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12. Miscellaneous and tips

Ludovic edited this page Dec 24, 2023 · 8 revisions

Disk usage optimization

Repomanager can use a lot of disk space to store the repositories and there is no 'reuse package file if already present' system actually.

Here is a solution from @protek-jon to optimize disk usage using BTRFS filesystem and duperemove: Using multiple disks / mount points to split up repo data

Enable repository web browsing

For security reasons, browsing a repository through the web server directory listing is disabled by default as it allows anybody to browse the content of the repositories without authentication.

To browse a repository through Repomanager, see: Browse repository content

If you really want to enable web server directory listing:

  1. Enter the container:
docker exec -it repomanager /bin/bash
  1. Edit Repomanager vhost configuration file:
vim /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/repomanager.conf
  1. Go to the very bottom file and uncomment the autoindex directives in the location /repo block:
location /repo {
    alias $REPOS_DIR;
    autoindex on;
    autoindex_exact_size off;
    autoindex_localtime on;
    autoindex_format html;
  1. Save the file and reload nginx:
service nginx reload
  1. Exit the container:
  1. You can now browse the repositories through your web browser: https://<FQDN>/repo/