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Build & Test

Fluttoshi packages

We think that all apps that need any kind of global payment mechanism are the best of with Bitcoin on the Lightning Network. We envision a near future where all apps will have a lightweight, non-custodial Lightning wallet embedded, even if they are not necesarily 'Bitcoin' or payment apps at their core.

We want to make it as easy as possible for this to happen. Therefore the packages in this project are designed to be as modular as possible, so that they can be used as building blocks in any Flutter app, regardless of the app's purpose. Also apps that do want to make more full-fledged Bitcoin and Lightning apps might find these packages useful. A monorepo is used instead of a repo per package to guarantee all packages and their dependency versions are compatible with each other on the same versions.

We also believe that Flutter is the best framework to build cross-platform apps and that Rust is the best language to build the core functionality of these apps. Therefore we are building these packages in Rust and Flutter.

We mainly use the Lightning Development Kit and Bitcoin Development Kit to have trusted, well-tested and well-maintained Rust libraries to build on.


  • bip39: package to generate and/or restore mnemonics and derive other keys and seeds from them.
  • unified_wallet: package to derive different seeds from the same mnemonic for different wallet types. For example, have a Bitcoin on-chain wallet, a Bitcoin on-chain wallet with passphrase and a Lightning node wallet, all derived from and unified by just one mnemonic to safely store.
  • breez_sdk: package to set up a Lightning node, based on Breez SDK, that is compatible with the other packages in this repo.
  • ldk: package to set up a Lightning node, based on LDK, in a Flutter app.
  • ldk_bloc: package that uses the ldk package and provides a Bloc to use in Flutter apps.
  • ldk_riverpod: package that uses the ldk package and provides a Riverpod provider to use in Flutter apps.
  • lsp_client: package to connect to a Lightning Service Provider (LSP) and use it to get liquidity, open channels, receive payments offline, etc.
  • payjoin: package to integrate payjoin and its different applications, like payjoin for on-chain transactions and payjoin for opening Lightning channels.


The idea of managing a monorepo with multiple packages is to have a single place to manage all the packages and their dependencies to make sure that all packages on the same version are compatible with each other. This means that we need to be careful when adding a new package to the monorepo and make sure they all use the same versions of the dependencies so they can be used together in Flutter apps.

Adding a new dependency

When adding a new dependency to a package, make sure to check if the dependency is already used in another package and if so, use the same version.

Adding a new package

Both Dart-only & Flutter packages

Of every package we manage a Dart package and a Flutter package. The Dart package contains the Rust code (in case the package uses Rust or a Rust library) and the Flutter package is a wrapper around the Dart package to make it usable in Flutter apps. This is done so the Dart packages can be used in non-Flutter apps as well, like a CLI or server app.

The naming of the Dart package is <package_name>. The naming of the Flutter package is flutter_<package_name>. Each has its own folder in the packages folder. When adding a new package, make sure to add both the Dart and Flutter package.

Always start with the Dart package and test that it is working, then add the Flutter package that uses and wraps the Dart package.

Starting with a Dart package

To create a dart package in the packages folder, just run the following command from the root of the repository:

dart create --template=package packages/<package_name>

Adapt the version of the package to the same version of the other packages, add a clear description, homepage and repository and check that the Dart SDK version is up-to-date in the pubspec.yaml file that got created.

Remove the analysis_options.yaml file from the package, as we use the one in the root of the repository: rm packages/<package_name>/analysis_options.yaml.

Native code

If the package uses Rust, add the dependencies to create bindings. Currently we use flutter_rust_bridge to facilitate this. These instructions are also based on their documentation on creating a Dart/Flutter library with Rust bindings. In the future, to have less dependencies, it is possible we will eliminate flutter_rust_bridge and create bindings more manually or in another way. But for now, just go on and add flutter_rust_bridge, ffi and ffigen to your (dev-)dependencies in the package:

cd packages/<package_name>
dart pub add flutter_rust_bridge ffi && dart pub add ffigen --dev

Make sure again the versions of the package and the dependencies are the same as the other packages in the monorepo.

Now create a file ffi.dart in lib/src and a folder named ffi with the following files: io.dart, web.dart and stub.dart:

touch lib/src/ffi.dart
mkdir -p lib/src/ffi && touch lib/src/ffi/io.dart lib/src/ffi/web.dart lib/src/ffi/stub.dart

These files handle communication between Dart and native code. Depending on whether the application runs on a desktop/mobile (io.dart), in a web environment (web.dart), or lacks a specific implementation (stub.dart), a corresponding file will be selected. The ffi.dart file leverages conditional imports to use the correct platform-specific implementation, and it provides a function to create and store an instance of the api of the bindings for native interfacing.

Copy the content of these files from other packages that use Rust and adapt them to the new package by changing the names of the return values of the wrappers and making sure the imports also have the path to the new package.

It is normal that you see errors in the files, as we have not yet generated the bindings. That will happen automatically from the moment we have the Rust code in the package and the build process set up.

Now add the following to the <package_name>.dart in the lib folder:

/// Document the library here.

// Export any libraries intended for clients of this package.
export 'package:flutter_rust_bridge/flutter_rust_bridge.dart' show WasmModule;

export 'src/bridge_generated.dart';
export 'src/ffi.dart';

This will export everything that is needed to use the bindings to interface with the native code in the package.

If you do not need any extra code in Dart and only need to expose the native code through the bindings as they are generated, you can remove the lib/src/<package_name>_base.dart file.

Now we can add the Rust project and code itself. Create a folder native in the package and add a Cargo.toml file like this:

name = "<package_name>"
version = "<package_version>"
edition = "2021"

crate-type = ["staticlib", "cdylib"]

flutter_rust_bridge_codegen = "<frb_version>"

flutter_rust_bridge = "<frb_version>"

This has the same name as the package and the same version. The crate-type is needed to make sure the package is compiled as both a static library as a C-compatible dynamic library so they can be linked correctly depending on the platform of the application. Flutter Rust Bridge is used to generate the bindings and the codegen is used to generate the bindings. Make sure they have the same version as the other packages in the monorepo.

Copy the following content to a file in the native folder and replace the <package_name> for the correct name of the package:

use lib_flutter_rust_bridge_codegen::{
    config_parse, frb_codegen, get_symbols_if_no_duplicates, RawOpts,

const RUST_INPUT: &str = "src/";
const DART_OUTPUT: &str = "../lib/src/bridge_generated.dart";

const IOS_C_OUTPUT: &str = "../../flutter_<package_name>/ios/Classes/frb.h";
const MACOS_C_OUTPUT_DIR: &str = "../../flutter_<package_name>/macos/Classes/";

fn main() {
    // Tell Cargo that if the input Rust code changes, rerun this build script
    println!("cargo:rerun-if-changed={}", RUST_INPUT);

    // Options for frb_codegen
    let raw_opts = RawOpts {
        rust_input: vec![RUST_INPUT.to_string()],
        dart_output: vec![DART_OUTPUT.to_string()],
        c_output: Some(vec![IOS_C_OUTPUT.to_string()]),
        extra_c_output_path: Some(vec![MACOS_C_OUTPUT_DIR.to_string()]),
        inline_rust: true,
        wasm: true,

    // Generate Rust & Dart ffi bridges
    let configs = config_parse(raw_opts);
    let all_symbols = get_symbols_if_no_duplicates(&configs).unwrap();
    for config in configs.iter() {
        frb_codegen(config, &all_symbols).unwrap();

    // Format the generated Dart code
    _ = std::process::Command::new("flutter")

Also add a .gitignore file to the native folder with the following content:

# Rust library related

Now we can add the Rust code itself. Create a folder src in the native folder and add a file. Here you can implement the Rust code that you want to expose to Dart.

Expose the api as a module by adding the following file to the native/src folder:

mod api;

Now add the new native package as a member in the workspace of the project, you can do this in the Cargo.toml file that is in the root of the repository, so not the one in the native folder, but in the root of the repository. You can do it by adding the following to the [workspace] member's array, like this:

members = [
    ..., // other packages

Now run cargo build to check if everything compiles correctly. If it does, you can go on to implement the Rust code in the file as such.

Make sure your Rust code has tests, the Dart code too and an example in Dart works. Also add tests and an example for the Dart code to know the bindings work correctly.

Now run melos run build to generate the bindings and the Dart code. If everything works correctly, you can go on to the next step.

Wrapping in a Flutter package

Now we can wrap the Dart code with the native package in a Flutter package.

Let's use the plugin_ffi template for it. Change <package_name> for the correct name and run the following command in the root of the repository:

flutter create --template=plugin_ffi --platforms=android,ios,macos,linux,windows --org=dev.kumuly packages/flutter_<package_name>

Add a description, repository and homepage to the package pubspec.yaml file and set the correct version in accordance with the other packages in the monorepo.

Delete the analysis_options.yaml file in the packages/flutter_<package_name> folder as you also did for the other packages since we use the one in the root of the repository.ß

Now we can add the native package as a dependency to the Flutter package. Use the version syntax, e.g. ^1.0.0. Melos will take care of the dependency resolution for us.

  <package_name>: <version>

To export your Dart-only package to Flutter and some possible extra wrappers you can replace the code in the packages/flutter_<package_name>/lib/flutter_<package_name>.dart file with the following:

/// Todo: add a description.
/// More dartdocs go here.

// Export any libraries intended for clients of this package.
export 'package:<package_name>/<package_name>.dart';

export 'src/flutter_<package_name>_base.dart';

From the packages/flutter_<package_name> folder, remove the packages/lib/flutter_<package_name>_bindings_generated.dart file, add a packages/lib/src/flutter_<package_name>_base.dart.

cd packages/flutter_<package_name>
rm lib/flutter_<package_name>_bindings_generated.dart
mkdir lib/src
touch lib/src/flutter_<package_name>_base.dart

The base file can export easier to use wrappers around the bindings.

Now finally, we need to write some code to be able to handle the FFI in Flutter. Create the following files and add the respective code replacing the <package_name> for the correct name:

  • lib/src/ffi/stub.dart

    Object createLibraryImpl() => throw UnimplementedError();
  • lib/src/ffi/io.dart

    import 'dart:ffi';
    import 'dart:io';
    DynamicLibrary createLibraryImpl() {
    const base = '<package_name>';
      if (Platform.isIOS || Platform.isMacOS) {
          return DynamicLibrary.executable();
      } else if (Platform.isWindows) {
      } else {
  • lib/src/ffi/web.dart

    import 'package:<package_name>/<package_name>.dart';
    WasmModule createLibraryImpl() {
    // TODO add web support. See:
    throw UnsupportedError('Web support is not provided yet.');
  • lib/src/ffi.dart

    import 'package:<package_name>/<package_name>.dart';
    import 'ffi/stub.dart'
        if ( 'ffi/io.dart'
        if (dart.library.html) 'ffi/web.dart';
    <PackageName> createLib() =>

Finally, run melos bs to resolve the dependencies inside the monorepo.

Now in the lib/src/flutter_<package_name>_base.dart file you can add the wrappers around the bindings by obtaining the bindings with createLib() and then using the bindings to create the wrappers. Like this:

import 'dart:async';

import 'package:<package_name>/<package_name>.dart';
import 'package:flutter_<package_name>/src/ffi.dart';

/// The bindings to the native functions in the library.
final _bindings = createLib();

// Add wrapper methods around the bindings' static and global methods.

It can be useful to create these wrappers for static methods generated by the bindings.

Bundling the native libraries

Now we need to bundle the native libraries with the Flutter package with the correct binaries for every platform.

Linux and Windows

Windows and Linux both use a CMake build system, but the CMakeLists.txt files are different. So we need to adapt the CMakeLists.txt file for both platforms. Replace the /packages/flutter_<package_name>/linux/CMakeLists.txt with the following, replacing the <package_name> and <version> for the correct name and version:

set(LibraryVersion "<package_name>-v<version>") # generated; do not edit

# The Flutter tooling requires that developers have CMake 3.10 or later
# installed. You should not increase this version, as doing so will cause
# the plugin to fail to compile for some customers of the plugin.
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.10)

# Project-level configuration.
set(PROJECT_NAME "flutter_<package_name>")

# Download the binaries if they are not already present.
set(LibRoot "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/${LibraryVersion}")
set(ArchivePath "${LibRoot}.tar.gz")
if(NOT EXISTS ${ArchivePath})

# Extract the binaries, overriding any already present.
file(REMOVE_RECURSE ${LibRoot})
file(MAKE_DIRECTORY ${LibRoot})
  COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E tar xzf ${ArchivePath}

# List of absolute paths to libraries that should be bundled with the plugin.
# This list could contain prebuilt libraries, or libraries created by an
# external build triggered from this build file.

Replace the /packages/flutter_<package_name>/windows/CMakeLists.txt with the following, replacing the <package_name> and <version> for the correct name and version:

set(LibraryVersion "<package_name>-v<version>") # generated; do not edit

# TODO Remove this workaround once Flutter supports Windows ARM.

# The Flutter tooling requires that developers have a version of Visual Studio
# installed that includes CMake 3.14 or later. You should not increase this
# version, as doing so will cause the plugin to fail to compile for some
# customers of the plugin.
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.14)

# Project-level configuration.
set(PROJECT_NAME "flutter_<package_name>")

# Download the binaries if they are not already present.
set(LibRoot "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/${LibraryVersion}")
set(ArchivePath "${LibRoot}.tar.gz")
if(NOT EXISTS ${ArchivePath})

# Extract the binaries, overriding any already present.
file(REMOVE_RECURSE ${LibRoot})
file(MAKE_DIRECTORY ${LibRoot})
  COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E tar xzf ${ArchivePath}

# List of absolute paths to libraries that should be bundled with the plugin.
# This list could contain prebuilt libraries, or libraries created by an
# external build triggered from this build file.

Add the following .gitignore to both the linux and windows folders:

# Set up as allowlist

# Allowed files

Add <package_name> to the build-other script and copy-other script.

iOS and macOS

Create ios/Classes/EnforceBundling.swift and macos/Classes/EnforceBundling.swift in the Flutter package with the following code in both:

public func dummyMethodToEnforceBundling() -> Int64 {
  return dummy_method_to_enforce_bundling()
let dummyVar = dummyMethodToEnforceBundling();

Add an empty .gitkeep file at ios/Frameworks/.gitkeep and macos/Frameworks/.gitkeep. Add a .gitignore file at ios/.gitignore with following content:


And macos/.gitignore with the following content:


Now add the following to ios/flutter_<package_name>.podspec and macos/flutter_<package_name>.podspec and replace <package_name>, <version> and <PackageName> with the correct values:

release_tag_name = '<package_name>-v<version>' # generated; do not edit

# We cannot distribute the XCFramework alongside the library directly,
# so we have to fetch the correct version here.
framework_name = '<PackageName>.xcframework'
remote_zip_name = "#{framework_name}.zip"
url = "{release_tag_name}/#{remote_zip_name}"
local_zip_name = "#{release_tag_name}.zip"
cd Frameworks
rm -rf #{framework_name}

if [ ! -f #{local_zip_name} ]
  curl -L #{url} -o #{local_zip_name}

unzip #{local_zip_name}
cd -
` do |spec|          = 'flutter_<package_name>'
  spec.version       = '0.0.1'
  spec.license       = { :file => '../LICENSE' }
  spec.homepage      = ''
  spec.authors       = { 'Your Name' => '' }
  spec.summary       = 'iOS/macOS Flutter bindings for <package_name>'

  spec.source              = { :path => '.' }
  spec.source_files        = 'Classes/**/*'
  spec.public_header_files = 'Classes/**/*.h'
  spec.vendored_frameworks = "Frameworks/#{framework_name}"

  spec.ios.deployment_target = '11.0'
  spec.osx.deployment_target = '10.14'

Now add the package_name to the build-apple script and copy-apple script.


Add a CMakeLists.txt file to packages/flutter_<package_name>/android/ folder with the following content, replacing <package_name> and <version> with the correct values:

set(LibraryVersion "<package_name>-v<version>") # generated; do not edit

# Unlike the Windows & Linux CMakeLists.txt, this Android equivalent is just here
# to download the Android binaries into src/main/jniLibs/ and does not build anything.
# The binary download/extraction is difficult to do concisely in Groovy/Gradle,
# at least across host platforms, so we are just reusing our Linux/Windows logic.

# The Flutter tooling requires that developers have CMake 3.10 or later
# installed. You should not increase this version, as doing so will cause
# the plugin to fail to compile for some customers of the plugin.
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.10)

# Download the binaries if they are not already present.
set(LibRoot "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/src/main/jniLibs")
set(ArchivePath "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/${LibraryVersion}.tar.gz")

if(NOT EXISTS ${ArchivePath})

# Extract the binaries, overriding any already present.
file(REMOVE_RECURSE ${LibRoot})
file(MAKE_DIRECTORY ${LibRoot})
    COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E tar xzf ${ArchivePath}

Replace the android {...} section at the bottom of build.gradle with the following:

android {
    compileSdkVersion 31

    defaultConfig {
        minSdkVersion 16

    // Trigger the binary download/update over in CMakeLists.txt
    externalNativeBuild {
        cmake {
            path "CMakeLists.txt"

Add the following to the .gitignore file in the android folder of the Flutter package:

# Ignore Rust binaries

Now add the package_name to the build-android script and copy-android script.

Melos version script

Add the package to the version script so melos can bump the version automatically.


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