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Dazzle Dart

Lars Brinkhoff edited this page Jul 29, 2023 · 1 revision

Dazzle Dart was a video game created in the mid 70s by Hal Abelson, Nat Goodman, and Andrea diSessa, inspired by the short story Bullard Reflects by Malcolm Jameson. The first version ran on the Logo PDP-11/45. It used a vector display made by Tom Knight. It was ported to the AI lab PDP-6 and Type 340 Display by Ken Harrenstien and Charles Frankston.

Game play is two teams with two players each. One player at a time as control of a light beam, which must reflect against walls or another player to hit the other team's goal. The two team mates can pass the beam between each other.

The PDP-11 version is cross assembled with PALX and can be found in BS, which is the directory for Brian Silverman, another Logo group member. The BIN file must be run on a PDP-11 emulator with support for the display hardware, such as SIMH.

The PDP-6 version is available for running under timesharing in GAMES, or out of timesharing in ..

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