This repository provides scripting files in python for Barcode integration through Fusion API
Our Fusion API documentation can be accessed here:
Find the steps below to setup a local python virtual environment using PyCharm and run this project
Step 1: Install Pycharm IDE community edition
Step 2: Install Python 3.8
Step 3: Open your project from Pycharm
Step 4: Create a new directory venv_qb (virtual environment) under your project folder and make sure that you have requirements.txt file
Step 5: Go to Pycharm Preferences => Project Interpreter => Click on the setting icon in the top right corner => Add (A new window will be shown) => New Environment => Location > choose the venv_qb file path => base Interpreter > choose python 3.8
Step 6: Open terminal, go to your project folder > venv_qb > bin and run the following command.
command: source activate
Step 7: Go to project folder where you can see requirements.txt file and run the following command
command: pip3 install -r requirements.txt (This will install the required python libraries for the project mentioned in the reqiuirements.txt file)