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chore(data/polynomial): break up behemoth file (#3407)
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Polynomial refactor

The goal is to split `data/polynomial.lean` into several self-contained files in the same place. For the time being, the new place for all these files is `data/polynomial/`.
Future PRs may simplify proofs, remove duplicate lemmas, and move files out of the `data` directory.

Co-authored-by: Aaron Anderson <>
  • Loading branch information
jalex-stark and awainverse committed Jul 16, 2020
1 parent 6fd4f8f commit 33d45bf
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Showing 16 changed files with 3,932 additions and 3,429 deletions.
3,429 changes: 0 additions & 3,429 deletions src/data/polynomial.lean

This file was deleted.

256 changes: 256 additions & 0 deletions src/data/polynomial/algebra_map.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,256 @@
Copyright (c) 2018 Chris Hughes. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Chris Hughes, Johannes Hölzl, Scott Morrison, Jens Wagemaker
import data.polynomial.induction

# Theory of univariate polynomials
We show that `polynomial A` is an R-algebra when `A` is an R-algebra.
We promote `eval₂` to an algebra hom in `aeval`.

noncomputable theory
local attribute [instance, priority 100] classical.prop_decidable

local attribute [instance, priority 10] is_semiring_hom.comp is_ring_hom.comp

open finsupp finset add_monoid_algebra
open_locale big_operators

namespace polynomial
universes u v w z
variables {R : Type u} {S : Type v} {T : Type w} {A : Type z} {a b : R} {n : ℕ}

section semiring
variables [semiring R] {p q r : polynomial R}

lemma C_mul' (a : R) (f : polynomial R) : C a * f = a • f :=
ext $ λ n, coeff_C_mul f

lemma C_inj : C a = C b ↔ a = b :=
⟨λ h, coeff_C_zero.symm.trans (h.symm ▸ coeff_C_zero), congr_arg C⟩

end semiring

section comm_semiring
variables [comm_semiring R] {p q r : polynomial R}

variables [semiring A] [algebra R A]

/-- Note that this instance also provides `algebra R (polynomial R)`. -/
instance algebra_of_algebra : algebra R (polynomial A) := add_monoid_algebra.algebra

lemma algebra_map_apply (r : R) :
algebra_map R (polynomial A) r = C (algebra_map R A r) :=

When we have `[comm_ring R]`, the function `C` is the same as `algebra_map R (polynomial R)`.
(But note that `C` is defined when `R` is not necessarily commutative, in which case
`algebra_map` is not available.)
lemma C_eq_algebra_map {R : Type*} [comm_ring R] (r : R) :
C r = algebra_map R (polynomial R) r :=

lemma alg_hom_eval₂_algebra_map
{R A B : Type*} [comm_ring R] [ring A] [ring B] [algebra R A] [algebra R B]
(p : polynomial R) (f : A →ₐ[R] B) (a : A) :
f (eval₂ (algebra_map R A) a p) = eval₂ (algebra_map R B) (f a) p :=
dsimp [eval₂, finsupp.sum],
simp only [f.map_sum, f.map_mul, f.map_pow, ring_hom.eq_int_cast, ring_hom.map_int_cast, alg_hom.commutes],

lemma eval₂_algebra_map_X {R A : Type*} [comm_ring R] [ring A] [algebra R A]
(p : polynomial R) (f : polynomial R →ₐ[R] A) :
eval₂ (algebra_map R A) (f X) p = f p :=
conv_rhs { rw [←polynomial.sum_C_mul_X_eq p], },
dsimp [eval₂, finsupp.sum],
simp only [f.map_sum, f.map_mul, f.map_pow, ring_hom.eq_int_cast, ring_hom.map_int_cast],
simp [polynomial.C_eq_algebra_map],

lemma ring_hom_eval₂_algebra_map_int {R S : Type*} [ring R] [ring S]
(p : polynomial ℤ) (f : R →+* S) (r : R) :
f (eval₂ (algebra_map ℤ R) r p) = eval₂ (algebra_map ℤ S) (f r) p :=
alg_hom_eval₂_algebra_map p f.to_int_alg_hom r

lemma eval₂_algebra_map_int_X {R : Type*} [ring R] (p : polynomial ℤ) (f : polynomial ℤ →+* R) :
eval₂ (algebra_map ℤ R) (f X) p = f p :=
-- Unfortunately `f.to_int_alg_hom` doesn't work here, as typeclasses don't match up correctly.
eval₂_algebra_map_X p { commutes' := λ n, by simp, .. f }

section eval
variable {x : R}

@[simp] lemma eval_mul : (p * q).eval x = p.eval x * q.eval x := eval₂_mul _ _

instance eval.is_semiring_hom : is_semiring_hom (eval x) := eval₂.is_semiring_hom _ _

@[simp] lemma eval_pow (n : ℕ) : (p ^ n).eval x = p.eval x ^ n := eval₂_pow _ _ _

lemma eval₂_hom [comm_semiring S] (f : R →+* S) (x : R) :
p.eval₂ f (f x) = f (p.eval x) :=
polynomial.induction_on p
(by simp)
(by simp [f.map_add] {contextual := tt})
(by simp [f.map_mul, eval_pow,
f.map_pow, pow_succ', (mul_assoc _ _ _).symm] {contextual := tt})

lemma root_mul_left_of_is_root (p : polynomial R) {q : polynomial R} :
is_root q a → is_root (p * q) a :=
λ H, by rw [is_root, eval_mul, is_root.def.1 H, mul_zero]

lemma root_mul_right_of_is_root {p : polynomial R} (q : polynomial R) :
is_root p a → is_root (p * q) a :=
λ H, by rw [is_root, eval_mul, is_root.def.1 H, zero_mul]

end eval

section comp

lemma eval₂_comp [comm_semiring S] (f : R →+* S) {x : S} :
(p.comp q).eval₂ f x = p.eval₂ f (q.eval₂ f x) :=
by rw [comp, p.as_sum]; simp only [eval₂_mul, eval₂_C, eval₂_pow, eval₂_finset_sum, eval₂_X]

lemma eval_comp : (p.comp q).eval a = p.eval (q.eval a) := eval₂_comp _

instance : is_semiring_hom (λ q : polynomial R, q.comp p) :=
by unfold comp; apply_instance

@[simp] lemma mul_comp : (p * q).comp r = p.comp r * q.comp r := eval₂_mul _ _

end comp

end comm_semiring

section aeval
variables [comm_semiring R] {p : polynomial R}

variables (R) (A)

-- TODO this could be generalized: there's no need for `A` to be commutative,
-- we just need that `x` is central.
variables [comm_semiring A] [algebra R A]
variables {B : Type*} [comm_semiring B] [algebra R B]
variables (x : A)

/-- Given a valuation `x` of the variable in an `R`-algebra `A`, `aeval R A x` is
the unique `R`-algebra homomorphism from `R[X]` to `A` sending `X` to `x`. -/
def aeval : polynomial R →ₐ[R] A :=
{ commutes' := λ r, eval₂_C _ _,
..eval₂_ring_hom (algebra_map R A) x }

variables {R A}

theorem aeval_def (p : polynomial R) : aeval R A x p = eval₂ (algebra_map R A) x p := rfl

@[simp] lemma aeval_X : aeval R A x X = x := eval₂_X _ x

@[simp] lemma aeval_C (r : R) : aeval R A x (C r) = algebra_map R A r := eval₂_C _ x

theorem eval_unique (φ : polynomial R →ₐ[R] A) (p) :
φ p = eval₂ (algebra_map R A) (φ X) p :=
apply polynomial.induction_on p,
{ intro r, rw eval₂_C, exact φ.commutes r },
{ intros f g ih1 ih2,
rw [φ.map_add, ih1, ih2, eval₂_add] },
{ intros n r ih,
rw [pow_succ', ← mul_assoc, φ.map_mul, eval₂_mul (algebra_map R A), eval₂_X, ih] }

theorem aeval_alg_hom (f : A →ₐ[R] B) (x : A) : aeval R B (f x) = f.comp (aeval R A x) :=
alg_hom.ext $ λ p, by rw [eval_unique (f.comp (aeval R A x)), alg_hom.comp_apply, aeval_X, aeval_def]

theorem aeval_alg_hom_apply (f : A →ₐ[R] B) (x : A) (p) : aeval R B (f x) p = f (aeval R A x p) :=
alg_hom.ext_iff.1 (aeval_alg_hom f x) p

variables [comm_ring S] {f : R →+* S}

lemma is_root_of_eval₂_map_eq_zero
(hf : function.injective f) {r : R} : eval₂ f (f r) p = 0 → p.is_root r :=
show eval₂ (f.comp ( R)) (f r) p = 0 → eval₂ ( R) r p = 0, begin
intro h,
apply hf,
rw [hom_eval₂, h, f.map_zero]

lemma is_root_of_aeval_algebra_map_eq_zero [algebra R S] {p : polynomial R}
(inj : function.injective (algebra_map R S))
{r : R} (hr : aeval R S (algebra_map R S r) p = 0) : p.is_root r :=
is_root_of_eval₂_map_eq_zero inj hr

lemma dvd_term_of_dvd_eval_of_dvd_terms {z p : S} {f : polynomial S} (i : ℕ)
(dvd_eval : p ∣ f.eval z) (dvd_terms : ∀ (j ≠ i), p ∣ f.coeff j * z ^ j) :
p ∣ f.coeff i * z ^ i :=
by_cases hf : f = 0,
{ simp [hf] },
by_cases hi : i ∈,
{ unfold polynomial.eval polynomial.eval₂ finsupp.sum id at dvd_eval,
rw [←finset.insert_erase hi, finset.sum_insert (finset.not_mem_erase _ _)] at dvd_eval,
refine (dvd_add_left (finset.dvd_sum _)).mp dvd_eval,
intros j hj,
exact dvd_terms j (finset.ne_of_mem_erase hj) },
{ convert dvd_zero p,
convert _root_.zero_mul _,
exact hi }

lemma dvd_term_of_is_root_of_dvd_terms {r p : S} {f : polynomial S} (i : ℕ)
(hr : f.is_root r) (h : ∀ (j ≠ i), p ∣ f.coeff j * r ^ j) : p ∣ f.coeff i * r ^ i :=
dvd_term_of_dvd_eval_of_dvd_terms i (eq.symm hr ▸ dvd_zero p) h

end aeval

section ring
variables [ring R]

The evaluation map is not generally multiplicative when the coefficient ring is noncommutative,
but nevertheless any polynomial of the form `p * (X - monomial 0 r)` is sent to zero
when evaluated at `r`.
This is the key step in our proof of the Cayley-Hamilton theorem.
lemma eval_mul_X_sub_C {p : polynomial R} (r : R) :
(p * (X - C r)).eval r = 0 :=
simp only [eval, eval₂, ring_hom.id_apply],
have bound := calc
(p * (X - C r)).nat_degree
≤ p.nat_degree + (X - C r).nat_degree : nat_degree_mul_le
... ≤ p.nat_degree + 1 : add_le_add_left nat_degree_X_sub_C_le _
... < p.nat_degree + 2 : lt_add_one _,
rw sum_over_range' _ _ (p.nat_degree + 2) bound,
{ simp, },
rw sum_range_succ',
conv_lhs {
congr, apply_congr, skip,
rw [coeff_mul_X_sub_C, sub_mul, mul_assoc, ←pow_succ],
simp [sum_range_sub', coeff_single],

theorem not_is_unit_X_sub_C [nontrivial R] {r : R} : ¬ is_unit (X - C r) :=
λ ⟨⟨_, g, hfg, hgf⟩, rfl⟩, @zero_ne_one R _ _ $ by erw [← eval_mul_X_sub_C, hgf, eval_one]

end ring

end polynomial

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