A nvim-cmp source for jakewvincent/mkdnflow.nvim. Autocompletion in insert mode when the word you are typing matches any of the .md files in the notebook.
Install using packer.nvim
using this entry
use {
requires = {
Add this sources into the list of sources in your config file.
sources = cmp.config.sources({
----- Rest of the sources
----- Rest of the sources
----- Rest of the sources
----- Rest of the sources
{ name = 'mkdnflow' }, -- new source
Also, don't forget to edit your formatting
options in cmp.setup
- how does it work with
options of links.
I also use this telescope mapping to jump between different links in notebook
-- Telescope find files in notebook
-- got idea from https://stackoverflow.com/a/73290052
vim.keymap.set('n', '<Leader>k', function()
if vim.o.filetype == 'markdown' then
local root_dir = require('mkdnflow').root_dir
if root_dir then -- if the dir is not nil
return ':Telescope find_files search_dirs={"'..root_dir..'"}<CR>'
end, {expr = true, replace_keycodes = true})