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feat(topology/metric_space/hausdorff_distance): add definition and le…
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…mmas about closed thickenings of subsets (#10542)

Add definition and basic API about closed thickenings of subsets in metric spaces, in preparation for the portmanteau theorem on characterizations of weak convergence of Borel probability measures.

Co-authored-by: kkytola <>
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kkytola and kkytola committed Dec 3, 2021
1 parent 6533500 commit 235e583
Showing 1 changed file with 95 additions and 15 deletions.
110 changes: 95 additions & 15 deletions src/topology/metric_space/hausdorff_distance.lean
Expand Up @@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ This files introduces:
* `Hausdorff_edist s t`, the Hausdorff edistance of two sets in an emetric space
* Versions of these notions on metric spaces, called respectively `inf_dist` and `Hausdorff_dist`
* `thickening δ s`, the open thickening by radius `δ` of a set `s` in a pseudo emetric space.
* `cthickening δ s`, the closed thickening by radius `δ` of a set `s` in a pseudo emetric space.
noncomputable theory
open_locale classical nnreal ennreal topological_space
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -778,30 +779,33 @@ lemma thickening_subset_of_subset (δ : ℝ) {E₁ E₂ : set α} (h : E₁ ⊆
thickening δ E₁ ⊆ thickening δ E₂ :=
λ _ hx, lt_of_le_of_lt (inf_edist_le_inf_edist_of_subset h) hx

lemma mem_thickening_iff_exists_edist_lt {δ : ℝ} (E : set α) (x : α) :
x ∈ thickening δ E ↔ (∃ z ∈ E, edist x z < ennreal.of_real δ) :=
simp only [exists_prop, mem_set_of_eq],
{ intros h,
rcases (exists_edist_lt_of_inf_edist_lt h) with ⟨z, ⟨hzE, hxz⟩⟩,
exact ⟨z, hzE, hxz⟩, },
{ rintros ⟨z, ⟨hzE, hxz⟩⟩,
exact lt_of_le_of_lt (@inf_edist_le_edist_of_mem _ _ x _ _ hzE) hxz, },

variables {X : Type u} [metric_space X]

/-- A point in a metric space belongs to the (open) `δ`-thickening of a subset `E` if and only if
it is at distance less than `δ` from some point of `E`. -/
lemma mem_thickening_iff {δ : ℝ} (E : set X) (x : X) :
x ∈ thickening δ E ↔ (∃ z ∈ E, dist x z < δ) :=
unfold thickening,
simp only [exists_prop, mem_set_of_eq],
{ intros h,
rcases (exists_edist_lt_of_inf_edist_lt h) with ⟨z, ⟨hzE, hxz⟩⟩,
refine ⟨z, hzE, _⟩,
have key_iff : ∀ (z : X), edist x z < ennreal.of_real δ ↔ dist x z < δ,
{ intros z,
rw dist_edist,
apply (@ennreal.of_real_lt_of_real_iff_of_nonneg
((edist x z).to_real) δ (ennreal.to_real_nonneg)).mp,
rwa ennreal.of_real_to_real (edist_lt_top x z).ne, },
{ intros h,
rcases h with ⟨z, ⟨hzE, hxz⟩⟩,
rw dist_edist at hxz,
apply lt_of_le_of_lt (@inf_edist_le_edist_of_mem _ _ x _ _ hzE) _,
have d_lt_top : edist x z < ∞, by simp only [edist_dist, ennreal.of_real_lt_top],
have key := (@ennreal.of_real_lt_of_real_iff_of_nonneg
((edist x z).to_real) δ (ennreal.to_real_nonneg)).mpr hxz,
rwa ennreal.of_real_to_real (edist_lt_top x z).ne at key, },
((edist x z).to_real) δ (ennreal.to_real_nonneg)),
rwa ennreal.of_real_to_real at key, },
simp_rw [mem_thickening_iff_exists_edist_lt, key_iff],

/-- The (open) `δ`-thickening `thickening δ E` of a subset `E` in a metric space equals the
Expand All @@ -812,4 +816,80 @@ by { ext x, rw mem_bUnion_iff, exact mem_thickening_iff E x, }

end thickening --section

section cthickening

variables {α : Type*} [pseudo_emetric_space α]

open emetric

/-- The closed `δ`-thickening `cthickening δ E` of a subset `E` in a pseudo emetric space consists
of those points that are at infimum distance at most `δ` from `E`. -/
def cthickening (δ : ℝ) (E : set α) : set α := {x : α | inf_edist x E ≤ ennreal.of_real δ}

lemma cthickening_eq_preimage_inf_edist (δ : ℝ) (E : set α) :
cthickening δ E = (λ x, inf_edist x E) ⁻¹' (Iic (ennreal.of_real δ)) := rfl

lemma is_closed_cthickening {δ : ℝ} {E : set α} : is_closed (cthickening δ E) :=
is_closed.preimage continuous_inf_edist is_closed_Iic

@[simp] lemma cthickening_empty (δ : ℝ) : cthickening δ (∅ : set α) = ∅ :=
by simp only [cthickening, ennreal.of_real_ne_top, set_of_false, inf_edist_empty, top_le_iff]

@[simp] lemma cthickening_zero (E : set α) : cthickening 0 E = closure E :=
by { ext x, simp [mem_closure_iff_inf_edist_zero, cthickening], }

lemma cthickening_mono {δ₁ δ₂ : ℝ} (hle : δ₁ ≤ δ₂) (E : set α) :
cthickening δ₁ E ⊆ cthickening δ₂ E :=
preimage_mono (Iic_subset_Iic.mpr (ennreal.of_real_le_of_real hle))

lemma closure_subset_cthickening {δ : ℝ} (δ_nn : 0 ≤ δ) (E : set α) :
closure E ⊆ cthickening δ E :=
by { rw ← cthickening_zero, exact cthickening_mono δ_nn E, }

lemma cthickening_subset_of_subset (δ : ℝ) {E₁ E₂ : set α} (h : E₁ ⊆ E₂) :
cthickening δ E₁ ⊆ cthickening δ E₂ :=
λ _ hx, le_trans (inf_edist_le_inf_edist_of_subset h) hx

lemma cthickening_subset_thickening {δ₁ : ℝ≥0} {δ₂ : ℝ} (hlt : (δ₁ : ℝ) < δ₂) (E : set α) :
cthickening δ₁ E ⊆ thickening δ₂ E :=
λ _ hx, lt_of_le_of_lt hx ((ennreal.of_real_lt_of_real_iff (lt_of_le_of_lt δ₁.prop hlt)).mpr hlt)

lemma cthickening_subset_thickening' {δ₁ δ₂ : ℝ} (δ₂_pos : 0 < δ₂) (hlt : δ₁ < δ₂) (E : set α) :
cthickening δ₁ E ⊆ thickening δ₂ E :=
λ _ hx, lt_of_le_of_lt hx ((ennreal.of_real_lt_of_real_iff δ₂_pos).mpr hlt)

lemma thickening_subset_cthickening (δ : ℝ) (E : set α) :
thickening δ E ⊆ cthickening δ E :=
by { intros x hx, rw [thickening, mem_set_of_eq] at hx, exact hx.le, }

lemma thickening_subset_cthickening_of_le {δ₁ δ₂ : ℝ} (hle : δ₁ ≤ δ₂) (E : set α) :
thickening δ₁ E ⊆ cthickening δ₂ E :=
(thickening_subset_cthickening δ₁ E).trans (cthickening_mono hle E)

lemma cthickening_eq_Inter_cthickening {δ : ℝ} {E : set α} (δ_nn : 0 ≤ δ) :
cthickening δ E = ⋂ (ε : ℝ) (h : δ < ε), cthickening ε E :=
apply le_antisymm,
{ exact subset_bInter (λ _ hε, cthickening_mono ( hε) E) },
{ unfold thickening cthickening,
intros x hx,
simp only [mem_Inter, mem_set_of_eq] at *,
have inf_edist_lt_top : inf_edist x E < ∞,
{ exact lt_of_le_of_lt (hx (δ + 1) (by linarith)) ennreal.of_real_lt_top, },
rw ← ennreal.of_real_to_real,
apply ennreal.of_real_le_of_real,
apply le_of_forall_pos_le_add,
intros η η_pos,
have sum_nn : 0 ≤ δ + η := by linarith,
apply (ennreal.of_real_le_of_real_iff sum_nn).mp,
have key := hx (δ + η) (by linarith),
rwa ← ennreal.of_real_to_real at key, },

lemma closure_eq_Inter_cthickening {E : set α} :
closure E = ⋂ (δ : ℝ) (h : 0 < δ), cthickening δ E :=
by { rw ← cthickening_zero, exact cthickening_eq_Inter_cthickening, }

end cthickening --section

end metric --namespace

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