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05 Troubleshooting

Kiryha edited this page Jul 5, 2016 · 13 revisions

Troubleshooting general notes

Troubleshooting is a process of solving production problems. Stages of troubleshooting:

  • Describe a problem
  • Find a reason of a problem
  • Develop a ways of fixing issue
  • Choose a most suitable for particular situation way and solve problem

Troubleshooting VFX segment

Troubleshooting brief:

  • Who find a problem
  • Problem description:
    • Problem area: Branch > Phase > Procedure

Troubleshooting tools

If Animation DNA Tools usage cause error message you has to find reason of error and fix it.
This section contain common error description and ways to solve them.

Script editors history window is your best friend when you work with Animation DNA toolset. Each main block of executed code supported with readable print massages, and you can learn what is going on in this moment and if something went wrong — which procedure cause an error.

Always keep an eye on script editor, pressing each button should bring success message after finishing procedures.

Errors by tools


Error: KeyError: file <rootProject>/PREP/PIPELINE/ line 130: MAT
Reason: You did not publish material for an assets, linked to a shot.

Error: AttributeError: file P:\TANNER\PROD\3D\scripts\DNA\ line 35: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'getName'
Reason: In FTrack to a shot linked wrong data, e.g. folder with asset instead of environment asst


# Error: ValueError: file <maya console> line 70: invalid literal for int() with base 10: '<anyTextHere>' #
Reason: There are files with wrong names in folder with character fur scenes for shot


# Error: MayaNodeError: file C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2015\Python\lib\site-packages\pymel\core\ line 2069: Maya Node does not exist (or is not unique):: u' < .... >_Shape'
Reason: XGen plugin turned off