A collection of scripts for the AdiIRC and mIRC IRC Clients
- This is an autojoin control script. It manages your invites. Currently, this script is only for use on the Undernet IRC network. There are plans to update this script to be compatible with all network and introduce whitelisting.
- This script allows users with access to control a bot running BLaCkShaDoW's BlackTools 2.5 eggdrop TCL script. It exposes the most frequently used commands in an easy to use GUI interface.
- This script was designed for new ops to quickly begin using X with little to no training while ensuring the risk of malformatted commands remains minimal.
- This script alows you to place channels into various lists. Channels in lists are sorted in the output of a /WHOIS - according to list.
Connect to the Undernet IRC Network, /join #development and leave your comment there. You may also directly message QueenElsa.