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IoC container integration

Kristoffer Ahl edited this page Mar 12, 2013 · 22 revisions

Using FluentSecurity with an IoC container

FluentSecurity supports dependency injection through an Inversion of Control (IoC)-container. By hooking in an IoC-container you get access to even more useful features in FluentSecurity. Some of the features include:

  • Use of custom policy violation handlers.
  • Overriding the naming convention used when locating policy violation handlers.
  • Creating custom diagnostics output.

More features will be added over time, including support for dependency injection for custom policies.

Setting up IoC container integration

There's two options for registering your IoC-container with FluentSecurity. You can choose to provide an instance that implements the ISecurityServiceLocator interface or simply pass in a System.Func<Type,IEnumerable<object>> to ResolveServicesUsing.

Option 1 - Func<Type,IEnumerable<object>>

The easiest way to get started is telling FluentSecurity to use a Func to resolve instances from. ResolveServicesUsing takes a Func<Type,IEnumerable<object>> in and an optional parameter of Func<Type,object>. Here's what it would look like using the Common Service Locator.

SecurityConfigurator.Configure(configuration =>

In this case, whenever FluentSecurity needs an instance it will ask your container for that instance. If your container returns no instances, FluentSecurity will fall back to using the default instances registered in the internal container. If your container returns multiple instances for a requested type, FluentSecurity will select the first one. There's two ways you can ensure that FluentSecurity gets the correct instance. 1) Make sure your instances are returned in the correct order. 2) Use the following overload of ResolveServicesUsing.

SecurityConfigurator.Configure(configuration =>

Here's where it gets a bit tricky. If you are fine with registering everything FluentSecurity needs in your container, this should work well. But if you want to rely on the defaults of the framework your IoC-container must not throw an exception when you request an instance that isn't registered. Most IoC-containers have a method that is intended for this. In StructureMap it is called TryGetInstance and using it would look something like this:

SecurityConfigurator.Configure(configuration =>
		type => ObjectFactory.GetAllInstances(type).Cast<object>(),
		type => ObjectFactory.TryGetInstance(type)

Option 2 - ISecurityServiceLocator

If you don't like the feel of using Func or simple want more control, you can create your own ISecurityServiceLocator and pass that instance to ResolveServicesUsing. ResolveServicesUsing(ISecurityServiceLocator servicesLocator)

Here's an example of a service locator using StructureMap:

public class FluentSecurityServiceLocator : ISecurityServiceLocator
	public object Resolve(Type typeToResolve)
		return ObjectFactory.TryGetInstance(typeToResolve);

	public IEnumerable<object> ResolveAll(Type typeToResolve)
		return ObjectFactory.GetAllInstances(typeToResolve).Cast<object>();

Here's what it would look like using the above service locator class:

SecurityConfigurator.Configure(configuration =>
	configuration.ResolveServicesUsing(new FluentSecurityServiceLocator());

This approach can be a good way for you to explore what FluentSecurity does under the cover and what types you can replace with your own implementations.


  • If you implement ISecurityServiceLocator, you must implement both methods fully!