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feat(order/conditionally_complete_lattice): with_top (with_bot L) ins… (
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* feat(order/conditionally_complete_lattice): with_top (with_bot L) instances

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* initial defs. Now what happens?

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kbuzzard authored and mergify[bot] committed Nov 26, 2019
1 parent ef47de4 commit 33df7e8
Showing 1 changed file with 208 additions and 57 deletions.
265 changes: 208 additions & 57 deletions src/order/conditionally_complete_lattice.lean
Expand Up @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ has a least upper bound and a greatest lower bound, denoted below by Sup s and I
Typical examples are real, nat, int with their usual orders.
The theory is very comparable to the theory of complete lattices, except that suitable
boundedness and non-emptyness assumptions have to be added to most statements.
boundedness and nonemptiness assumptions have to be added to most statements.
We introduce two predicates bdd_above and bdd_below to express this boundedness, prove
their basic properties, and then go on to prove most useful properties of Sup and Inf
in conditionally complete lattices.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ end preorder

/--When there is a global minimum, every set is bounded below.-/
@[simp] lemma bdd_below_bot [order_bot α] (s : set α) : bdd_below s :=
⟨⊥, assume a ha, order_bot.bot_le a⟩
⟨⊥, assume a ha, order_bot.bot_le a⟩

/-When there is a max (i.e., in the class semilattice_sup), then the union of
two bounded sets is bounded, by the maximum of the bounds for the two sets.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -214,6 +214,28 @@ finite.induction_on H

end semilattice_inf


Extension of Sup and Inf from a preorder `α` to `with_top α` and `with_bot α`

open_locale classical

noncomputable instance {α : Type*} [preorder α] [has_Sup α] : has_Sup (with_top α) :=
⟨λ S, if ⊤ ∈ S thenelse
if bdd_above (coe ⁻¹' S : set α) then ↑(Sup (coe ⁻¹' S : set α)) else ⊤⟩

noncomputable instance {α : Type*} [has_Inf α] : has_Inf (with_top α) :=
⟨λ S, if S ⊆ {⊤} thenelse ↑(Inf (coe ⁻¹' S : set α))⟩

noncomputable instance {α : Type*} [has_Sup α] : has_Sup (with_bot α) :=
⟨(@with_top.lattice.has_Inf (order_dual α) _).Inf⟩

noncomputable instance {α : Type*} [preorder α] [has_Inf α] : has_Inf (with_bot α) :=
⟨(@with_top.lattice.has_Sup (order_dual α) _ _).Sup⟩

end -- section

namespace lattice
section prio
Expand All @@ -225,7 +247,7 @@ Typical examples are real numbers or natural numbers.
To differentiate the statements from the corresponding statements in (unconditional)
complete lattices, we prefix Inf and Sup by a c everywhere. The same statements should
hold in both worlds, sometimes with additional assumptions of non-emptyness or
hold in both worlds, sometimes with additional assumptions of nonemptiness or
class conditionally_complete_lattice (α : Type u) extends lattice α, has_Sup α, has_Inf α :=
(le_cSup : ∀s a, bdd_above s → a ∈ s → a ≤ Sup s)
Expand All @@ -251,7 +273,7 @@ instance conditionally_complete_lattice_of_complete_lattice [complete_lattice α
cSup_le := by intros; apply Sup_le; assumption,
cInf_le := by intros; apply Inf_le; assumption,
le_cInf := by intros; apply le_Inf; assumption,
..‹complete_lattice α›}
..‹complete_lattice α› }

@[priority 100] -- see Note [lower instance priority]
instance conditionally_complete_linear_order_of_complete_linear_order [complete_linear_order α]:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -333,15 +355,15 @@ have ¬(b < Inf s) :=
show false, by finish [lt_irrefl (Inf s)],
show Inf s = b, by finish

/--When an element a of a set s is larger than all elements of the set, it is Sup s-/
/--When an element a of a set s is larger than all other elements of the set, it is Sup s-/
theorem cSup_of_mem_of_le (_ : a ∈ s) (_ : ∀w∈s, w ≤ a) : Sup s = a :=
have bdd_above s := ⟨a, by assumption⟩,
have s ≠ ∅ := ne_empty_of_mem ‹a ∈ s›,
have A : a ≤ Sup s := le_cSup ‹bdd_above s› ‹a ∈ s›,
have B : Sup s ≤ a := cSup_le ‹s ≠ ∅› ‹∀w∈s, w ≤ a›,
le_antisymm B A

/--When an element a of a set s is smaller than all elements of the set, it is Inf s-/
/--When an element a of a set s is smaller than all other elements of the set, it is Inf s-/
theorem cInf_of_mem_of_le (_ : a ∈ s) (_ : ∀w∈s, a ≤ w) : Inf s = a :=
have bdd_below s := ⟨a, by assumption⟩,
have s ≠ ∅ := ne_empty_of_mem ‹a ∈ s›,
Expand All @@ -351,15 +373,15 @@ le_antisymm A B

/--b < Sup s when there is an element a in s with b < a, when s is bounded above.
This is essentially an iff, except that the assumptions for the two implications are
slightly different (one needs boundedness above for one direction, nonemptyness and linear
slightly different (one needs boundedness above for one direction, nonemptiness and linear
order for the other one), so we formulate separately the two implications, contrary to
the complete_lattice case.-/
lemma lt_cSup_of_lt (_ : bdd_above s) (_ : a ∈ s) (_ : b < a) : b < Sup s :=
lt_of_lt_of_le ‹b < a› (le_cSup ‹bdd_above s› ‹a ∈ s›)

/--Inf s < b s when there is an element a in s with a < b, when s is bounded below.
/--Inf s < b when there is an element a in s with a < b, when s is bounded below.
This is essentially an iff, except that the assumptions for the two implications are
slightly different (one needs boundedness below for one direction, nonemptyness and linear
slightly different (one needs boundedness below for one direction, nonemptiness and linear
order for the other one), so we formulate separately the two implications, contrary to
the complete_lattice case.-/

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -390,7 +412,7 @@ have Inf s ≤ w := cInf_le ‹bdd_below s› ‹w ∈ s›,
have w ≤ Sup s := le_cSup ‹bdd_above s› ‹w ∈ s›,
le_trans ‹Inf s ≤ w› ‹w ≤ Sup s›

/--The sup of a union of sets is the max of the suprema of each subset, under the assumptions
/--The sup of a union of two sets is the max of the suprema of each subset, under the assumptions
that all sets are bounded above and nonempty.-/
theorem cSup_union (_ : bdd_above s) (_ : s ≠ ∅) (_ : bdd_above t) (_ : t ≠ ∅) :
Sup (s ∪ t) = Sup s ⊔ Sup t :=
Expand All @@ -410,7 +432,7 @@ have B : Sup s ⊔ Sup t ≤ Sup (s ∪ t) :=
by simp only [lattice.sup_le_iff]; split; assumption; assumption,
le_antisymm A B

/--The inf of a union of sets is the min of the infima of each subset, under the assumptions
/--The inf of a union of two sets is the min of the infima of each subset, under the assumptions
that all sets are bounded below and nonempty.-/
theorem cInf_union (_ : bdd_below s) (_ : s ≠ ∅) (_ : bdd_below t) (_ : t ≠ ∅) :
Inf (s ∪ t) = Inf s ⊓ Inf t :=
Expand All @@ -430,7 +452,7 @@ have B : Inf (s ∪ t) ≤ Inf s ⊓ Inf t :=
by simp only [lattice.le_inf_iff]; split; assumption; assumption,
le_antisymm B A

/--The supremum of an intersection of sets is bounded by the minimum of the suprema of each
/--The supremum of an intersection of two sets is bounded by the minimum of the suprema of each
set, if all sets are bounded above and nonempty.-/
theorem cSup_inter_le (_ : bdd_above s) (_ : bdd_above t) (_ : s ∩ t ≠ ∅) :
Sup (s ∩ t) ≤ Sup s ⊓ Sup t :=
Expand All @@ -440,7 +462,7 @@ begin
apply le_cSup ‹bdd_above t› ‹b ∈ t›

/--The infimum of an intersection of sets is bounded below by the maximum of the
/--The infimum of an intersection of two sets is bounded below by the maximum of the
infima of each set, if all sets are bounded below and nonempty.-/
theorem le_cInf_inter (_ : bdd_below s) (_ : bdd_below t) (_ : s ∩ t ≠ ∅) :
Inf s ⊔ Inf t ≤ Inf (s ∩ t) :=
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -476,13 +498,13 @@ cSup_of_mem_of_le (by simp only [set.mem_set_of_eq]) (λw Hw, by simp only [set.
lemma csupr_le_csupr {f g : β → α} (B : bdd_above (range g)) (H : ∀x, f x ≤ g x) : supr f ≤ supr g :=
classical, by_cases nonempty β,
{ have Rf : range f ≠ ∅, {simpa},
{ have Rf : range f ≠ ∅, { simpa },
apply cSup_le Rf,
rintros y ⟨x, rfl⟩,
have : g x ∈ range g := ⟨x, rfl⟩,
exact le_cSup_of_le B this (H x) },
{ have Rf : range f = ∅, {simpa},
have Rg : range g = ∅, {simpa},
{ have Rf : range f = ∅, { simpa },
have Rg : range g = ∅, { simpa },
unfold supr, rw [Rf, Rg] }

Expand All @@ -498,13 +520,13 @@ le_cSup H (mem_range_self _)
lemma cinfi_le_cinfi {f g : β → α} (B : bdd_below (range f)) (H : ∀x, f x ≤ g x) : infi f ≤ infi g :=
classical, by_cases nonempty β,
{ have Rg : range g ≠ ∅, {simpa},
{ have Rg : range g ≠ ∅, { simpa },
apply le_cInf Rg,
rintros y ⟨x, rfl⟩,
have : f x ∈ range f := ⟨x, rfl⟩,
exact cInf_le_of_le B this (H x) },
{ have Rf : range f = ∅, {simpa},
have Rg : range g = ∅, {simpa},
{ have Rf : range f = ∅, { simpa },
have Rg : range g = ∅, { simpa },
unfold infi, rw [Rf, Rg] }

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -647,51 +669,94 @@ open_locale classical

variables [conditionally_complete_linear_order_bot α]

lemma has_lub (s : set (with_top α)) : ∃a, is_lub s a :=
/-- The Sup of a non-empty set is its least upper bound for a conditionally
complete lattice with a top. -/
lemma is_lub_Sup' {β : Type*} [conditionally_complete_lattice β]
{s : set (with_top β)} (hs : s ≠ ∅) : is_lub s (Sup s) :=
by_cases hs : s = ∅, { subst hs, exact ⟨⊥, is_lub_empty⟩, },
rcases ne_empty_iff_exists_mem.1 hs with ⟨x, hxs⟩,
by_cases bnd : ∃b:α, ↑b ∈ upper_bounds s,
{ rcases bnd with ⟨b, hb⟩,
have bdd : bdd_above {a : α | ↑a ∈ s}, from ⟨b, assume y hy, coe_le_coe.1 $ hb hy⟩,
refine ⟨(Sup {a : α | ↑a ∈ s} : α), _, _⟩,
{ assume a has,
rcases (le_coe_iff _ _).1 (hb has) with ⟨a, rfl, h⟩,
exact (coe_le_coe.2 $ le_cSup bdd has) },
{ assume a hs,
rcases (le_coe_iff _ _).1 (hb hxs) with ⟨x, rfl, h⟩,
refine (coe_le_iff _ _).2 (assume c hc, _), subst hc,
exact (cSup_le (ne_empty_of_mem hxs) $ assume b (hbs : ↑b ∈ s), coe_le_coe.1 $ hs hbs), } },
exact ⟨⊤, assume a _, le_top, assume a,
match a with
| some a, ha := (bnd ⟨a, ha⟩).elim
| none, ha := _root_.le_refl ⊤
{ show ite _ _ _ ∈ _,
{ intros _ _, exact le_top },
{ rintro (⟨⟩|a) ha,
{ contradiction },
apply some_le_some.2,
exact le_cSup h_1 ha },
{ intros _ _, exact le_top } },
{ show ite _ _ _ ∈ _,
{ rintro (⟨⟩|a) ha,
{ exact _root_.le_refl _ },
{ exact false.elim (not_top_le_coe a (ha h)) } },
{ rintro (⟨⟩|b) hb,
{ exact le_top },
refine some_le_some.2 (cSup_le _ _),
{ refine mt _ h,
rw ne_empty_iff_exists_mem at hs,
intro h2,
rcases hs with ⟨⟨⟩|b, hb⟩,
{ assumption },
{ exfalso, revert h2, exact ne_empty_of_mem hb } },
{ intros a ha, exact some_le_some.1 (hb ha) } },
{ rintro (⟨⟩|b) hb,
{ exact _root_.le_refl _ },
{ exfalso, apply h_1, use b, intros a ha, exact some_le_some.1 (hb ha) } } }

lemma has_glb (s : set (with_top α)) : ∃a, is_glb s a :=
lemma is_lub_Sup (s : set (with_top α)) : is_lub s (Sup s) :=
by_cases hs : ∃x:α, ↑x ∈ s,
{ rcases hs with ⟨x, hxs⟩,
refine ⟨(Inf {a : α | ↑a ∈ s} : α), _, _⟩,
exact (assume a has, (coe_le_iff _ _).2 $ assume x hx, cInf_le (bdd_below_bot _) $
show ↑x ∈ s, from hx ▸ has),
{ assume a has,
rcases (le_coe_iff _ _).1 (has hxs) with ⟨x, rfl, h⟩,
exact (coe_le_coe.2 $ le_cInf (ne_empty_of_mem hxs) $
assume b hbs, coe_le_coe.1 $ has hbs) } },
exact ⟨⊤, assume a, match a with
| some a, ha := (hs ⟨a, ha⟩).elim
| none, ha := _root_.le_refl _
assume a _, le_top⟩
by_cases hs : s = ∅,
{ rw hs,
show is_lub ∅ (ite _ _ _),
{ cases h },
{ rw [preimage_empty, cSup_empty], exact is_lub_empty },
{ exfalso, apply h_1, use ⊥, rintro a ⟨⟩ } },
exact is_lub_Sup' hs,

noncomputable instance : has_Sup (with_top α) := ⟨λs, classical.some $ has_lub s⟩
noncomputable instance : has_Inf (with_top α) := ⟨λs, classical.some $ has_glb s⟩
/-- The Inf of a bounded-below set is its greatest lower bound for a conditionally
complete lattice with a top. -/
lemma is_glb_Inf' {β : Type*} [conditionally_complete_lattice β]
{s : set (with_top β)} (hs : bdd_below s) : is_glb s (Inf s) :=
{ show ite _ _ _ ∈ _,
{ intros a ha, exact top_le_iff.2 (set.mem_singleton_iff.1 (h ha)) },
{ rintro (⟨⟩|a) ha,
{ exact le_top },
refine some_le_some.2 (cInf_le _ ha),
rcases hs with ⟨⟨⟩|b, hb⟩,
{ exfalso,
apply h,
intros c hc,
rw [mem_singleton_iff, ←top_le_iff],
exact hb hc },
use b,
intros c hc,
exact some_le_some.1 (hb hc) } },
{ show ite _ _ _ ∈ _,
{ intros _ _, exact le_top },
{ rintro (⟨⟩|a) ha,
{ exfalso, apply h, intros b hb, exact set.mem_singleton_iff.2 (top_le_iff.1 (ha hb)) },
{ refine some_le_some.2 (le_cInf _ _),
{ refine mt _ h,
rintro hs (⟨⟩|b) hb,
{ exact mem_singleton _ },
{ exfalso, apply not_mem_empty b, rwa ←hs } },
{ intros b hb,
rw ←some_le_some,
exact ha hb } } } }

lemma is_lub_Sup (s : set (with_top α)) : is_lub s (Sup s) := classical.some_spec _
lemma is_glb_Inf (s : set (with_top α)) : is_glb s (Inf s) := classical.some_spec _
lemma is_glb_Inf (s : set (with_top α)) : is_glb s (Inf s) :=
by_cases hs : bdd_below s,
{ exact is_glb_Inf' hs },
{ exfalso, apply hs, use ⊥, intros _ _, exact bot_le },

noncomputable instance : complete_linear_order (with_top α) :=
{ Sup := Sup, le_Sup := assume s, (is_lub_Sup s).1, Sup_le := assume s, (is_lub_Sup s).2,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -774,3 +839,89 @@ instance (α : Type*) [conditionally_complete_linear_order α] :
..order_dual.decidable_linear_order α }

end order_dual

section with_top_bot

/-! ### Complete lattice structure on `with_top (with_bot α)`
If `α` is a `conditionally_complete_lattice`, then we show that `with_top α` and `with_bot α`
also inherit the structure of conditionally complete lattices. Furthermore, we show
that `with_top (with_bot α)` naturally inherits the structure of a complete lattice. Note that
for α a conditionally complete lattice, `Sup` and `Inf` both return junk values
for sets which are empty or unbounded. The extension of `Sup` to `with_top α` fixes
the unboundedness problem and the extension to `with_bot α` fixes the problem with
the empty set.
This result can be used to show that the extended reals [-∞, ∞] are a complete lattice.

open lattice

open_locale classical

/-- Adding a top element to a conditionally complete lattice gives a conditionally complete lattice -/
noncomputable instance with_top.conditionally_complete_lattice
{α : Type*} [conditionally_complete_lattice α] :
conditionally_complete_lattice (with_top α) :=
{ le_cSup := λ S a hS haS, (with_top.is_lub_Sup' (ne_empty_of_mem haS)).1 haS,
cSup_le := λ S a hS haS, (with_top.is_lub_Sup' hS).2 haS,
cInf_le := λ S a hS haS, (with_top.is_glb_Inf' hS).1 haS,
le_cInf := λ S a hS haS, (with_top.is_glb_Inf' ⟨a, haS⟩).2 haS,
..with_top.lattice.has_Inf }

/-- Adding a bottom element to a conditionally complete lattice gives a conditionally complete lattice -/
noncomputable instance with_bot.conditionally_complete_lattice
{α : Type*} [conditionally_complete_lattice α] :
conditionally_complete_lattice (with_bot α) :=
{ le_cSup := (@with_top.conditionally_complete_lattice (order_dual α) _).cInf_le,
cSup_le := (@with_top.conditionally_complete_lattice (order_dual α) _).le_cInf,
cInf_le := (@with_top.conditionally_complete_lattice (order_dual α) _).le_cSup,
le_cInf := (@with_top.conditionally_complete_lattice (order_dual α) _).cSup_le,
..with_bot.lattice.has_Inf }

/-- Adding a bottom and a top to a conditionally complete lattice gives a bounded lattice-/
noncomputable instance {α : Type*} [conditionally_complete_lattice α] : bounded_lattice (with_top (with_bot α)) :=
{ ..with_top.order_bot,
..conditionally_complete_lattice.to_lattice _ }

theorem with_bot.cSup_empty {α : Type*} [conditionally_complete_lattice α] :
Sup (∅ : set (with_bot α)) = ⊥ :=
show ite _ _ _ = ⊥,
split_ifs; finish,

noncomputable instance {α : Type*} [conditionally_complete_lattice α] :
complete_lattice (with_top (with_bot α)) :=
{ le_Sup := λ S a haS, (with_top.is_lub_Sup' (ne_empty_of_mem haS)).1 haS,
Sup_le := λ S a ha,
by_cases h : S = ∅,
{ show ite _ _ _ ≤ a,
{ rw h at h_1, cases h_1 },
{ convert bot_le, convert with_bot.cSup_empty, rw h, refl },
{ exfalso, apply h_2, use ⊥, rw h, rintro b ⟨⟩ } },
{ refine (with_top.is_lub_Sup' h).2 ha }
Inf_le := λ S a haS,
show ite _ _ _ ≤ a,
{ cases a with a, exact _root_.le_refl _,
cases (h haS); tauto },
{ cases a,
{ exact le_top },
{ apply with_top.some_le_some.2, refine cInf_le _ haS, use ⊥, intros b hb, exact bot_le } }
le_Inf := λ S a haS, (with_top.is_glb_Inf' ⟨a, haS⟩).2 haS,
..with_top.lattice.bounded_lattice }

end with_top_bot

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