
      --rig-id=ID           rig identifier for pool-side statistics (needs pool support)
  -k, --keepalive           send keepalived packet for prevent timeout (needs pool support)
      --nicehash            enable support
      --tls                 enable SSL/TLS support (needs pool support)
      --tls-fingerprint=F   pool TLS certificate fingerprint, if set enable strict certificate pinning
  -r, --retries=N           number of times to retry before switch to backup server (default: 5)
  -R, --retry-pause=N       time to pause between retries (default: 5)
      --cuda-devices=N      list of CUDA devices to use.
      --cuda-launch=TxB     list of launch config for the CryptoNight kernel
      --cuda-max-threads=N  limit maximum count of GPU threads in automatic mode
      --cuda-bfactor=[0-12] run CryptoNight core kernel in smaller pieces
      --cuda-bsleep=N       insert a delay of N microseconds between kernel launches
      --cuda-affinity=N     affine GPU threads to a CPU
      --max-gpu-temp=N      Maximum temperature a GPU may reach before its cooled down (default 75)
      --gpu-temp-falloff=N  Amount of temperature to cool off before mining starts again (default 10)
      --gpu-fan-level=N     -1 disabled | 0 automatic (default) | 1..100 Fan speed in percent
      --no-color            disable colored output
      --variant             algorithm PoW variant
      --donate-level=N      donate level, default 5% (5 minutes in 100 minutes)
      --user-agent          set custom user-agent string for pool
  -B, --background          run the miner in the background
  -c, --config=FILE         load a JSON-format configuration file
  -l, --log-file=FILE       log all output to a file
  -S, --syslog              use system log for output messages
      --print-time=N        print hashrate report every N seconds
      --api-port=N          port for the miner API
      --api-access-token=T  access token for API
      --api-worker-id=ID    custom worker-id for API
      --api-id=ID           custom instance ID for API
      --api-ipv6            enable IPv6 support for API
      --api-no-restricted   enable full remote access (only if API token set)
      --dry-run             test configuration and exit
  -h, --help                display this help and exit
  -V, --version             output version information and exit

Supported algorithms / coins

    { "cryptonight",           "cn",           xmrig::CRYPTONIGHT,       xmrig::VARIANT_AUTO   },
    { "cryptonight/0",         "cn/0",         xmrig::CRYPTONIGHT,       xmrig::VARIANT_0      },
    { "cryptonight/1",         "cn/1",         xmrig::CRYPTONIGHT,       xmrig::VARIANT_1      },
    { "cryptonight/xtl",       "cn/xtl",       xmrig::CRYPTONIGHT,       xmrig::VARIANT_XTL    },
    { "cryptonight/msr",       "cn/msr",       xmrig::CRYPTONIGHT,       xmrig::VARIANT_MSR    },
    { "cryptonight/xao",       "cn/xao",       xmrig::CRYPTONIGHT,       xmrig::VARIANT_XAO    },
    { "cryptonight/rto",       "cn/rto",       xmrig::CRYPTONIGHT,       xmrig::VARIANT_RTO    },
    { "cryptonight/2",         "cn/2",         xmrig::CRYPTONIGHT,       xmrig::VARIANT_2      },
    { "cryptonight/half",      "cn/half",      xmrig::CRYPTONIGHT,       xmrig::VARIANT_HALF   },
    { "cryptonight/xtlv9",     "cn/xtlv9",     xmrig::CRYPTONIGHT,       xmrig::VARIANT_HALF   },
    { "cryptonight/wow",       "cn/wow",       xmrig::CRYPTONIGHT,       xmrig::VARIANT_WOW    },
    { "cryptonight/r",         "cn/r",         xmrig::CRYPTONIGHT,       xmrig::VARIANT_4      },
    { "cryptonight/rwz",       "cn/rwz",       xmrig::CRYPTONIGHT,       xmrig::VARIANT_RWZ    },
    { "cryptonight/zls",       "cn/zls",       xmrig::CRYPTONIGHT,       xmrig::VARIANT_ZLS    },
    { "cryptonight/double",    "cn/double",    xmrig::CRYPTONIGHT,       xmrig::VARIANT_DOUBLE },

#   ifndef XMRIG_NO_AEON
    { "cryptonight-lite",      "cn-lite",      xmrig::CRYPTONIGHT_LITE,  xmrig::VARIANT_AUTO },
    { "cryptonight-light",     "cn-light",     xmrig::CRYPTONIGHT_LITE,  xmrig::VARIANT_AUTO },
    { "cryptonight-lite/0",    "cn-lite/0",    xmrig::CRYPTONIGHT_LITE,  xmrig::VARIANT_0    },
    { "cryptonight-lite/1",    "cn-lite/1",    xmrig::CRYPTONIGHT_LITE,  xmrig::VARIANT_1    },
#   endif

#   ifndef XMRIG_NO_SUMO
    { "cryptonight-heavy",      "cn-heavy",      xmrig::CRYPTONIGHT_HEAVY, xmrig::VARIANT_AUTO },
    { "cryptonight-heavy/0",    "cn-heavy/0",    xmrig::CRYPTONIGHT_HEAVY, xmrig::VARIANT_0    },
    { "cryptonight-heavy/xhv",  "cn-heavy/xhv",  xmrig::CRYPTONIGHT_HEAVY, xmrig::VARIANT_XHV  },
    { "cryptonight-heavy/tube", "cn-heavy/tube", xmrig::CRYPTONIGHT_HEAVY, xmrig::VARIANT_TUBE },
#   endif

#   ifndef XMRIG_NO_CN_PICO
    { "cryptonight-pico/trtl",  "cn-pico/trtl",  xmrig::CRYPTONIGHT_PICO, xmrig::VARIANT_TRTL },
    { "cryptonight-pico",       "cn-pico",       xmrig::CRYPTONIGHT_PICO, xmrig::VARIANT_TRTL },
    { "cryptonight-turtle",     "cn-trtl",       xmrig::CRYPTONIGHT_PICO, xmrig::VARIANT_TRTL },
    { "cryptonight-ultralite",  "cn-ultralite",  xmrig::CRYPTONIGHT_PICO, xmrig::VARIANT_TRTL },
    { "cryptonight_turtle",     "cn_turtle",     xmrig::CRYPTONIGHT_PICO, xmrig::VARIANT_TRTL },
#   endif

#   ifndef XMRIG_NO_CN_GPU
    { "cryptonight/gpu",        "cn/gpu",  xmrig::CRYPTONIGHT, xmrig::VARIANT_GPU },
#   endif


Default donation 5% (5 minutes in 100 minutes) can be reduced to 1% via option donate-level.

  • XMR: 422KmQPiuCE7GdaAuvGxyYScin46HgBWMQo4qcRpcY88855aeJrNYWd3ZqE4BKwjhA2BJwQY7T2p6CUmvwvabs8vQqZAzLN
  • BTC: 19hNKKFu34CniRWPhGqAB76vi3U4x7DZyZ

Donate to xmrig dev

  • XMR: 48edfHu7V9Z84YzzMa6fUueoELZ9ZRXq9VetWzYGzKt52XU5xvqgzYnDK9URnRoJMk1j8nLwEVsaSWJ4fhdUyZijBGUicoD
  • BTC: 1P7ujsXeX7GxQwHNnJsRMgAdNkFZmNVqJT
