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Topcoat Touch

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A very simple mobile framework based on the Topcoat Framework, innspired by the jQT framework. Can be used either with a single html document with multiple pages, or using a collection of controllers and templates. It uses a collection of optional libraries to provide most of the functionality for a mobile framework:

  • jQuery or Zepto to provide dom manipulation.
  • fastclick is an optional plugin to remove the 300ms click delay in most mobile browsers
  • iScroll is an optional plugin that can be used to provide smooth scrolling automatically.
  • hammer.js is an optional plugin to allow TopcoatTouch to provide event brokering for mobile touch options (swipe, tap, hold, doubletap, drag, roate, pinch, etc).
  • lodash is a plugin that is only required when using templating strategy, of course you could also use underscore. Currently the default is underscore style templates, but you can easily use Handlebars or Mustache. See tips and tricks for a simple example using Handlebars or Mustache. You could add your own templating engines following these guidelines.

Uses some of the CSS for page flipping from the Christopher Coenraets topcoat/backbone example and screencasts.

Read more about why topcoat-touch was created on my blog post, It Appears You are Building A Framework

  • Getting Started -- Getting started with topcoat touch.
  • Wiki - Browse the Wiki for more detailed documentation.
  • MVC Example App - Check out the MVC example app in the source code to see how to create an MVC Topcoat Touch App
  • Single Document Example App - Examine the Single Document App if you are going to create a small app and want to keep things as simple as possible.


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