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feat(field_theory/separable_degree): introduce the separable degree (#…
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We introduce the definition of the separable degree of a polynomial. We prove that every irreducible polynomial can be contracted to a separable polynomial. We show that the separable degree divides the degree of the polynomial.
This formalizes a lemma in the Stacks Project, cf. 
We also show that the separable degree is unique.
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JakobScholbach committed Apr 14, 2021
1 parent f12575e commit 24dc410
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17 changes: 17 additions & 0 deletions src/field_theory/separable.lean
Expand Up @@ -203,6 +203,23 @@ theorem map_expand {p : ℕ} (hp : 0 < p) {f : R →+* S} {q : polynomial R} :
map f (expand R p q) = expand S p (map f q) :=
by { ext, rw [coeff_map, coeff_expand hp, coeff_expand hp], split_ifs; simp, }

/-- Expansion is injective. -/
lemma expand_injective {n : ℕ} (hn : 0 < n) :
function.injective (expand R n) :=
λ g g' h, begin
have h' : (expand R n g).coeff (n * n_1) = (expand R n g').coeff (n * n_1) :=
apply polynomial.ext_iff.1,
exact h,

rw [polynomial.coeff_expand hn g (n * n_1), polynomial.coeff_expand hn g' (n * n_1)] at h',
simp only [if_true, dvd_mul_right] at h',
rw (nat.mul_div_right n_1 hn) at h',
exact h',

end comm_semiring

section comm_ring
Expand Down
167 changes: 167 additions & 0 deletions src/field_theory/separable_degree.lean
@@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
Copyright (c) 2021 Jakob Scholbach. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Jakob Scholbach
import field_theory.separable
import algebra.algebra.basic
import algebra.char_p.exp_char

# Separable degree
This file contains basics about the separable degree of a polynomial.
## Main results
- `is_separable_contraction`: is the condition that `g(x^(q^m)) = f(x)` for some `m : ℕ`
- `has_separable_contraction`: the condition of having a separable contraction
- ``: the separable degree, defined as the degree of some
separable contraction
- `irreducible_has_separable_contraction`: any nonzero irreducible polynomial can be contracted
to a separable polynomial
- `has_separable_contraction.dvd_degree'`: the degree of a separable contraction divides the degree,
in function of the exponential characteristic of the field
- `has_separable_contraction.dvd_degree` and `has_separable_contraction.eq_degree` specialize the
statement of `separable_degree_dvd_degree`
- `is_separable_contraction.degree_eq`: the separable degree is well-defined, implemented as the
statement that the degree of any separable contraction equals ``
## Tags
separable degree, degree, polynomial

namespace polynomial

noncomputable theory
open_locale classical

section comm_semiring

variables {F : Type} [comm_semiring F] (q : ℕ)

/-- A separable contraction of a polynomial `f` is a separable polynomial `g` such that
`g(x^(q^m)) = f(x)` for some `m : ℕ`.-/
def is_separable_contraction (f : polynomial F) (g : polynomial F) : Prop :=
g.separable ∧ ∃ m : ℕ, expand F (q^m) g = f

/-- The condition of having a separable contration. -/
def has_separable_contraction (f : polynomial F) : Prop :=
∃ g : polynomial F, is_separable_contraction q f g

variables {q} {f : polynomial F} (hf : has_separable_contraction q f)

/-- A choice of a separable contraction. -/
def has_separable_contraction.contraction : polynomial F := classical.some hf

/-- The separable degree of a polynomial is the degree of a given separable contraction. -/
def : ℕ := hf.contraction.nat_degree

/-- The separable degree divides the degree, in function of the exponential characteristic of F. -/
lemma is_separable_contraction.dvd_degree' {g} (hf : is_separable_contraction q f g) :
∃ m : ℕ, g.nat_degree * (q ^ m) = f.nat_degree :=
obtain ⟨m, rfl⟩ := hf.2,
use m,
rw nat_degree_expand,

lemma has_separable_contraction.dvd_degree' : ∃ m : ℕ, * (q ^ m) = f.nat_degree :=
(classical.some_spec hf).dvd_degree'

/-- The separable degree divides the degree. -/
lemma has_separable_contraction.dvd_degree : ∣ f.nat_degree :=
let ⟨a, ha⟩ := hf.dvd_degree' in dvd.intro (q ^ a) ha

/-- In exponential characteristic one, the separable degree equals the degree. -/
lemma has_separable_contraction.eq_degree {f : polynomial F}
(hf : has_separable_contraction 1 f) : = f.nat_degree :=
let ⟨a, ha⟩ := hf.dvd_degree' in by rw [←ha, one_pow a, mul_one]

end comm_semiring

section field

variables {F : Type} [field F]
variables (q : ℕ) {f : polynomial F} (hf : has_separable_contraction q f)

/-- Every irreducible polynomial can be contracted to a separable polynomial. -/
lemma irreducible_has_separable_contraction (q : ℕ) [hF : exp_char F q]
(f : polynomial F) [irred : irreducible f] (fn : f ≠ 0) : has_separable_contraction q f :=
casesI hF,
{ use f,
exact ⟨irreducible.separable irred, ⟨0, by rw [pow_zero, expand_one]⟩⟩ },
{ haveI qp : fact ( q) := ⟨hF_hprime⟩,
rcases exists_separable_of_irreducible q irred fn with ⟨n, g, hgs, hge⟩,
exact ⟨g, hgs, n, hge⟩, }

/-- A helper lemma: if two expansions (along the positive characteristic) of two polynomials `g` and
`g'` agree, and the one with the larger degree is separable, then their degrees are the same. -/
lemma contraction_degree_eq_aux [hq : fact] [hF : char_p F q]
(g g' : polynomial F) (m m' : ℕ)
(h_expand : expand F (q^m) g = expand F (q^m') g')
(h : m < m') (hg : g.separable):
g.nat_degree = g'.nat_degree :=
obtain ⟨s, rfl⟩ := nat.exists_eq_add_of_lt h,
rw [add_assoc, pow_add, expand_mul] at h_expand,
let aux := expand_injective (pow_pos hq.1.pos m) h_expand,
rw aux at hg,
have := (is_unit_or_eq_zero_of_separable_expand q (s + 1) hg).resolve_right
rw [aux, nat_degree_expand,
nat_degree_eq_of_degree_eq_some (degree_eq_zero_of_is_unit this),

/-- If two expansions (along the positive characteristic) of two separable polynomials
`g` and `g'` agree, then they have the same degree. -/
theorem contraction_degree_eq_or_insep
[hq : fact] [char_p F q]
(g g' : polynomial F) (m m' : ℕ)
(h_expand : expand F (q^m) g = expand F (q^m') g')
(hg : g.separable) (hg' : g'.separable) :
g.nat_degree = g'.nat_degree :=
by_cases h : m = m',
{ -- if `m = m'` then we show `g.nat_degree = g'.nat_degree` by unfolding the definitions
rw h at h_expand,
have expand_deg : ((expand F (q ^ m')) g).nat_degree =
(expand F (q ^ m') g').nat_degree, by rw h_expand,
rw [nat_degree_expand (q^m') g, nat_degree_expand (q^m') g'] at expand_deg,
apply nat.eq_of_mul_eq_mul_left (pow_pos hq.1.pos m'),
rw [mul_comm] at expand_deg, rw expand_deg, rw [mul_comm] },
{ cases ne.lt_or_lt h,
{ exact contraction_degree_eq_aux q g g' m m' h_expand h_1 hg },
{ exact (contraction_degree_eq_aux q g' g m' m h_expand.symm h_1 hg').symm, } }

/-- The separable degree equals the degree of any separable contraction, i.e., it is unique. -/
theorem is_separable_contraction.degree_eq [hF : exp_char F q]
(g : polynomial F) (hg : is_separable_contraction q f g) :
g.nat_degree = :=
casesI hF,
{ rcases hg with ⟨g, m, hm⟩,
rw [one_pow, expand_one] at hm,
rw hf.eq_degree,
rw hm, },
{ rcases hg with ⟨hg, m, hm⟩,
let g' := classical.some hf,
cases (classical.some_spec hf).2 with m' hm',
haveI : fact := fact_iff.2 hF_hprime,
apply contraction_degree_eq_or_insep q g g' m m',
rw [hm, hm'],
exact hg, exact (classical.some_spec hf).1 }

end field

end polynomial

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