Requires go 1.22.
To build the x86 Linux binary, which is used both for conductor
(controller part) and cworker
(transcoding worker part):
make transcoder
make conductor_image cworker_image
This will build and tag images with a version tag, as well as the latest
. To push latest images:
docker push odyseeteam/transcoder-conductor:latest
docker push odyseeteam/transcoder-cworker:latest
image is using ffmpeg image as a base. To update or rebuild it, see its dockerfile and run:
make ffmpeg_image
This project is using SemVer YY.MM.MINOR[.MICRO] for client
package and CalVer YY.MM.MINOR for transcoder
releases since February 2024:
git tag transcoder-v24.2.0
Please ensure that your code builds, passes golanci-lint
and automated tests run successfully before pushing your branch.
This project is MIT licensed. For the full license, see LICENSE.
We take security seriously. Please contact regarding any issues you may encounter.
The primary contact for this project is @anbsky (