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Releases: kipcole9/money

Money version 2.12.2

22 Oct 22:09
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Bug Fixes

  • Sometimes Mix.Dep.cached/0 returns a structure which doesn't identify the version of the dependency loaded. Therefore in this version we just check if the function Ecto.Migrator.migrations_path/0 exists. Thanks to @hl for the issue. Closes #86.

Money version 2.12.1

22 Oct 05:58
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Bug Fixes

  • Fixed error which assumed that Mix.Dep.loaded_by_name/2 was renamed in Elixir 1.6 but in fact it was renamed to Mix.Dep.loaded_by_name/2 in Elixir 1.7.

  • Fix and error in defining compiler paths for tests to ensure compatibility for Elixir 1.5, 1.6 and 1.7

Money version 2.12.0

22 Oct 02:42
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Supports Ecto version 3.x (ecto_sql) release candidate. When upgrading from Ecto 2 to Ecto 3 the following configuration changes are applied:

In config.exs you would likely have:

defp deps do
    {:ecto, "~> 2.1"},
    {:postgrex, "> 0.0.0"},
    {:ex_money, "~> 2.6"},
    {:jason, "~> 1.0"}

With Ecto 3 (ecto_sql) the configuration would be:

# Change to the release versions when
# available on hex
defp deps do
    {:ecto_sql, "~> 3.0-rc"},
    {:postgrex, "~> 0.14-rc"},
    {:ex_money, "~> 2.12"},
    {:jason, "~> 1.0"}

Note that :ecto_sql uses :db_connection version 2.0 which has its own connection pooling and :poolboy is no longer required.

Money version 2.11.0

17 Oct 22:03
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  • Updated dependency on ex_cldr to version 1.8 which uses CLDR version 34 data.

Money version 2.10.0

16 Oct 23:05
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Adds an optional parameter options to which is now options is a keyword list of options. Only one option is valid, :locale which, if specified must be in Cldr.known_locales The locale is used to transform any binary amounts passed to such that localised grouping characters and decimal characters are normalised to the Elixir requirements. For example before this change the following example would error because the decimal point is a separator in the "de" locale and the decimal character , is invalid in Elixir number literals.

iex>"1.000,99", :EUR)
{:error, {Money.InvalidAmountError, "Amount cannot be converted to a number: \"1.000,99\""}}

Using the :locale parameter it is now possible to specify the locale transform for number string literals:

iex>"1.000,99", :EUR, locale: "de")
#Money<:EUR, 1000.99>

Thanks to @f34nk for the suggestion.

Money version 2.8.0

28 Aug 22:37
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  • Separates the caching of etags from the caching of exchange rates. Previously the same cache behaviour (and therefore each implementation) was expected to support a key/value store but this is an unreasonable assumption. Etags are now cached in an ets table separate from the exchange rates cache. As a result, the get/1 and put/2 functions are removed from the Money.ExchangeRates.Cache behaviour. Thanks to @LostKobrakai. Closes #74.

Money version 2.7.3

28 Aug 10:41
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Bug Fixes

  • Fixes the implementation of Money.ExchangeRates.last_update/0 to match the documentation. Thanks to @xavier. Closes #77.

  • Updates ex_doc dependency.

Money version 2.7.2

20 Aug 23:25
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Bug Fixes

  • Converting from currency to a binary to_currency is a no-op as it already is for an atom to_currency. Thanks to @LostKobrakai. Closes #76.

Money version 2.7.1

15 Aug 21:50
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Bug Fixes

  • Correct the name of the Subscription exception modules. Thanks to @Joe-noh. Closes #75.

Money version 2.7.0

19 Jul 22:33
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  • Added tests for Gingotts.Protocol

  • Separates the Ecto migrations from the SQL contained therein so that non-Ecto users can leverage the DDL to create/drop the money_with_currency type and the creation/deletion of aggregate functions for money_with_currency. See the module Money.DDL.