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C++ Seed Project

This is a skeleton of a C++ project. The project is using the following tools:

  • Test Framework: Google Test
  • Documentation Gen: Sphinx + Doxygen
  • Build Tool: CMake
  • Version Control System: Git
  • Dependencies: CMake + [(Git & gitmodules)(*)]
  • Coverage using gcov
  • Exceptions with Stack Trace
  • logging spdlog
  • clang-format

Make a new project

> pip install cookiecutter

> cookiecutter
You've downloaded /home/setepenre/.cookiecutters/cxx_seed before. Is it okay to delete and re-download it? [yes]: yes
project_name [test_project]: MyProject
author [Anonymous]: MyAuthor
project_brief [Testing]: My Awesome Project Description
copyright [Testing]: 2020 MyAuthor
> cd MyProject
> mkdir build
> cmake ..
> make -j 8


Directory Layout

src/          : Project Code source
cmake/        : CMake Scripts (FindXXX.cmake)
tests/        : Tests files (***_test.cpp)
benchmark/    : Performance tests (***_bench.cpp)
docs/         : Doxygen or Sphinx files
data/         : Data (Used to store Performance results for each git commit)
build/        : git ignored folder in which you can build the project
dependencies/ : Dependencies source code


Show casing logging, versioning and stack trace dump

mkdir build
cd build
CC=gcc CXX=g++ cmake ..
[I] [09-02-2020 16:49:13.014] [28158] /home/setepenre/work/cxx_skeleton/src/main.cpp:16 main - Testing throwing function
[I] [09-02-2020 16:49:13.014] [28158] /home/setepenre/work/cxx_skeleton/src/main.cpp:17 main - version hash  : f0d8eafa92a859e5537594425bae588206374c78
[I] [09-02-2020 16:49:13.014] [28158] /home/setepenre/work/cxx_skeleton/src/main.cpp:18 main - version date  : 2016-06-02 16:45:46 -0400
[I] [09-02-2020 16:49:13.014] [28158] /home/setepenre/work/cxx_skeleton/src/main.cpp:19 main - version branch: master
[C] [09-02-2020 16:49:13.015] [28158] ./bin/main(_ZN3sym13get_backtraceB5cxx11Em+0x79) [0x564278526419]
[C] [09-02-2020 16:49:13.015] [28158] ./bin/main(_ZN3sym14show_backtraceEv+0x28) [0x564278526d48]
[C] [09-02-2020 16:49:13.015] [28158] ./bin/main(_ZNK3sym9Exception4whatEv+0x9) [0x564278526de9]
[C] [09-02-2020 16:49:13.015] [28158] ./bin/main(+0x310d8) [0x5642784fd0d8]
[C] [09-02-2020 16:49:13.015] [28158] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7fda53cbdb97]
[C] [09-02-2020 16:49:13.015] [28158] ./bin/main(_start+0x2a) [0x5642784fe67a]


make enable-examples    # enable compiling examples
make disable-examples
make enable-release     # enable release compilation
make enable-debug       # enable debug compilation
make enable-bench       # enable benchmarks compilations
make enable-test        # enable compiling tests
make enable-doc         # enable generating docs
make coverage           # execute tests & compute coverage
make sphinx             # build sphinx documentation
make sphinx-serve       # serve the documentation locally

How to

Get Coverage

cd build
make enable-test
make test
make coverage
firefox ./coverage/index.html

Create a library/executable

  • create a new folder src/new_library or src/new_exec
  • add src/new_library/src/CMakeLists.txt
  • create library files (.cpp and .h)
  • create new CMake variable with library's files
  • Add the compile command:


TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(my_exec dependencies)

Add test header

  • create file stuff_test.h
  • add #include "stuff_test.h" to the **_test.cpp

Add test executable

  • create a new file my_newtest_test.cpp
  • add TEST_MACRO(my_newtest) at the end of the file tests/CMakeLists.txt

Add Benchmark

  • create a new file my_newbench_bench.cpp
  • add TEST_BENCH(my_newbench) at the end of the file benchmark/CMakeLists.txt

Add (to be compiled) Dependency

  • open git bash
  • go to the project repo
  • git submodule add url_to_dependency_repo dependencies/library_name

Example: add opencv to the project

git submodule add dependencies/opencv
git submodule add dependencies/gtest

Remove submodule

rm -rf ../.git/modules/dependencies/library_name
vi .gitmodules
# remove the modules

Add pre-compiled Dependencies

  • Add FindXXX.cmake script in the cmake/ folder
  • Add FIND_PACKAGE(XXX) in ./CMakeLists.txt (pre-compiled section)


  • C++ Compiler
  • Python (gtest)
  • CMake
  • Git
  • [Sphinx, Doxygen] (*)

(*) Optional


  • How to

  • Valgrind utils/Sanitizer Command/debbuger

      # Need to find a better way
      # Hardcoded:
      SET(LEAK_FLAG " -Werror -fsanitize=leak ") # this for clang
      # would be nice to have something like:
      # for each target "xyz" we have a
          - make san/leak/xyz
          - make san/thread/xyz
          - make lld/xyz
          - make format
          - make tidy
      # need to check how much caching is done between each exec version
  • Goole Perf ?

  • Generated files


  • gtest does not compile with MinGW. This a MinGW bug. You need to deactivate pthreads for it to work (-Dgtest_disable_pthreads=ON)