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feat: added run_sh instruction; users can run one time bash task (#717)
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This is the first PR for this project. In this PR, I have added run_sh
task, which borrow logic from `add_service` and `exec` to execute one
time task. A sample output looks like this:

<img width="1296" alt="Screen Shot 2023-06-13 at 11 54 22 AM"

There are few todos on here, which will be tackling -- ( the first 4 are
high priority)
1.  add ability to copy files from this task
2.  add wait to run_sh task
3. remove/stop this task once it is completed ( I am leaning towards
4. file mounts can be absolute and relative ( in this PR only absolute
is being supported)
5. maybe show task as separate entity, it is treated as service atm.

Here is the design spec:
  • Loading branch information
Peeeekay committed Jun 13, 2023
1 parent 7dec840 commit 566144a
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Expand Up @@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ import (
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -53,6 +54,7 @@ func KurtosisPlanInstructions(serviceNetwork service_network.ServiceNetwork, run
request.NewRequest(serviceNetwork, runtimeValueStore),
run_sh.NewRunShService(serviceNetwork, runtimeValueStore),
Expand Down
@@ -0,0 +1,244 @@
package run_sh

import (

const (
RunShBuiltinName = "run_sh"

ImageNameArgName = "image"
WorkDirArgName = "workdir"
RunArgName = "run"

DefaultWorkDir = "task"
DefaultImageName = "badouralix/curl-jq"
FilesAttr = "files"

runshCodeKey = "code"
runshOutputKey = "output"
newlineChar = "\n"

bashCommand = "/bin/sh"

createAndSwitchDirectoryTemplate = "mkdir -p %v && cd %v"

var runTailCommandToPreventContainerToStopOnCreating = []string{"tail", "-f", "/dev/null"}

func NewRunShService(serviceNetwork service_network.ServiceNetwork, runtimeValueStore *runtime_value_store.RuntimeValueStore) *kurtosis_plan_instruction.KurtosisPlanInstruction {
return &kurtosis_plan_instruction.KurtosisPlanInstruction{
KurtosisBaseBuiltin: &kurtosis_starlark_framework.KurtosisBaseBuiltin{
Name: RunShBuiltinName,

Arguments: []*builtin_argument.BuiltinArgument{
Name: RunArgName,
IsOptional: false,
ZeroValueProvider: builtin_argument.ZeroValueProvider[starlark.String],
Name: ImageNameArgName,
IsOptional: true,
ZeroValueProvider: builtin_argument.ZeroValueProvider[starlark.String],
Name: WorkDirArgName,
IsOptional: true,
ZeroValueProvider: builtin_argument.ZeroValueProvider[starlark.String],
Name: FilesAttr,
IsOptional: true,
ZeroValueProvider: builtin_argument.ZeroValueProvider[*starlark.Dict],

Capabilities: func() kurtosis_plan_instruction.KurtosisPlanInstructionCapabilities {
return &RunShCapabilities{
serviceNetwork: serviceNetwork,
runtimeValueStore: runtimeValueStore,
name: "",
image: DefaultImageName, // populated at interpretation time
run: "", // populated at interpretation time
workdir: DefaultWorkDir, // populated at interpretation time
files: nil,
resultUuid: "", // populated at interpretation time

DefaultDisplayArguments: map[string]bool{
RunArgName: true,
ImageNameArgName: true,
WorkDirArgName: true,
FilesAttr: true,

type RunShCapabilities struct {
runtimeValueStore *runtime_value_store.RuntimeValueStore
serviceNetwork service_network.ServiceNetwork

resultUuid string
name string
run string
image string
workdir string
files map[string]string

func (builtin *RunShCapabilities) Interpret(arguments *builtin_argument.ArgumentValuesSet) (starlark.Value, *startosis_errors.InterpretationError) {
runCommand, err := builtin_argument.ExtractArgumentValue[starlark.String](arguments, RunArgName)
if err != nil {
return nil, startosis_errors.WrapWithInterpretationError(err, "Unable to extract value for '%s' argument", RunArgName)
} = runCommand.GoString()

if arguments.IsSet(ImageNameArgName) {
imageStarlark, err := builtin_argument.ExtractArgumentValue[starlark.String](arguments, ImageNameArgName)
if err != nil {
return nil, startosis_errors.WrapWithInterpretationError(err, "Unable to extract value for '%s' argument", ImageNameArgName)
builtin.image = imageStarlark.GoString()

if arguments.IsSet(WorkDirArgName) {
workDirStarlark, err := builtin_argument.ExtractArgumentValue[starlark.String](arguments, WorkDirArgName)
if err != nil {
return nil, startosis_errors.WrapWithInterpretationError(err, "Unable to extract value for '%s' argument", WorkDirArgName)
builtin.workdir = workDirStarlark.GoString()

if arguments.IsSet(FilesAttr) {
filesStarlark, err := builtin_argument.ExtractArgumentValue[*starlark.Dict](arguments, FilesAttr)
if err != nil {
return nil, startosis_errors.WrapWithInterpretationError(err, "Unable to extract value for '%s' argument", FilesAttr)
if filesStarlark.Len() > 0 {
filesArtifactMountDirpaths, interpretationErr := kurtosis_types.SafeCastToMapStringString(filesStarlark, FilesAttr)
if interpretationErr != nil {
return nil, interpretationErr
builtin.files = filesArtifactMountDirpaths

resultUuid, err := builtin.runtimeValueStore.CreateValue()
if err != nil {
return nil, startosis_errors.NewInterpretationError("An error occurred while generating UUID for future reference for %v instruction", RunShBuiltinName)
builtin.resultUuid = resultUuid
randomUuid := uuid.NewRandom() = fmt.Sprintf("task-%v", randomUuid.String())

runShCodeValue := fmt.Sprintf(magic_string_helper.RuntimeValueReplacementPlaceholderFormat, builtin.resultUuid, runshCodeKey)
dict := &starlark.Dict{}
if err := dict.SetKey(starlark.String(runshCodeKey), starlark.String(runShCodeValue)); err != nil {
return nil, startosis_errors.WrapWithInterpretationError(err, "An error happened while creating run_sh return value, setting field '%v'", runshCodeKey)

runShOutputValue := fmt.Sprintf(magic_string_helper.RuntimeValueReplacementPlaceholderFormat, builtin.resultUuid, runshOutputKey)
if err := dict.SetKey(starlark.String(runshOutputKey), starlark.String(runShOutputValue)); err != nil {
return nil, startosis_errors.WrapWithInterpretationError(err, "An error happened while creating run_sh return value, setting field '%v'", runshOutputKey)
return dict, nil

func (builtin *RunShCapabilities) Validate(_ *builtin_argument.ArgumentValuesSet, validatorEnvironment *startosis_validator.ValidatorEnvironment) *startosis_errors.ValidationError {
return nil

// Execute This is just v0 for run_sh task - we can later improve on it.
// TODO: stop the container as soon as task completed.
// Create an mechanism for other services to retrieve files from the task container
// Make task as it's own entity instead of currently shown under services
func (builtin *RunShCapabilities) Execute(ctx context.Context, _ *builtin_argument.ArgumentValuesSet) (string, error) {
// create work directory and cd into that directory
createAndSwitchTheDirectoryCmd := fmt.Sprintf(createAndSwitchDirectoryTemplate, builtin.workdir, builtin.workdir)

// replace future references to actual strings
maybeSubCommandWithRuntimeValues, err := magic_string_helper.ReplaceRuntimeValueInString(, builtin.runtimeValueStore)
if err != nil {
return "", stacktrace.Propagate(err, "An error occurred while replacing runtime values in run_sh")

commandWithNoNewLines := strings.ReplaceAll(maybeSubCommandWithRuntimeValues, newlineChar, " ")

completeRunCommand := fmt.Sprintf("%v && %v", createAndSwitchTheDirectoryCmd, commandWithNoNewLines)
createDefaultDirectory := []string{bashCommand, "-c", completeRunCommand}
serviceConfigBuilder := services.NewServiceConfigBuilder(builtin.image)
// This make sure that the container does not stop as soon as it starts
// This only is needed for kubernetes at the moment
// TODO: Instead of creating a service and running exec commands
// we could probably run the command as an entrypoint and retrieve the results as soon as the
// command is completed

serviceConfig := serviceConfigBuilder.Build()
_, err = builtin.serviceNetwork.AddService(ctx, service.ServiceName(, serviceConfig)

if err != nil {
return "", stacktrace.Propagate(err, fmt.Sprintf("error occurred while creating a run_sh task with image: %v", builtin.image))

// run the command passed in by user in the container
code, output, err := builtin.serviceNetwork.ExecCommand(ctx,, createDefaultDirectory)
if err != nil {
return "", stacktrace.Propagate(err, fmt.Sprintf("error occurred while executing one time task command: %v ",

result := map[string]starlark.Comparable{
runshOutputKey: starlark.String(output),
runshCodeKey: starlark.MakeInt(int(code)),
builtin.runtimeValueStore.SetValue(builtin.resultUuid, result)

instructionResult := resultMapToString(result)
return instructionResult, err

// Copied some of the command from: exec_recipe.ResultMapToString
// TODO: create a utility method that can be used by add_service(s) and run_sh method.
func resultMapToString(resultMap map[string]starlark.Comparable) string {
exitCode := resultMap[runshCodeKey]
rawOutput := resultMap[runshOutputKey]
outputStarlarkStr, ok := rawOutput.(starlark.String)
if !ok {
logrus.Errorf("Result of run_sh was not a string (was: '%v' of type '%s'). This is not fatal but the object might be malformed in CLI output. It is very unexpected and hides a Kurtosis internal bug. This issue should be reported", rawOutput, reflect.TypeOf(rawOutput))
outputStarlarkStr = starlark.String(outputStarlarkStr.String())
outputStr := outputStarlarkStr.GoString()
if outputStr == "" {
return fmt.Sprintf("Command returned with exit code '%v' with no output", exitCode)
if strings.Contains(outputStr, newlineChar) {
return fmt.Sprintf(`Command returned with exit code '%v' and the following output:
--------------------`, exitCode, outputStr)
return fmt.Sprintf("Command returned with exit code '%v' and the following output: %v", exitCode, outputStr)
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
package startosis_run_sh_task_test

import (

const (
runshTest = "run-sh-test"
runshStarlark = `
def run(plan):
result1 = plan.run_sh(run="echo kurtosis")
result2 = plan.run_sh(run="mkdir -p {0} && cd {0} && echo $(pwd)".format(result1["output"]), workdir="src")
plan.assert(result2["output"], "==", "/src/kurtosis\n")

func TestStarlark_RunshTask(t *testing.T) {
ctx := context.Background()
runResult, _ := test_helpers.SetupSimpleEnclaveAndRunScript(t, ctx, runshTest, runshStarlark)
expectedOutput := "Command returned with exit code '0' and the following output:\n--------------------\nkurtosis\n\n--------------------\nCommand returned with exit code '0' and the following output:\n--------------------\n/src/kurtosis\n\n--------------------\nAssertion succeeded. Value is '\"/src/kurtosis\\n\"'.\n"
require.Equal(t, expectedOutput, string(runResult.RunOutput))

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