VacayToday is an iOS application that provides travel planning and managing features. Your friends can get access to the shared plan and update travel details day by day such as:
- Travel dates
- Departure & arrival locations
- Events
- Transportation
- Food
- Lodging
- Places
- Expenses
Users can also share their own travel plans and view other users' public plans to favorite and save to get more travel ideas!
- Category: Travel
- Mobile: Location, social
- Story:
- Market: Provides huge value to gen Zs who love to share their traveling experience, benefit family/group of friends to keep track of travel planning
- Habit: Average users would both create and consume
- Scope: It is challenging but doable within 5 weeks. The stripped-down version of this app would include creating and publishing travel plans and exploring other users' plans.
Required Must-have Stories
- User can create a new account
- User can login
- User can logout
- User can create a profile
- User can create a trip folder
- User can create trip details inside the folder
- User can switch between sub-tabs to view Itinerary (default), Lodging, Food, Transportation, Places
- User can view and scroll through a list of activities (in Itinerary Tab), places (in Place Tab), and lodging (in Lodging Tab)
- User can track expenses at different places on trip itinerary / Each tabs keep track of expenses, itinerary sums it up (choose 1)
- User can add friends and give them permission to modify specific travel plans
- User can choose to publish their folder
- User can explore other peole's trip folders
- User can like others folders
- User can save the folders for later visit.
Optional Nice-to-have Stories
- User can use others' files as a template
- User can publish photos of their travel
- User can link items in internary to items in other tabs
- User can link their bookings from other applications to their travel folders
- Launch Screen
- User can see app logo
- Login/Register Screen
- User can login and signup
- Stream Screens
- Home - user can view created folders
- Explore - user can view other's folders
- Profile - Saved Travel Plans - user can view saved travel plan List
- Detail Screens
- Home - Itinerary Subtab
- Home - Lodging Subtab
- Home - Food Subtab
- Home - Transportation Subtab
- Home - Places Subtab
- Explore - Shared Folder Detail
- Profile Screen
- User views their profile pic, saved folders and can log out
Tab Navigation (Tab to Screen)
- Home
- Explore
- Profile
Flow Navigation (Screen to Screen)
- Home
- Trip List Screen
- Trip Detail
- Itinerary (default)
- Edit Modal
- Lodging
- Edit Modal
- Food
- Edit Modal
- Transportation
- Edit Modal
- Places
- Edit Modal
- Itinerary (default)
- Explore
- Explore List Screen
- Explore Trip Detail
- Itinerary (default)
- Lodging
- Food
- Transportation
- Places
- Profile
- Profile Detail
- Saved Travel Plans
- Saved Travel Plan Detail
- Saved Travel Plans
- Profile Detail
[Add picture of your hand sketched wireframes in this section]
Property | Type | Description |
user_id | String | unique id of the user account |
username | String | account username |
password | String | account password |
profile_image | File | account profile image uploaded by user |
Property | Type | Description |
trip_id | String | unique id of the trip |
name | String | trip title |
description | String | trip description |
start_on | DataTime | trip start date |
end_on | DateTime | trip end date |
num_people | Number | number of people on the trip |
likes | Number | number of likes |
is_published | Boolean | whether the trip folder is public |
created_by | Pointer to USER | id of user who created the trip |
created_on | DateTime | date when trip is created |
trip_zip_id | Pointer to TRIP_ZIP | id of the trip and a location in the trip pairing |
thumb_url | String | url of thumbnail illustration |
Property | Type | Description |
trip_zip_id | String | unique id of the trip and zipcode pairing |
trip_id | Pointer to TRIP | id of the trip |
zip | String | zipcode of a location of the trip |
Property | Type | Description |
user_trip_id | String | unique id of the trip and the user who can edit it pairing |
user_id | Pointer to USER | id of user who has access to the trip |
trip_id | Pointer to TRIP | id of the trip |
Property | Type | Description |
user_saved_trip_id | String | unique id of the trip and the user who saves it pairing |
user_id | Pointer to USER | id of user who saves the trip |
trip_id | Pointer to TRIP | trip id |
Property | Type | Description |
act_id | String | unique id of the trip activity |
trip_id | Pointer to TRIP | trip id of trip where this activity belongs to |
cat_id | Pointer to CATEGORY | category id of the activity |
act_title | String | activity title |
act_description | String | detail about the activity |
location_name | String | name of location |
location_address | String | address of location |
location_contact | String | contact (phone/email) of location |
act_from | DateTime | when the activity starts |
act_to | DateTime | when the activity ends |
is_booked | Boolean | whether a booking is made for the activity |
thumb_url | String | thumbnail url |
url | String | additional url to a relevant site |
trans_mode | String | transportation mode |
rating | Number | user's food rating (0 to 5) |
recommendation | String | user's food recommendation |
group_expense | Number | group pay of the activity |
paid_by | Pointer to USER | id of the user to pay the group expense in the activity |
note | String | addition note about the activity |
Property | Type | Description |
cat_id | String | unique id of the activity category |
cat | String | category name |
Property | Type | Description |
user_act_id | String | unique id of the user and activity pairing |
user_id | Pointer to USER | id of the user who is involved in the activity |
act_id | Pointer to ACTIVITY | id of the activity |
ind_expense | Number | individual expense paid by a user for the activity |
Property | Type | Description |
group_pay_act_id | String | unique id of the user and group pay from the activity pairing |
owed_by | Pointer to USER | id of the user who is involved in the group pay in the activity |
act_id | Pointer to ACTIVITY | id of the activity |
Login Screen:
- POST: Log in
- POST: Sign up
- Trip List Screen
- GET: Get the trip list
- Create a new trip
- Publish trip
- Unpublish trip
- DELETE: Delete a trip
- PUT:
- Update a trip info
- Trip Detail
- Itinerary (default)
- GET: Get a trip's itinerary activities
- POST: Create a new activity in a trip
- DELETE: Delete an activity in a trip
- PUT: Update an activity information in a trip
- Lodging
- GET: Get a trip's lodging records
- POST: Create a new lodging record in a trip
- DELETE: Delete a lodging record in a trip
- PUT: Update a lodging record information in a trip
- Food
- GET: Get a trip'seating records
- POST: Create a new eating record
- DELETE: Delete an eating record
- PUT: Update an eating record information
- Transportation
- GET: Get a trip's transportation records
- POST: Create a new transportation record in a trip
- DELETE: Delete a transportation record in a trip
- PUT: Update a transportation record in a tripinformation
- Places
- GET: Get a trip's places
- POST: Create a new place in a trip
- DELETE: Delete a place in a trip
- PUT: Update a place's information in a trip
- Itinerary (default)
- Trip List Screen
- Explore List Screen
- GET:
- Get public trips
- Search trips by filter and order criteria
- Like trip
- Unlike trip
- Save trip
- Unsave trip
- GET:
- Explore Trip Detail
- Itinerary (default)
- GET: Get a trip's itinerary activities
- Lodging
- GET: Get a trip's lodging records
- Food
- GET: Get a trip's eating records
- Transportation
- GET: Get a trip's transportation records
- Places
- GET: Get a trip's places
- Itinerary (default)
- Explore List Screen
- Profile Detail
- GET: Get user information
- POST: Log out
- Saved Travel Plans
- GET: Get user's saved explored trip list
- POST: Save trip
- POST: Unsave trip
- Saved Travel Plan Detail
- Itinerary (default)
- GET: Get a trip's itinerary activities
- Lodging
- GET: Get a trip's lodging records
- Food
- GET: Get a trip's eating records
- Transportation
- GET: Get a trip's transportation records
- Places
- GET: Get a trip's places
- Itinerary (default)
- Profile Detail
Example network code snippet:
// iOS
// (Read/GET) Query all posts where user is author
let query = PFQuery(className:"Post")
query.whereKey("author", equalTo: currentUser)
query.order(byDescending: "createdAt")
query.findObjectsInBackground { (posts: [PFObject]?, error: Error?) in
if let error = error {
} else if let posts = posts {
print("Successfully retrieved \(posts.count) posts.")
// TODO: Do something with posts...