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Installation: Docker QNAP NAS

Koushik Dutta edited this page Mar 17, 2022 · 5 revisions

Start "Container Station" and select "Create" search for scrypted, select koush/scrypted and press "Install"

Install Screen

It will show the general settings, please press "Advanced Settings"

Advanced Settings

Select "Shared Folder" tab and press "Add" from the Volume on Host, choose a folder on the nas where you would like to store all files used by Scrypted (that way all settings will survive upgrades of the docker image). Specify the Mount Point as /server/volume.


Then choose the "Network" tab and change the "Network Mode" to "Host"

Network Mode

Select "Create" and you will see the summary, press "Ok" and you can now connect to Scrypted at https://{IP of nas}:10443/

Summary Page