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Long Running Replications

Michael Darisse edited this page Sep 11, 2020 · 1 revision

In general, if there seems to be long-running code, either from the last time we saw a paper, or because there is a note in the README (specifying the time requirement),

  • leave it running on CISER for a few days. You can work on other issues in the meantime (but be cognizant of CISER downtimes)

    • Post a note to JIRA comment that code is still running
  • If after a few days, the code has not finished, write up the report as an "incomplete replication", and submit the report

    • Make it in the report that there is still code running.
    • Leave the code running as long as possible!
    • Try to get all other code (if independent) to run as well.
    • One of the reasons for incomplete reproduction is then ‘insufficient time’ (one of the checkboxes on Jira).
  • What to do with the running code?

    • often, this happens during the first submission of a paper. We will request that authors specify if this is a bug, or if there is a LONG time requirement.
    • When the paper comes back, we may have the result of the long-running program, so keep updating the repository for these issues with log files, output, etc. and make a note in the JIRA issue if the code finishes running.
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