Moviez - is movie and tv show information application. You can get information like cast, budget, revenue, runtime and much much more from this application.
Clone the repo, open the project in Android Studio.
Open file and enter this line; apiKey="YOUR_TMDB_BEARER_TOKEN"
Then hit "Run". Done!
Based on mvvm architecture and repository pattern.
- Minimum SDK 22
- MVVM Architecture
- DataBinding
- Written 100% on kotlin language
- Architecture Components (Lifecycle, LiveData, ViewModel, Navigation)
- TMDB API for gettin information about movies and tv series
- Material Design for implementing material design
- Kotlin Coroutines for threading operations
- Retrofit 2 for constructing the REST API
- Moshi for parsing JSON
- OkHttp for implementing interceptor, logging
- Glide for loading images
- Paging 3 for pagination
- Klock for formatting date and time
- Timber for logging
- Add imageview to detail fragments
- Better error handling
- Loading screens
- Notifications