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Power Cards

Cards can only be used on your turn, unless they're reaction cards.

Card Type Target Effect
Fireball Attack Other player loses a power card (their choice).
If the player was frozen, they are now unfrozen.
Shock Attack/
The other player loses one of their power cards (their choice) and gets sent home to their Den tile. Shock can travel through mountain tiles.
Poison Reaction vs. Theft Nothing happens to you, and the other player is sent back to their Den tile instead of you, does not get to take anything from you, and must discard a card (their choice).
Amulet Reaction vs. Curse Nothing happens to you (but the curse card used against you is spent, as is the amulet). If the curse also affected players other than you, nothing happens to you, but it still affects everybody else.
Freeze Curse The other player skips their next turn. If they are wearing The Pants while frozen, they don't draw a Destiny card when their turn is skipped.
Banish Curse Any player A player of your choice is sent home to their den. Line of site is not required.
Mirror Reaction vs.
Whatever was about to happen to you happens to them instead (the Fireball hits them, the Tongue steals from them and gives a card to you, etc.) If the attack or curse also affected players besides you, the original effect still happens to everyone else, but the player that attacked or cursed you gets hit with the effect that was meant for you.
Storm Curse All players All other players are sent home to their Den tiles. You may return to your Den tile but don't have to.
Shield Reaction vs. Attack Nothing happens to you (but the attack card used against you is spent, as is the shield). If the attack also affected players besides you, the original effect still happens to everybody else.
Teleport Curse Any player Trade places with another player (even if they're on a Den tile).
Tongue Theft You take one card (your choice) from the other player's hand and add it to your own.
Rubber Ducky Reaction vs. Theft The player that tried to steal has no choice but to steal the irresistible Rubber Ducky, instead of whatever else they wanted to take.
Boost +1 Action Self You may take one extra action this turn, and using this card does not cost one action (but the card is still spent). IE, you can spend this card and then take 3 actions this turn.
The Pants The Pants! N/A This card cannot be used, but if you are holding it when time runs out, you win the game. If you have this card when your turn ends, draw a card from the Deck of Destiny.