If you want to contribute to LAYNII and make it better, your help is very welcome.
- Please post your questions, bug reports and feature requests to our issues page.
- When reporting a bug, please specify your system and a complete copy of the error message that you are getting.
- Create a personal fork of the project on Github.
- Clone the fork on your local machine.
- Create a new branch to work on. Branch from
. - Implement/fix your feature, comment your code.
- Follow the code style of the project.
- Add or change the documentation as needed.
- Push your branch to your fork on Github.
- From your fork open a pull request in the correct branch. Target
branch of the original Segmentator repository.
Note: Please write your commit messages in the present tense. Your commit message should describe what the commit, when applied, does to the code – not what you did to the code.
The Dockerfile is created using neurodocker.
Preferably modify the recipe in the Makefile than the Dockerfile directly.
Build the Dockerfile:
make Dockerfile
Building the image
make docker_build
Smoke test of the image:
mkdir ${PWD}/output
docker run -it --rm \
-v "${OUTPUT_DIR}":/output \
-v "${INPUT_DIR}":/input \
--user "$(id -u):$(id -g)" \
laynii:latest \
-Nulled "/input/lo_Nulled_intemp.nii" \
-BOLD "/input/lo_BOLD_intemp.nii" \
-trialBOCO 40 -shift \
-output /output/lo_BOLD
# clean up after test
rm -rf output
This guideline is adapted from link