All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See Conventional Commits for commit guidelines.
1.3.2 (2023-09-10)
1.3.1 (2023-03-23)
1.3.0 (2023-03-10)
1.2.2 (2022-12-20)
1.2.1 (2022-12-19)
- header style on mobile (#96) (293971d)
- missing discarded events (#106) (f95dbdb)
- remove duplicate React instance (#105) (9f9f6e5)
- the style of theme switcher (#104) (5cdbdfd)
1.1.1 (2022-07-13)
- remove the inserted script after loading (13b4216)
1.1.0 (2022-07-12)
0.5.0 (2022-06-01)
- display errors in SWRCache (#41) (7f7f672)
- emoji label (#47) (09d616d)
- support manifest v3 (#53) (eb638bf)
- support SWR v2 (#44) (388a4bf)
- swr-devtools-demo: refine the webpage of SWRDevTools (#43) (b4969e5)
0.4.0 (2021-12-05)
- filter cache data (#36) (acb9013)
- swr-devtools-panel: support module and exports fields (03a3ef3)
- swr-devtools: support module and exports fields (264ddeb)
0.3.0 (2021-10-14)
0.2.2 (2021-09-16)
- background-color for a dark theme (397c1e4)
- reset a devtool panel when a navigation is happen (#24) (1cc108b)
- reset local cache in the devtool panel when a content page is updated (9d4c46b)
- sync SWRDevTools and a devtool panel (#27) (ba34e6f)
0.2.1 (2021-09-16)
- background-color for a dark theme (397c1e4)
- reset a devtool panel when a navigation is happen (#24) (1cc108b)
- reset local cache in the devtool panel when a content page is updated (9d4c46b)
- sync SWRDevTools and a devtool panel (#27) (ba34e6f)
- a wrong dependency (bc38f92)
- add injected caches in the WeakMap (a5e770a)
- an old path to the bundle js file (56dc413)
- build errors (72d20a9)
- clean directories before running build scripts (214150c)
- example: tweak styles (8da1c62)
- example: tweak styles (#21) (570dc4e)
- expand clickable areas (5a55a6a)
- filter and sort for cache data (b389dbb)
- filter duplicated cache data and fix layouts (501a389)
- make a key name more explicit (e263a98)
- reflect a color theme to the sytle of the json tree (13ffa37)
- reset a selected item if the current panel has been changed (e97e775)
- size cache key for v0 (b3f2eae)
- sync cache data when opening a devtool panel (40795db)
- tweak styles (326b437)
- tweak styles (3b6374b)
- tweak styles (5b98fed)
- update meta keys for v1 (13058ac)
- works well with v1 (e7aba55)
- add a demo app and SWRDevTools (65544f2)
- add icons (3e2365a)
- add the [Infinote] label (2051fca)
- aggregate key and isValidate cache data (864d6c3)
- assign undefined when cache.delete is called (ed23f13)
- display cache logs (4c85441)
- display keys for useSWRInfinite (b0340bb)
- display SWRDevTools on the devtool panel (de7e05a)
- hello a devtool panel! (bb89d5f)
- highlight cache data (6f97118)
- implement tab based UI (ac75148)
- proxy panel events to a content port (b727043)
- send cache data from a page to a content script (97315c5)
- separate SWRDevToolsPanel as a separate package (4ddbfdb)
- stop using web_accessible_resources to inject a runtime script (0b5aad7)
- support dark mode (40d96a4)
- support swr v1 beta (9170f48)
- use cahce APIs exposed in v1 (90a9775)
- work on a devtools panel (98120bd)
- remove unnecessary rendering on cache detail views (a868d9e)
- drop swr v0.x support