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How to install plugins on Kleeja

Abdulrahman ☕️ edited this page Jan 11, 2018 · 1 revision

Find a plugin to install

Download a plugin that you like from the internet (make sure that you trust the developer because plugins can break your website and spy on you)

note: plugins file format: Plugin file comes as an archive zip file.

Upload to Kleeja

From Kleeja control panel's Plugins page, click on "Upload from your computer" button and choose the plugin archive file.

Enable The Plugin

After uploading the plugin file, the plugin will appear in the available plugins sections, click on the enable button in the front of its name.

Congratulations, You installed and enabled a plugin.

Note: during the plugin installation, a page with after-installation-notes will appear to you, make sure you read it and follow any instructions that appear there.

Note: If the plugin has extra options, they will appear on the settings page or as a separate side menu item.