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* refactor(analysis/normed_space/operator_norm): replace subspace with structure

* refactor(analysis/normed_space/operator_norm): add coercions
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sgouezel authored and mergify[bot] committed Apr 25, 2019
1 parent 1d9ff68 commit 038f809
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Showing 2 changed files with 143 additions and 55 deletions.
15 changes: 8 additions & 7 deletions src/analysis/normed_space/bounded_linear_maps.lean
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Expand Up @@ -6,13 +6,7 @@ Authors: Patrick Massot, Johannes Hölzl
Continuous linear functions -- functions between normed vector spaces which are bounded and linear.
import algebra.field
import analysis.normed_space.basic
import analysis.asymptotics

@[simp] lemma mul_inv_eq' {α} [discrete_field α] (a b : α) : (a * b)⁻¹ = b⁻¹ * a⁻¹ :=
classical.by_cases (assume : a = 0, by simp [this]) $ assume ha,
classical.by_cases (assume : b = 0, by simp [this]) $ assume hb,
mul_inv_eq hb ha
import analysis.normed_space.operator_norm

noncomputable theory
local attribute [instance] classical.prop_decidable
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -40,11 +34,18 @@ lemma is_linear_map.with_bound
le_trans (h x) $ mul_le_mul_of_nonneg_right (le_trans this zero_le_one) (norm_nonneg x)⟩)
(assume : ¬ M ≤ 0, ⟨M, lt_of_not_ge this, h⟩)⟩

/-- A bounded linear map satisfies `is_bounded_linear_map` -/
lemma bounded_linear_map.is_bounded_linear_map (f : E →L[k] F) : is_bounded_linear_map k f := {..f}

namespace is_bounded_linear_map

def to_linear_map (f : E → F) (h : is_bounded_linear_map k f) : E →ₗ[k] F :=
(' _ h.to_is_linear_map)

/-- Construct a bounded linear map from is_bounded_linear_map -/
def to_bounded_linear_map {f : E → F} (hf : is_bounded_linear_map k f) : E →L[k] F :=
{ bound := hf.bound, ..is_bounded_linear_map.to_linear_map f hf }

lemma zero : is_bounded_linear_map k (λ (x:E), (0:F)) :=
(0 : E →ₗ F).is_linear.with_bound 0 $ by simp [le_refl]

Expand Down
183 changes: 135 additions & 48 deletions src/analysis/normed_space/operator_norm.lean
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Expand Up @@ -13,53 +13,46 @@ particular
on bounded linear maps.
import algebra.module
import analysis.normed_space.bounded_linear_maps
import ring_theory.algebra
import topology.metric_space.lipschitz
import analysis.asymptotics

variables (k : Type*) (E : Type*) (F : Type*) (G : Type*)

variables [normed_field k]
variables [normed_space k E] [normed_space k F] [normed_space k G]
variables [normed_field k] [normed_space k E] [normed_space k F] [normed_space k G]

noncomputable theory
set_option class.instance_max_depth 50

def bounded_linear_map_subspace : subspace k (E → F) :=
{ carrier := {f : E → F | is_bounded_linear_map k f},
zero :=,
add := λ _ _, is_bounded_linear_map.add,
smul := λ _ _, is_bounded_linear_map.smul _ }

@[reducible] def bounded_linear_map : Type* := bounded_linear_map_subspace k E F
structure bounded_linear_map extends linear_map k E F :=
(bound : ∃ M > 0, ∀ x : E, ∥to_fun x∥ ≤ M * ∥x∥)

variables {k E F G}
include k

/-- Construct bounded linear map from is_bounded_linear_map -/
def is_bounded_linear_map.to_bounded_linear_map {f : E → F}
(hf : is_bounded_linear_map k f) :
bounded_linear_map k E F :=
{ val := f, property := hf }
lemma exists_pos_bound_of_bound {f : E → F} (M : ℝ) (h : ∀x, ∥f x∥ ≤ M * ∥x∥) :
∃ N > 0, ∀x, ∥f x∥ ≤ N * ∥x∥ :=
⟨max M 1, lt_of_lt_of_le zero_lt_one (le_max_right _ _), λx, calc
∥f x∥ ≤ M * ∥x∥ : h x
... ≤ max M 1 * ∥x∥ : mul_le_mul_of_nonneg_right (le_max_left _ _) (norm_nonneg _) ⟩

namespace bounded_linear_map

notation E ` →L[`:25 k `] ` F := bounded_linear_map k E F

/-- Coerce bounded linear maps to linear maps. -/
instance : has_coe (E →L[k] F) (E →ₗ[k] F) := ⟨to_linear_map⟩

/-- Coerce bounded linear maps to functions. -/
instance to_fun : has_coe_to_fun $ E →L[k] F :=
{F := λ _, (E → F), coe := (λ f, f.val)}
instance to_fun : has_coe_to_fun $ E →L[k] F := ⟨_, λ f, f.to_fun⟩

@[extensionality] theorem ext {f g : E →L[k] F} (h : ∀ x, f x = g x) : f = g :=
set_coe.ext $ funext h
by cases f; cases g; congr' 1; ext x; apply h

theorem ext_iff {f g : E →L[k] F} : f = g ↔ ∀ x, f x = g x :=
⟨λ h x, by rintro; rw h, ext⟩

variables (c : k) (f g: E →L[k] F) (h : F →L[k] G) (x u v: E)

def to_linear_map : linear_map _ E F :=
{to_fun := f.val,}

instance : has_coe (E →L[k] F) (E→ₗ[k] F) := ⟨to_linear_map⟩
variables (c : k) (f g : E →L[k] F) (h : F →L[k] G) (x u v : E)

-- make some straightforward lemmas available to `simp`.
@[simp] lemma map_zero : f (0 : E) = 0 := (to_linear_map _).map_zero
Expand All @@ -68,50 +61,141 @@ instance : has_coe (E →L[k] F) (E→ₗ[k] F) := ⟨to_linear_map⟩
@[simp] lemma map_smul : f (c • u) = c • f u := (to_linear_map _).map_smul _ _
@[simp] lemma map_neg : f (-u) = - (f u) := (to_linear_map _).map_neg _

lemma coe_zero : ((0 : E →L[k] F) : E → F) = 0 := rfl
@[simp] lemma coe_coe : ((f : E →ₗ[k] F) : (E → F)) = (f : E → F) := rfl

/-- The bounded map that is constantly zero. -/
def zero : E →L[k] F :=
0, 1, zero_lt_one, λ x, by { change ∥(0 : F)∥ ≤ 1 * ∥x∥, simp [norm_nonneg] }⟩

instance : has_zero (E →L[k] F) := ⟨zero⟩

@[simp] lemma zero_apply : (0 : E →L[k] F) u = 0 := rfl
@[simp] lemma smul_apply : (c • f) u = c • (f u) := rfl
@[simp] lemma neg_apply : (-f) u = - (f u) := rfl
@[simp] lemma coe_zero : ((0 : E →L[k] F) : E →ₗ[k] F) = 0 := rfl
@[simp] lemma coe_zero' : ((0 : E →L[k] F) : E → F) = 0 := rfl

/-- the identity map as a bounded linear map. -/
def id : E →L[k] E :=
⟨, 1, zero_lt_one, λ x, le_of_eq (one_mul _).symm⟩

instance : has_one (E →L[k] E) := ⟨id⟩

@[simp] lemma id_apply : (id : E →L[k] E) u = u := rfl
@[simp] lemma coe_id : ((id : E →L[k] E) : E →ₗ[k] E) = := rfl
@[simp] lemma coe_id' : ((id : E →L[k] E) : E → E) = := rfl

instance : has_add (E →L[k] F) :=
⟨λ f g, ⟨f + g,
let ⟨Mg, Mgpos, hMg⟩ := g.bound in
let ⟨Mf, Mfpos, hMf⟩ := f.bound in ⟨Mf + Mg, add_pos Mfpos Mgpos, λ x,
calc _ ≤ ∥f x∥ + ∥g x∥ : norm_triangle _ _
... ≤ Mf * ∥x∥ + Mg * ∥x∥ : add_le_add (hMf _) (hMg _)
... = (Mf + Mg) * ∥x∥ : (add_mul _ _ _).symm ⟩⟩⟩

@[simp] lemma add_apply : (f + g) u = f u + g u := rfl
@[simp] lemma coe_add : ((f + g) : E →ₗ[k] F) = (f : E →ₗ[k] F) + g := rfl
@[simp] lemma coe_add' : ((f + g) : E → F) = (f : E → F) + g := rfl

instance : has_scalar k (E →L[k] F) :=
⟨λ c f, ⟨c • f, let ⟨M, Mpos, hM⟩ := f.bound in ⟨∥c∥ * M + 1,
lt_of_lt_of_le (lt_add_one (0 : ℝ)) $
add_le_add (mul_nonneg (norm_nonneg _) (le_of_lt Mpos)) (le_refl _),
λ x, calc
∥c • f x∥ = ∥c∥ * ∥f x∥ : norm_smul _ _
... ≤ (∥c∥ * M + 0) * ∥x∥ :
by { rw [add_zero, mul_assoc], exact mul_le_mul_of_nonneg_left (hM x) (norm_nonneg _) }
... ≤ (∥c∥ * M + 1) * ∥x∥ :
mul_le_mul_of_nonneg_right (add_le_add (le_refl _) zero_le_one) (norm_nonneg _) ⟩⟩⟩

@[simp] lemma zero_smul : (0 : k) • f = 0 := by { ext, simp }
@[simp] lemma one_smul : (1 : k) • f = f := by { ext, simp }
@[simp] lemma smul_apply : (c • f) u = c • (f u) := rfl
@[simp] lemma coe_apply : ((c • f) : E →ₗ[k] F) = c • (f : E →ₗ[k] F) := rfl
@[simp] lemma coe_apply' : ((c • f) : E → F) = c • (f : E → F) := rfl

instance : has_neg (E →L[k] F) := ⟨λ f, (-1 : k) • f⟩
instance : has_sub (E →L[k] F) := ⟨λ f g, f + (-g)⟩

@[simp] lemma neg_apply : (-f) u = - (f u) :=
by erw [smul_apply, neg_smul, one_smul]

@[simp] lemma coe_neg : ((-f) : E →ₗ[k] F) = -(f : E →ₗ[k] F) := rfl
@[simp] lemma coe_neg' : ((-f) : E → F) = -(f : E → F) := rfl

@[simp] lemma sub_apply : (f - g) u = f u - g u :=
by { dunfold has_sub.sub, simp }

@[simp] lemma coe_sub : ((f - g) : E →ₗ[k] F) = (f : E →ₗ[k] F) - g := rfl
@[simp] lemma coe_sub' : ((f - g) : E → F) = (f : E → F) - g := rfl

instance : add_comm_group (E →L[k] F) :=
{ add := (+),
add_assoc := λ _ _ _, ext $ λ _, add_assoc _ _ _,
add_comm := λ _ _, ext $ λ _, add_comm _ _,
zero := 0,
add_zero := λ _, ext $ λ _, add_zero _,
zero_add := λ _, ext $ λ _, zero_add _,
neg := λ f, -f,
add_left_neg := λ f, ext $ λ x, have t: (-1 : k) • f x + f x = 0, from
by rw neg_one_smul; exact add_left_neg _, t }

instance : vector_space k (E →L[k] F) :=
{ smul_zero := λ _, ext $ λ _, smul_zero _,
zero_smul := λ _, ext $ λ _, zero_smul _ _,
one_smul := λ _, ext $ λ _, one_smul _ _,
mul_smul := λ _ _ _, ext $ λ _, mul_smul _ _ _,
add_smul := λ _ _ _, ext $ λ _, add_smul _ _ _,
smul_add := λ _ _ _, ext $ λ _, smul_add _ _ _ }

/-- Composition of bounded linear maps. -/
def comp (g : F →L[k] G) (f : E →L[k] F) : E →L[k] G :=
⟨_, is_bounded_linear_map.comp⟩

-- restate some analysis results about bounded linear maps
-- in terms of the type here defined

protected theorem continuous : continuous f :=

local notation f ` →_{`:50 a `} `:0 b := filter.tendsto f (nhds a) (nhds b)

theorem tendsto : f →_{x} (f x) :=
continuous_iff_continuous_at.1 (bounded_linear_map.continuous f) _
⟨linear_map.comp g.to_linear_map f.to_linear_map,
let ⟨Mg, Mgpos, hMgb⟩ := g.bound in
let ⟨Mf, Mfpos, hMfb⟩ := f.bound in ⟨Mg * Mf, mul_pos Mgpos Mfpos,
λ x, by rw mul_assoc;
exact le_trans (hMgb _) ((mul_le_mul_left Mgpos).2 (hMfb _))⟩⟩

@[simp] lemma coe_comp : ((h.comp f) : (E →ₗ[k] G)) = (h : F →ₗ[k] G).comp f := rfl
@[simp] lemma coe_comp' : ((h.comp f) : (E → G)) = (h : F → G) ∘ f := rfl

instance : has_mul (bounded_linear_map k E E) := ⟨comp⟩

instance : ring (E →L[k] E) :=
{ mul := (*),
one := 1,
mul_one := λ _, ext $ λ _, rfl,
one_mul := λ _, ext $ λ _, rfl,
mul_assoc := λ _ _ _, ext $ λ _, rfl,
left_distrib := λ _ _ _, ext $ λ _, map_add _ _ _,
right_distrib := λ _ _ _, ext $ λ _, linear_map.add_apply _ _ _,
..bounded_linear_map.add_comm_group }

instance : is_ring_hom (λ c : k, c • (1 : E →L[k] E)) :=
{ map_one := one_smul _ _,
map_add := λ _ _, ext $ λ _, add_smul _ _ _,
map_mul := λ _ _, ext $ λ _, mul_smul _ _ _ }

instance : algebra k (E →L[k] E) :=
{ to_fun := λ c, c • 1,
smul_def' := λ _ _, rfl,
commutes' := λ _ _, ext $ λ _, map_smul _ _ _ }

open asymptotics filter

theorem is_O_id (l : filter E): is_O f (λ x, x) l :=
lethfl, M, hMp, hM⟩ := in
⟨M, hMp, mem_sets_of_superset univ_mem_sets (λ x _, hM x)⟩
let ⟨M, hMp, hM⟩ := f.bound in
⟨M, hMp, mem_sets_of_superset univ_mem_sets (λ x _, hM x)⟩

theorem is_O_comp (g : F →L[k] G) (f : E → F) (l : filter E) :
is_O (λ x', g (f x')) f l :=
((g.is_O_id ⊤).comp _).mono ( lattice.le_top)

theorem is_O_sub (f : E →L[k] F) (l : filter E) (x : E):
theorem is_O_sub (f : E →L[k] F) (l : filter E) (x : E) :
is_O (λ x', f (x' - x)) (λ x', x' - x) l :=
is_O_comp f _ l


section op_norm
open set real bounded_linear_map
open set real

/-- The operator norm of a bounded linear map is the inf of all its bounds. -/
def op_norm := Inf { c | c ≥ 0 ∧ ∀ x, ∥f x∥ ≤ c * ∥x∥ }
Expand All @@ -121,7 +205,7 @@ instance has_op_norm: has_norm (E →L[k] F) := ⟨op_norm⟩
-- bounds is nonempty and bounded below.
lemma bounds_nonempty {f : E →L[k] F} :
∃ c, c ∈ { c | c ≥ 0 ∧ ∀ x, ∥f x∥ ≤ c * ∥x∥ } :=
let ⟨M, hMp, hMb⟩ := in ⟨M, le_of_lt hMp, hMb⟩
let ⟨M, hMp, hMb⟩ := f.bound in ⟨M, le_of_lt hMp, hMb⟩

lemma bounds_bdd_below {f : E →L[k] F} :
bdd_below { c | c ≥ 0 ∧ ∀ x, ∥f x∥ ≤ c * ∥x∥ } :=
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -216,7 +300,10 @@ theorem lipschitz : lipschitz_with ∥f∥ f :=
⟨op_norm_nonneg _, λ x y,
by { rw [dist_eq_norm, dist_eq_norm, ←map_sub], apply le_op_norm }⟩

/-- Bounded linear maps are continuous. -/
theorem continuous : continuous f :=

end op_norm

end bounded_linear_map

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