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feat(measure/bochner_integration): dominated convergence theorem (#1757)
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* feat(measure/bochner_integration): dominated convergence theorem

This PR
* proves the dominated convergence theorem
* and some other lemmas including `integral_congr_ae`, `norm_integral_le_lintegral_norm`.
* adds several equivalent definitions of the predicate `integrable` and shortens some proofs.

* fix linting error

* Add some section doc strings

* Indentation is very wrong

* Remove useless assumptions; fix doc strings

* remove `private`; add a doc string for Lebesgue's dominated convergence theorem

* Update basic.lean
  • Loading branch information
Zhouhang Zhou authored and mergify[bot] committed Dec 1, 2019
1 parent 8a89b06 commit 177cced
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Showing 6 changed files with 289 additions and 26 deletions.
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions src/analysis/normed_space/basic.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -207,6 +207,12 @@ nnreal.eq $ norm_neg g
lemma nndist_nnnorm_nnnorm_le (g h : α) : nndist (nnnorm g) (nnnorm h) ≤ nnnorm (g - h) :=
nnreal.coe_le.2 $ dist_norm_norm_le g h

lemma of_real_norm_eq_coe_nnnorm (x : β) : ennreal.of_real ∥x∥ = (nnnorm x : ennreal) :=
ennreal.of_real_eq_coe_nnreal _

lemma edist_eq_coe_nnnorm (x : β) : edist x 0 = (nnnorm x : ennreal) :=
by { rw [edist_dist, dist_eq_norm, _root_.sub_zero, of_real_norm_eq_coe_nnnorm] }

end nnnorm

/-- A submodule of a normed group is also a normed group, with the restriction of the norm.
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121 changes: 119 additions & 2 deletions src/measure_theory/bochner_integration.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ Bochner integral, simple function, function space

noncomputable theory
open_locale classical
open_locale classical topological_space

set_option class.instance_max_depth 100

Expand All @@ -76,6 +76,11 @@ local infixr ` →ₛ `:25 := simple_func
namespace simple_func

section bintegral
/-! ### The Bochner integral of simple functions
Define the Bochner integral of simple functions of the type `α →ₛ β` where `β` is a normed group,
and prove basic property of this integral.
open finset

variables [normed_group β] [normed_group γ]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -294,6 +299,7 @@ infixr ` →₁ₛ `:25 := measure_theory.l1.simple_func
namespace simple_func

section instances
/-! Simple functions in L1 space form a `normed_space`. -/

instance : has_coe (α →₁ₛ β) (α →₁ β) := ⟨subtype.val⟩

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -593,6 +599,7 @@ end
end to_simple_func

section coe_to_l1
/-! The embedding of integrable simple functions `α →₁ₛ β` into L1 is a uniform and dense embedding. -/

lemma exists_simple_func_near (f : α →₁ β) {ε : ℝ} (ε0 : 0 < ε) :
∃ s : α →₁ₛ β, dist f s < ε :=
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -651,6 +658,7 @@ variables {α β 𝕜}
end coe_to_l1

section simple_func_integral
/-! Define the Bochner integral on `α →₁ₛ β` and prove basic properties of this integral. -/

variables [normed_space ℝ β]

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -715,6 +723,8 @@ open simple_func

variables [normed_space ℝ β] [normed_space ℝ γ] [complete_space β]

section integration_in_l1

local notation `to_l1` := coe_to_l1 α β ℝ
local attribute [instance] simple_func.normed_group simple_func.normed_space

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -746,6 +756,23 @@ map_sub integral_clm f g
lemma integral_smul (r : ℝ) (f : α →₁ β) : integral (r • f) = r • integral f :=
map_smul r integral_clm f

local notation `Integral` := @integral_clm α _ β _ _ _ _
local notation `sIntegral` := @simple_func.integral_clm α _ β _ _ _

lemma norm_Integral_le_one : ∥Integral∥ ≤ 1 :=
calc ∥Integral∥ ≤ 1 * ∥sIntegral∥ :
op_norm_extend_le _ _ _ $ λs, by {rw one_mul, refl}
... = ∥sIntegral∥ : one_mul _
... ≤ 1 : norm_Integral_le_one

lemma norm_integral_le (f : α →₁ β) : ∥integral f∥ ≤ ∥f∥ :=
calc ∥integral f∥ = ∥Integral f∥ : rfl
... ≤ ∥Integral∥ * ∥f∥ : le_op_norm _ _
... ≤ 1 * ∥f∥ : mul_le_mul_of_nonneg_right norm_Integral_le_one $ norm_nonneg _
... = ∥f∥ : one_mul _

end integration_in_l1

end l1

variables [normed_group β] [second_countable_topology β] [normed_space ℝ β] [complete_space β]
Expand All @@ -757,6 +784,8 @@ if hf : measurable f ∧ integrable f
then (l1.of_fun f hf.1 hf.2).integral
else 0

notation `∫` binders `, ` r:(scoped f, integral f) := r

section properties

open continuous_linear_map measure_theory.simple_func
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -819,7 +848,7 @@ begin
{ exact ⟨measurable_sub hfm hgm, integrable_sub hfm hgm hfi hgi⟩ }

lemma integral_smul (r : ℝ) (f : α → β) : integral (λx, r • (f x)) = r • integral f :=
lemma integral_smul (r : ℝ) (f : α → β) : (∫ x, r • (f x)) = r • integral f :=
by_cases r0 : r = 0,
{ have : (λx, r • (f x)) = 0, { funext, rw [r0, zero_smul, pi.zero_apply] },
Expand All @@ -842,6 +871,94 @@ begin
{ rw not_and_distrib, rw [measurable_smul_iff r0], exact or.inl hfm, apply_instance } },

lemma integral_congr_ae (hfm : measurable f) (hgm : measurable g) (h : ∀ₘ a, f a = g a) :
integral f = integral g :=
by_cases hfi : integrable f,
{ have hgi : integrable g := integrable_of_ae_eq hfi h,
simp only [integral],
repeat { rw dif_pos },
rotate, { exact ⟨hgm, hgi⟩ }, { exact ⟨hfm, hfi⟩ },
rw ← l1.of_fun_eq_of_fun f g hfm hfi hgm hgi at h,
rw h },
{ have hgi : ¬ integrable g, { rw integrable_iff_of_ae_eq h at hfi, exact hfi },
rw [integral_eq_zero_of_non_integrable hfi, integral_eq_zero_of_non_integrable hgi] },

lemma of_real_norm_integral_le_lintegral_norm (f : α → β) :
ennreal.of_real ∥integral f∥ ≤ ∫⁻ a, ennreal.of_real ∥f a∥ :=
by_cases hfm : measurable f,
by_cases hfi : integrable f,
{ rw [integral_eq_zero_of_non_integrable hfi, _root_.norm_zero, of_real_zero], exact zero_le _ },
{ rw [integral_eq_zero_of_non_measurable hfm, _root_.norm_zero, of_real_zero], exact zero_le _ },
rw [integral, dif_pos],
rotate, { exact ⟨hfm, hfi⟩ },
calc ennreal.of_real ∥l1.integral (l1.of_fun f hfm hfi)∥ ≤ (ennreal.of_real ∥l1.of_fun f hfm hfi∥) :
of_real_le_of_real $ l1.norm_integral_le _
... = (ennreal.of_real $ ennreal.to_real $ ∫⁻ a, ennreal.of_real $ ∥(l1.of_fun f hfm hfi).to_fun a∥) :
by { rw l1.norm_eq_norm_to_fun }
... = (ennreal.of_real $ ennreal.to_real $ ∫⁻ a, ennreal.of_real ∥f a∥) :
congr' 2,
apply lintegral_congr_ae,
filter_upwards [l1.to_fun_of_fun f hfm hfi],
simp only [mem_set_of_eq],
assume a h,
rw h
... = (∫⁻ a, ennreal.of_real ∥f a∥) :
by { rw of_real_to_real, rw ← lt_top_iff_ne_top, rwa ← integrable_iff_norm }

lemma norm_integral_le_lintegral_norm (f : α → β) :
∥integral f∥ ≤ ennreal.to_real (∫⁻ a, ennreal.of_real ∥f a∥) :=
by_cases hfi : integrable f,
{ rw [integral_eq_zero_of_non_integrable hfi, _root_.norm_zero], exact to_real_nonneg },
have := (to_real_le_to_real _ _).2 (of_real_norm_integral_le_lintegral_norm f),
{ rwa to_real_of_real (norm_nonneg _) at this },
{ exact of_real_ne_top },
{ rw ← lt_top_iff_ne_top, rwa ← integrable_iff_norm }

/-- Lebesgue dominated convergence theorem provides sufficient conditions under which almost
everywhere convergence of a sequence of functions implies the convergence of their integrals. -/
theorem tendsto_integral_of_dominated_convergence {F : ℕ → α → β} {f : α → β} {bound : α → ℝ}
(F_measurable : ∀ n, measurable (F n))
(f_measurable : measurable f)
(bound_integrable : integrable bound)
(h_bound : ∀ n, ∀ₘ a, ∥F n a∥ ≤ bound a)
(h_lim : ∀ₘ a, tendsto (λ n, F n a) at_top (𝓝 (f a))) :
tendsto (λn, ∫ a, F n a) at_top (𝓝 $ integral f) :=
/- To show `(∫ a, F n a) --> (∫ f)`, suffices to show `∥∫ a, F n a - ∫ f∥ --> 0` -/
rw tendsto_iff_norm_tendsto_zero,
/- But `0 ≤ ∥∫ a, F n a - ∫ f∥ = ∥∫ a, (F n a - f a) ∥ ≤ ∫ a, ∥F n a - f a∥, and thus we apply the
sandwich theorem and prove that `∫ a, ∥F n a - f a∥ --> 0` -/
have zero_tendsto_zero : tendsto (λn:ℕ, (0 : ℝ)) at_top (𝓝 0) := tendsto_const_nhds,
have lintegral_norm_tendsto_zero :
tendsto (λn, ennreal.to_real $ ∫⁻ a, ennreal.of_real ∥F n a - f a∥) at_top (𝓝 0) :=
tendsto.comp (tendsto_to_real (zero_ne_top))
F_measurable f_measurable bound_integrable h_bound h_lim),
-- Use the sandwich theorem
refine tendsto_of_tendsto_of_tendsto_of_le_of_le zero_tendsto_zero lintegral_norm_tendsto_zero _ _,
-- Show `0 ≤ ∥∫ a, F n a - ∫ f∥` for all `n`
{ simp only [filter.mem_at_top_sets, norm_nonneg, set.mem_set_of_eq, forall_true_iff,
exists_const] },
-- Show `∥∫ a, F n a - ∫ f∥ ≤ ∫ a, ∥F n a - f a∥` for all `n`
{ simp only [mem_at_top_sets, mem_set_of_eq],
use 0,
assume n hn,
have h₁ : integrable (F n) := integrable_of_integrable_bound bound_integrable (h_bound _),
have h₂ : integrable f := integrable_of_dominated_convergence bound_integrable h_bound h_lim,
rw ← integral_sub (F_measurable _) h₁ f_measurable h₂,
exact norm_integral_le_lintegral_norm _ }

end properties

run_cmd mk_simp_attr `integral_simps
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/measure_theory/integration.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1139,7 +1139,7 @@ calc
lintegral_congr_ae $ all_ae_of_all $ assume a, limsup_eq_infi_supr_of_nat.symm

/-- Dominated convergence theorem for nonnegative functions -/
lemma dominated_convergence_nn
lemma tendsto_lintegral_of_dominated_convergence
{F : ℕ → α → ennreal} {f : α → ennreal} {g : α → ennreal}
(hF_meas : ∀n, measurable (F n)) (h_bound : ∀n, ∀ₘ a, F n a ≤ g a)
(h_fin : lintegral g < ⊤)
Expand Down

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