This project comes with a few tools you can use that mimic the behavior of helpers and formatters. These are
really useful for testing functionality outside of nagios-herald
The following tools reside under the bin/
is a handy script that dumps the Nagios environment variables at the time an alert fires.
Follow the instuctions in the script to configure and use it.
The environment file that is generated can be used to test new formatters.
can generate horizontal stacked bars.
TODO: This needs better documentation. Are we missing command line arguments in the below output?
$ ./draw_stack_bars -h
usage: draw_stack_bars [options] label=value label=value
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-w WIDTH, --width=WIDTH
Picture width
The file name to save the results in
How wide should the bar area be compared to the total
How tall should the bars be compared to their width
Width of the border around the bars
For example: ./draw_stack_bars /var=10
will generate:
will download one or more images of Ganglia graphs.
$ ./get_ganglia_graph -h
Usage: get_ganglia_graph [-hmpr]
get_ganglia_graph is used to generate images from Ganglia graphs.
It takes one or more hostnames and a single metric to build the appropriate URI(s) from which to generate images.
The script outputs the full path for each of the images that have been written.
-h, --host *HOST The FQDN of the host required to look up a metric/image in Ganglia. Specify multiple hosts with multiple '-h' arguments.
-m, --metric The name of the metric we want to see.
-p, --path An optional path in which to write the image files.
-r, --range The range of time for which the graph should look back.
Acceptable values are the same as thouse used by Ganglia (i.e '8hours', '8h, '1day', '1d', '3weeks', '3w')
DEFAULT: 8h (8 hours)
1. Passing a single hostname and metric to get_ganglia_graph:
get_ganglia_graph -h -m part_max_used
2. Passing multiple hostnames and a metric to get_ganglia_graph:
get_ganglia_graph -h -h -m disk_free
3. Including an optional time range (12 hours):
get_ganglia_graph -h -h -m disk_free -r 12h