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Use Discord server instead
You can find community emotes in Emotecraft discord server
Emotecraft community #emote-list
Emotecraft is a Minecraft mod to add emotes to the game like in Bedrock Edition. For more infomation on the mod itself go here:
To download an emote click the button that says "Code" and then download zip. Then unzip it and head to the emotes folder inside. After, copy the emotes you want to %appdata%\.minecraft\emotes. You should see it apear ingame in the "All Emotes" menu.
There are two ways, you can either ask in #customemotes in the discord server or bye
going to the "Issues" tab and clicking "New Issue." Then Click "Labels" and select "emote request". Then create a title and description, and make sure to add either a pastebin link or the file to to the issue. Then click submit and someone will review it and add it or give you feedback on how to improve.