- Need a universal structure for models and options
- each model should have different defaults provided for itself
- model switcher needs to live in thoth-core, but is consumed on the react client to populate the data options
- provide all values needed and filter on frontend rather than programmatically add or remove inspector elements
GPT-J completion
{ "model": "gpt-j-6b-story-gutenberg-rw-bibliotik-raw", "modelSource": "coreweave", "text": "A long time ago, in a galaxy far far away there was", "length": 45, "topP": 0.9, "n": 4, "temperature": 1 }
{ "modelSource": "forefront", "model": "forefront model", "prompt": "A long time ago, in a galaxy far far away there was", "maxTokens": 50, "topP": 0.9, "n": 2, "universalFormat": true, "temperature": 1 }
Jurassic 1 Jumbo
{ "model": "j1-jumbo", "modelSource": "ai21", "prompt": "A long time ago, in a galaxy far far away there was", "maxTokens": 45, "n": 3, "temperature": 1, "stop": "\n" }
Jurassic 1 large
{ "model": "j1-large", "modelSource": "ai21", "prompt": "A long time ago, in a galaxy far far away there was", "maxTokens": 45, "n": 3, "temperature": 1, "stop": "\n" }
Open AI
{ "universalFormat": true, "prompt": "Once upon a time in a forgotten forest", "presencePenalty": 0.0, "temperature": 0.7, "maxTokens": 120, "n":3, "logitBias":{}, "getFullResponse":true, "context": { "productTaskName": "testTaskName", "productRequestId": "textRequestId", "userId": "225", "fewshotText": "testFewshotText" } }