- Mailing lists: All members, Permanent staff, Progress Coffee (contact: Laurent Réveillère)
- Slack: https://labri-progress.slack.com (contact: Laurent Réveillère)
- Shared calendars
- Progress Team (contact: Thomas Degueule)
- SeD department (contact: Thomas Degueule)
- LaBRI's internal chat: Rocket.Chat (contact: Jean-Rémy Falleri)
- The AFODIB's Discord server: https://discord.gg/ZPWHpHkqXe
- The Progress Coffee: first and third Tuesday of each month, 1pm--2pm, usually in 178 (contact: Thomas Degueule)
- The SeD Seminar: every other month (contact: Thomas Degueule & Patricia Thébault)
- GitHub: labri-progress (contact: Thomas Degueule)
- Bibliography management: labri-progress on Zotero (contact: Thomas Degueule)
- Overleaf: we have a premium account (contact: Laurent Réveillère)