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Definition and equivalence of NFA's and DFA's

Co-authored-by: foxthomson <>
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foxthomson and foxthomson committed Jan 3, 2021
1 parent eb6d5f1 commit 384ba88
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Showing 2 changed files with 162 additions and 0 deletions.
46 changes: 46 additions & 0 deletions src/computability/DFA.lean
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
Copyright (c) 2020 Fox Thomson. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Fox Thomson

import data.fintype.basic
import computability.language

# Deterministic Finite Automata
This file contains the definition of a Deterministic Finite Automaton (DFA), a state machine which
determines whether a string (implemented as a list over an arbitrary alphabet) is in a regular set
in linear time.
Note that this definition allows for Automaton with infinite states, a `fintype` instance must be
supplied for true DFA's.

universes u v

/-- A DFA is a set of states (`σ`), a transition function from state to state labelled by the
alphabet (`step`), a starting state (`start`) and a set of acceptance states (`accept`). -/
structure DFA (α : Type u) (σ : Type v) :=
(step : σ → α → σ)
(start : σ)
(accept : set σ)

namespace DFA

variables {α : Type u} {σ σ₁ σ₂ σ₃ : Type v} (M : DFA α σ)

instance [inhabited σ] : inhabited (DFA α σ) :=
⟨ (λ _ _, default σ) (default σ) ∅⟩

/-- `M.eval_from s x` evaluates `M` with input `x` starting from the state `s`. -/
def eval_from (start : σ) : list α → σ :=
list.foldl M.step start

/-- `M.eval x` evaluates `M` with input `x` starting from the state `M.start`. -/
def eval := M.eval_from M.start

/-- `M.accepts` is the language of `x` such that `M.eval x` is an accept state. -/
def accepts : language α :=
λ x, M.eval x ∈ M.accept

end DFA
116 changes: 116 additions & 0 deletions src/computability/NFA.lean
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
Copyright (c) 2020 Fox Thomson. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Fox Thomson

import data.fintype.basic
import computability.DFA

# Nondeterministic Finite Automata
This file contains the definition of a Nondeterministic Finite Automaton (NFA), a state machine
which determines whether a string (implemented as a list over an arbitrary alphabet) is in a regular
set by evaluating the string over every possible path.
We show that DFA's are equivalent to NFA's however the construction from NFA to DFA uses an
exponential number of states.
Note that this definition allows for Automaton with infinite states, a `fintype` instance must be
supplied for true NFA's.

universes u v

/-- An NFA is a set of states (`σ`), a transition function from state to state labelled by the
alphabet (`step`), a starting state (`start`) and a set of acceptance states (`accept`).
Note the transition function sends a state to a `set` of states. These are the states that it
may be sent to. -/
structure NFA (α : Type u) (σ : Type v) :=
(step : σ → α → set σ)
(start : set σ)
(accept : set σ)

variables {α : Type u} {σ σ' σ₁ σ₂ σ₃ : Type v} (M : NFA α σ)

namespace NFA

instance : inhabited (NFA α σ') := ⟨ (λ _ _, ∅) ∅ ∅ ⟩

/-- `M.step_set S a` is the union of `M.step s a` for all `s ∈ S`. -/
def step_set : set σ → α → set σ :=
λ Ss a, Ss >>= (λ S, (M.step S a))

lemma mem_step_set (s : σ) (S : set σ) (a : α) :
s ∈ M.step_set S a ↔ ∃ t ∈ S, s ∈ M.step t a :=
by simp only [step_set, set.mem_Union, set.bind_def]

/-- `M.eval_from S x` computes all possible paths though `M` with input `x` starting at an element
of `S`. -/
def eval_from (start : set σ) : list α → set σ :=
list.foldl M.step_set start

/-- `M.eval x` computes all possible paths though `M` with input `x` starting at an element of
`M.start`. -/
def eval := M.eval_from M.start

/-- `M.accepts` is the language of `x` such that there is an accept state in `M.eval x`. -/
def accepts : language α :=
λ x, ∃ S ∈ M.accept, S ∈ M.eval x

/-- `M.to_DFA` is an `DFA` constructed from a `NFA` `M` using the subset construction. The
states is the type of `set`s of `M.state` and the step function is `M.step_set`. -/
def to_DFA : DFA α (set σ) :=
{ step := M.step_set,
start := M.start,
accept := {S | ∃ s ∈ S, s ∈ M.accept} }

@[simp] lemma to_DFA_correct :
M.to_DFA.accepts = M.accepts :=
ext x,
rw [accepts, DFA.accepts, eval, DFA.eval],
change list.foldl _ _ _ ∈ {S | _} ↔ _,

end NFA

namespace DFA

/-- `M.to_NFA` is an `NFA` constructed from a `DFA` `M` by using the same start and accept
states and a transition function which sends `s` with input `a` to the singleton `M.step s a`. -/
def to_NFA (M : DFA α σ') : NFA α σ' :=
{ step := λ s a, {M.step s a},
start := {M.start},
accept := M.accept }

@[simp] lemma to_NFA_eval_from_match (M : DFA α σ) (start : σ) (s : list α) :
M.to_NFA.eval_from {start} s = {M.eval_from start s} :=
change list.foldl M.to_NFA.step_set {start} s = {list.foldl M.step start s},
induction s with a s ih generalizing start,
{ tauto },
{ rw [list.foldl, list.foldl],
have h : M.to_NFA.step_set {start} a = {M.step start a},
{ rw NFA.step_set,
finish },
rw h,
tauto }

@[simp] lemma to_NFA_correct (M : DFA α σ) :
M.to_NFA.accepts = M.accepts :=
ext x,
change (∃ S H, S ∈ M.to_NFA.eval_from {M.start} x) ↔ _,
rw to_NFA_eval_from_match,
{ rintro ⟨ S, hS₁, hS₂ ⟩,
rw set.mem_singleton_iff at hS₂,
rw hS₂ at hS₁,
assumption },
{ intro h,
use M.eval x,
finish }

end DFA

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