Here is my small game Find Aik for #FlutterCreate with 4,894 bytes!
Entered the top 30 winners! https://medium.com/flutter-io/the-flutter-create-winners-are-40980f2d20b3
On the mobile! https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.kroppli.find_aik
On the web, thanks @ykmnkmi and @plugfox! Here is https://aik.plugfox.ru (use Chrome)
On the desktop, thanks @ykmnkmi! Here is find_aik_win.zip (Win, 20.5Mb)
The game has 7 levels. Each level is one planet with a custom color. You need to pick up the planet's energy sources around planets. To pick energy source you need to fly through it. To visit/return a planet just fly to/into it. When you pick up some energy source enemy is activated.
You can use long press to share the game with your friends.
Have a fun to play :)
[Hint] There is one hidden hack to get immortality: you need to fly near the planet, but not fly into it. The torsion of the ship will begin and in this condition the enemy ship will not be able to hit you.
The application is designed for Android platform only.
Some code description:
T - timer
A - auido
W - world map
C - config
G - game on/off
tM - show/hide +10s time screen
bP - bad player / enemy is(not) active
sT - now second time
sTF - finish/end second time
ln - length
sc - score / time of the game
Music: Electric Strut by Rick Dickert composed/provided by https://www.freesoundtrackmusic.com
Images: https://www.freepik.com/free-vector/cute-dog-breeds_803197.htm
(c) Igor Petushkov, 2019