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Macro PEG: PEG with macro-like rules

Gitter Build Status Maven Central Scaladoc Reference Status

Macro PEG is an extended PEG by macro-like rules. It seems that expressiveness of Macro PEG is greather than traditional PEG since Macro PEG can express palindromes. This repository implements a Macro PEG interpreter (or matcher).

Grammar of Macro PEG in Pseudo PEG

Note that spacing is ommited.

Grammer <- Rule* ";";

Rule <- Identifier ("(" Identifier ("," Identifer)* ")")? "=" Expression ";";

Expression <- Sequence ("/" Sequence)*;

Sequence <- Prefix+;

Prefix <-  ("&" / "!") Suffix;

Suffix <- Primary "+"
        /  Primary "*"
        /  Primary "?"
        /  Primary;

Primary <- "(" Expression ")"
         /  Call
         / Debug
         / Identifier
         / StringLiteral
         / CharacterClass;
Debug <- "Debug" "(" Expression ")";

StringLiteral <- "\\" (!"\\" .) "\\";

Call <- Identifier "(" Expression ("," Expression)* ")";

Identifier <- [a-zA-Z_] ([a-zA-Z0-9_])*;

CharacterClass <- "[" "^"? (!"[" .)+ "]"

Release Note










Note that the behaviour could change.

Add the following lines to your build.sbt file:

libraryDependencies += "com.github.kmizu" %% "macro_peg" % "0.1.0"

Then, you can use MacroPEGParser and MacroPEGEvaluator as the followings:

import com.github.kmizu.macro_peg._
import Runner._
import Parser._
val grammar = parse(
        |S = P("") !.; P(r) = "a" P("a" r) / "b" P("b" r) / r;
val evaluator = Evaluator(grammar)

val inputs = List(
  "a", "b", "aa", "bb", "ab", "ba", "aaa", "bbb", "aba", "bab", "abb", "baa", "aab", "bba",
  "aaaa", "bbbb", 
  "aaab", "aaba", "abaa", "baaa",
  "bbba", "bbab", "babb", "abbb",
   "aabb", "abba", "bbaa", "baab", "abab", "baba"
){input => s"${input} => ${evaluator.evaluate(input, Symbol("S"))}"}.mkString("\n")

     |S = Modifiers(!"", "") !.;
     |Modifiers(AlreadyLooked, Scope) = (!AlreadyLooked) (
     |    &(Scope) Token("public") Modifiers(AlreadyLooked / "public", "public")
     |  / &(Scope) Token("protected") Modifiers(AlreadyLooked / "protected", "protected")
     |  / &(Scope) Token("private") Modifiers(AlreadyLooked / "private", "private")
     |  / Token("static") Modifiers(AlreadyLooked / "static", Scope)
     |  / Token("final") Modifiers(AlreadyLooked / "final", Scope)
     |  / ""
     |Token(t) = t Spacing;
     |Spacing = " "*;
    Seq("public static final", "public public", "public static public", "final static public", "final final", "public private", "protected public", "public static")

     |S = ReadRight("") !.;
     |// the number of occurence of '1 represents a natural number.
     |// a-b=c
     |// Essentially, this checks a=b+c.
     |  = &("1"* "-" Right "1") ReadRight(Right "1")
     |  / &("1"* "-" Right "=") ReadDiff(Right, "");
     |ReadDiff(Right, Diff)
     |  = &("1"* "-" Right "=" Diff "1") ReadDiff(Right, Diff "1")
     |  / &("1"* "-" Right "=" Diff !.) Check(Right, Diff);
     |Check(Right, Diff)
     |  = Right Diff "-" Right "=" Diff;
     Seq("11-1=1", "1-1=", "111-11=1", // should match
         "111-1=1",  "111-1=111", "1-11=") // should not match

       |S = ReadLeft("", "") !.;
       |// the number of occurence of '1 represents a natural number.
       |// |Seq| is the length of a sequence Seq.
       |// ^ is exponent operator
       |// ReadLeft("", "") checks input is a correct expression a^b=c.
       |// Read a.
       |// LeftAsOnes is a sequence of "1" where |LeftAsOnes| = |a|.
       |// LeftAsDots is a sequence of . where |LeftAsDots| = |a|.
       |ReadLeft(LeftAsOnes, LeftAsDots)
       |  = &(LeftAsOnes "1") ReadLeft(LeftAsOnes "1", LeftAsDots .)
       |  / &(LeftAsOnes "^") ComputePadding(LeftAsOnes, LeftAsDots, "");
       |// Compute Padding which is a sequene of .
       |// where |Padding| + |LeftAsDots| = |Input|
       |ComputePadding(LeftAsOnes, LeftAsDots, Padding)
       |  = &(Padding LeftAsDots .) ComputePadding(LeftAsOnes, LeftAsDots, Padding .)
       |  / &(Padding LeftAsDots !.) ReadRight(LeftAsOnes, Padding, "", "1");
       |// Read b.
       |// Exp = a^Right.
       |ReadRight(Left, Padding, Right, Exp)
       |  = &(Left "^" Right "1") Multiply(Left, Padding, Right "1", Exp, "", "")
       |  / &(Left "^" Right "=") Check(Left, Right, Exp);
       |// Compute Left * OldExp.
       |// This adds OldExp Left times into Exp.
       |// I is a loop counter.
       |Multiply(Left, Padding, Right, OldExp, Exp, I)
       |  = &(Padding I .) Multiply(Left, Padding, Right, OldExp, Exp OldExp, I .)
       |  / &(Padding I !.) ReadRight(Left, Padding, Right, Exp);
       |// Check whole input.
       |Check(Left, Right, Exp)
       |  = Left "^" Right "=" Exp;
       Seq("11^111=11111111", "11^=1", "1^11=1", "^11=", 
           "11^111=1111111",  "11^111=111111111")