play2-sprites is an sbt plugin that generates sprites from images.
CSS classes will be named by file names (my_icon.png
-> .my-icon
) by default.
CSS file:
Sprite image:
Add following lines to your project/plugins.sbt
resolvers += "Koofr repo" at ""
addSbtPlugin("net.koofr" % "play2-sprites" % "0.6.0")
Add following import to your Build.scala
import net.koofr.play2sprites.GenerateSprites._
Extend default settings with genSpritesSettings
settings = Defaults.defaultSettings ++ genSpritesSettings
Now add following settings:
spritesSrcImages <<= baseDirectory( (base: File) => base / "public/images/sprites" * "*.png" ),
spritesDestImage <<= baseDirectory( (base: File) => base / "public/images/sprites.png" ),
spritesCssSpritePath := "../images/sprites.png",
spritesDestCss <<= baseDirectory( (base: File) => base / "public/stylesheets/sprites.css" )
resourceGenerators in Compile <<= (resourceGenerators in Compile, spritesGen) { (gens, spritesGen) =>
spritesGen +: gens
Full example can be found in sample application.
If you use Less, you can generate _sprites.less
file and include it in your main less file.
spritesDestCss <<= baseDirectory( (base: File) => base / "app/assets/stylesheets/_sprites.less" ),
Your main less file (e.g. main.less
@import "_sprites.less";
You can also use sprite classes as mixins:
.my-button {
You can also prefix CSS classes:
spritesCssClassPrefix := "sprite-"
Now sprite classes will be named as .sprite-my-icon
You can add more space between images:
spritesPadding := 50
Sample Play application is available in sample
To build the plugin locally and publish it to your local filesystem:
$ sbt publish-local
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