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CO2 Calculator

Purpose of Website

All the CO2 trip calculators I have used all require you to know how far you have travelled. I find this annoying because this means I now need to go onto another application and find out my trip’s length. This site now uses the google maps API to get trip details within one application. Meaning now the visitor does not need to leave the site to go to another application for site, they can get everything they need in one place.

Stopping visitors from leaving the site to find trip distance will lead to better visitor interaction with the site. If they saw that they had to go and find the distance of their trip this may put them off from even using the site, because they may see it as to much effort.

Another reason behind this website is to show people the impact they have on the planet, and to show them how they can help by showing links to other sites that help with CO2 emissions. Some sites that I have seen show the total cost of the trip and then show what that person. can by to offset their single trip. I think this is the wrong way to go about it because this means that person. now needs to keep coming back and calculating each trip they take. I have tried to find websites that offer subscriptions. that cost a certain amount each month and this means that person does not need to constantly worry about calculating each trip. This site is intended to start a person’s journey to helping the environment and opening their eyes to new ways to help the environment. with a simple subscription. Millions of people have subscriptions to Amazon and Netflix, but these subscriptions help our planet.

Target Audience

People looking to get a better understanding on the impact they are having on the planet.



Wireframes for desktop


Wireframes for mobile

Typography & Colour Scheme


  1. Main Font - B612

  2. Last Ditch Font - Sans-serif

Chose B612 due to it look formal yet still playful with some curves. Letters are rigged and sharp with a little flick at the end of letters such as 'l' & 't' and the slight curve at the top of the letter 'i' made this font stand out to me.

Colour Scheme - Dark mode


  • Background Colour - 65CCB8

  • Font Colour - 182628


  • First Paragraph & Emissions Offsetting links - 182628

  • First Paragraph & Emissions Offsetting links Font Color - F2F2F2

  • Calculator Background - 3B945E

  • Calculator Header Font Colour - F2F2F2

  • Calculator Fuel type, co2 per mile, start and end location Background Color - F2F2F2

  • Calculator Results DIV Font Colour - F2F2F2


  • Background Colour - 182628

  • Contact Us and Social Links Colour - 65CCB8

Colour Scheme - Light mode


  • Background Colour - F2F2F2

  • Font Colour - 182628


  • First Paragraph & Emissions Offsetting links - 3B945E

  • First Paragraph & Emissions Offsetting links Font Color - F2F2F2

  • Calculator Background - F2F2F2

  • Calculator Header Font Colour - 182628

  • Calculator Fuel type, co2 per mile, start and end location Background Color - 3B945E

  • Calculator Fuel type, co2 per mile, start and end location Font Color - F2F2F2

  • Calculator Results DIV Font Colour - 182628


  • Background Colour - 3B945E

  • Contact Us and Social Links Colour - F2F2F2

User Stories

  • As a user I want to view a map showing my trip from point A to point B.

  • As a user I want to see my CO2 emissions for the given route on the map from point A to point B.

  • As a user I want to have to option to select either petrol or diesel for my cars fuel type.

  • As a user I want to have suggested places where I can try and offset my CO2 emissions from my car.

  • As a user I want the option of Dark and Light mode for the site.


Home Page Header

  • CO2 Calculator Logo on the left, when clicked will link back to home page.

  • Dark and Light mode toggle switch on the right of the header. Let’s user switch the color theme from a dark theme to a light theme.

Calculator Introduction

A paragraph introducing the calculator with a brief explanation on our impact on the planet.

CO2 Calculator

Hidden Calculators

When the users come to the site the Google maps calculator will be showing, with a button that the user presses to hide the Google maps calculator and show the distance calculator

User Distance Calculator

  • Middle : Dropdown menu for the user to select their fuel type, the two options will be petrol and diesel.

  • Middle: Below the fuel type will be a text area that shows the CO2 per mile of the selected fuel.

Google Maps Calculator

  • Middle : In line with fuel type will be 'Start Location', the user will input their start location in this area.

  • Middle: Below 'Start Location' will be 'End Location', the user will input where their journey will end.

  • Middle : Below both calculators will be a 'Submit' button.

Google Maps

This will show the Google Directions API, the input from the Start and End locations will be shown here with the route showing.

Calculator Results

User Distance Calculator

  • Middle : 'Total CO2 for Trip' will be showed between fuel type dropdown and the submit button

Google Maps Calculator

  • Middle : A summary of the users route will be displayed above Google maps. Showing origin and destination, time and distance

  • Middle : 'Total CO2 for Trip' is below Google Maps. This shows the total CO2 emitted from the trip.

CO2 Emissions Offsetting Initiatives

See Design Changes for new way this section is done

Desktop :

  • Left Side : All the logos for selected offsetting initiatives will be shown, the logos when clicked will link to the website.

  • Right Side : A description of each initiative, a link will also be shown for the website at the end of the text.

Mobile :

  • Middle : Logo for each initiative will be shown with a snippet of text shown as a preview. Users will click on an image and it will open. an accordion of all the text explaining the initiative. Link will be shown at the end of the text to the website.


See Design Changes for new way this section is done

  • Right Side : All social media links

Design Changes

  • Users can now change between two calculators. One calculator for when they know their origin and destination and another for when they want to see their CO2 emissions for certain distances.
  • Users can select Distance type and Fuel type only for one of the calculators.
  • CO2 Emissions Offsetting Initiatives : Offset iniatives displayed on a carousel, with content being hidden on smaller devices.
  • Footer : Social Media icons moved to middle of screen.
  • Header becomes transparent when the user scrolls down

Future Features

  1. Show all Shell petrol stations along the visitor’s route as they are the only petrol company in the UK that offsets customers fuel purchases. If another company offers this option, they would be added to the routes.

  2. Show the option for electric car and this selection will show all charging stations along the visitor’s route. The charging stations will also have a rating for how environmentally friendly the source of the electricity is. If the electricity comes from green energy sources such as wind turbines or Hydroelectricity would have higher ratings than electricity sourced from coal.

  3. Offer visitors the option to open their own account. This account will allow them to save their trips. Once a trip is saved the total CO2 emissions from that trip is stored and when another trip is saved the CO2 emissions from both trips are added together. The total emissions from all the user’s trips are shown at the bottom of the users account page with the saved trips.


When on GitHub navigate to CO2-Calculator-MS2 repository. Once at the repository under the name will be 'Settings', which must be clicked.

  • When on the settings pages, start to scroll down.
  • While scrolling look out for the heading "Pages"
  • Under the heading click on the drop-down menu under source.
  • In the dropdown menu select either 'None' or 'Branch' as your publishing source.
  • Once selected, you can select a folder for your publishing source. This can be either "/(root)" or "/docs".
  • Then click save.

"If you choose the /docs folder on any branch as your publishing source, then later remove the /docs folder from that branch in your repository, your site won't build, and you'll get a page build error message for a missing /docs folder." Configuring a publishing source

Cloning my repository


1. Languages

  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • JavaScript

2. Integration

3. Version Control & Repository

4. Other
