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feat(data/set/intervals/pi): lemmas about intervals in Π i, π i (#4951
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Also add missing lemmas `Ixx_mem_nhds` and lemmas `pi_Ixx_mem_nhds`.
For each `pi_Ixx_mem_nhds` I add a non-dependent version
`pi_Ixx_mem_nhds'` because sometimes Lean fails to unify different
instances while trying to apply the dependent version to `ι → ℝ`.
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urkud committed Nov 8, 2020
1 parent dcb8576 commit 3c875e8
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Showing 6 changed files with 179 additions and 0 deletions.
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions src/data/set/basic.lean
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Expand Up @@ -2027,6 +2027,9 @@ by simp

@[simp] lemma empty_pi (s : Π i, set (α i)) : pi ∅ s = univ := by { ext, simp [pi] }

lemma pi_mono (h : ∀ i ∈ s, t₁ i ⊆ t₂ i) : pi s t₁ ⊆ pi s t₂ :=
λ x hx i hi, (h i hi $ hx i hi)

lemma pi_eq_empty {i : ι} (hs : i ∈ s) (ht : t i = ∅) : s.pi t = ∅ :=
by { ext f, simp only [mem_empty_eq, not_forall, iff_false, mem_pi, not_imp],
exact ⟨i, hs, by simp [ht]⟩ }
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67 changes: 67 additions & 0 deletions src/data/set/intervals/pi.lean
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@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
Copyright (c) 2020 Yury Kudryashov. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Author: Yury Kudryashov
import data.set.intervals.basic
import data.set.lattice

# Intervals in `pi`-space
In this we prove various simple lemmas about intervals in `Π i, α i`. Closed intervals (`Ici x`,
`Iic x`, `Icc x y`) are equal to products of their projections to `α i`, while (semi-)open intervals
usually include the corresponding products as proper subsets.

variables {ι : Type*} {α : ι → Type*}

namespace set

section pi_preorder

variables [Π i, preorder (α i)] (x y : Π i, α i)

@[simp] lemma pi_univ_Ici : pi univ (λ i, Ici (x i)) = Ici x :=
ext $ λ y, by simp [pi.le_def]

@[simp] lemma pi_univ_Iic : pi univ (λ i, Iic (x i)) = Iic x :=
ext $ λ y, by simp [pi.le_def]

@[simp] lemma pi_univ_Icc : pi univ (λ i, Icc (x i) (y i)) = Icc x y :=
ext $ λ y, by simp [pi.le_def, forall_and_distrib]

variable [nonempty ι]

lemma pi_univ_Ioi_subset : pi univ (λ i, Ioi (x i)) ⊆ Ioi x :=
λ z hz, ⟨λ i, le_of_lt $ hz i trivial,
λ h, nonempty.elim ‹nonempty ι› $ λ i, (h i).not_lt (hz i trivial)⟩

lemma pi_univ_Iio_subset : pi univ (λ i, Iio (x i)) ⊆ Iio x :=
@pi_univ_Ioi_subset ι (λ i, order_dual (α i)) _ x _

lemma pi_univ_Ioo_subset : pi univ (λ i, Ioo (x i) (y i)) ⊆ Ioo x y :=
λ x hx, ⟨pi_univ_Ioi_subset _ $ λ i hi, (hx i hi).1, pi_univ_Iio_subset _ $ λ i hi, (hx i hi).2

lemma pi_univ_Ioc_subset : pi univ (λ i, Ioc (x i) (y i)) ⊆ Ioc x y :=
λ x hx, ⟨pi_univ_Ioi_subset _ $ λ i hi, (hx i hi).1, λ i, (hx i trivial).2

lemma pi_univ_Ico_subset : pi univ (λ i, Ico (x i) (y i)) ⊆ Ico x y :=
λ x hx, ⟨λ i, (hx i trivial).1, pi_univ_Iio_subset _ $ λ i hi, (hx i hi).2

end pi_preorder

lemma Icc_diff_pi_univ_Ioc_subset [decidable_eq ι] [Π i, linear_order (α i)] (x y z : Π i, α i) :
Icc x z \ pi univ (λ i, Ioc (y i) (z i)) ⊆ ⋃ i : ι, Icc x (function.update z i (y i)) :=
rintros a ⟨⟨hax, haz⟩, hay⟩,
simp only [mem_Ioc, mem_univ_pi, not_forall, not_and_distrib, not_lt] at hay,
rcases hay with ⟨i, hi⟩,
replace hi : a i ≤ y i := hi.elim id (λ h, (h $ haz i).elim),
refine mem_Union.2 ⟨i, ⟨hax, λ j, _⟩⟩,
by_cases hj : j = i,
{ subst j, simpa },
{ simp [hj, haz j] }

end set
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions src/order/basic.lean
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Expand Up @@ -320,6 +320,10 @@ instance pi.preorder {ι : Type u} {α : ι → Type v} [∀i, preorder (α i)]
le_refl := assume a i, le_refl (a i),
le_trans := assume a b c h₁ h₂ i, le_trans (h₁ i) (h₂ i) }

lemma pi.le_def {ι : Type u} {α : ι → Type v} [∀i, preorder (α i)] {x y : Π i, α i} :
x ≤ y ↔ ∀ i, x i ≤ y i :=

instance pi.partial_order {ι : Type u} {α : ι → Type v} [∀i, partial_order (α i)] :
partial_order (Πi, α i) :=
{ le_antisymm := λf g h1 h2, funext (λb, le_antisymm (h1 b) (h2 b)),
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97 changes: 97 additions & 0 deletions src/topology/algebra/ordered.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ import order.liminf_limsup
import data.set.intervals.image_preimage
import data.set.intervals.ord_connected
import data.set.intervals.surj_on
import data.set.intervals.pi
import topology.extend_from_subset
import order.filter.interval
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -973,9 +974,105 @@ mem_nhds_sets is_open_Iio h
lemma Ioi_mem_nhds {a b : α} (h : a < b) : Ioi a ∈ 𝓝 b :=
mem_nhds_sets is_open_Ioi h

lemma Iic_mem_nhds {a b : α} (h : a < b) : Iic b ∈ 𝓝 a :=
mem_sets_of_superset (Iio_mem_nhds h) Iio_subset_Iic_self

lemma Ici_mem_nhds {a b : α} (h : a < b) : Ici a ∈ 𝓝 b :=
mem_sets_of_superset (Ioi_mem_nhds h) Ioi_subset_Ici_self

lemma Ioo_mem_nhds {a b x : α} (ha : a < x) (hb : x < b) : Ioo a b ∈ 𝓝 x :=
mem_nhds_sets is_open_Ioo ⟨ha, hb⟩

lemma Ioc_mem_nhds {a b x : α} (ha : a < x) (hb : x < b) : Ioc a b ∈ 𝓝 x :=
mem_sets_of_superset (Ioo_mem_nhds ha hb) Ioo_subset_Ioc_self

lemma Ico_mem_nhds {a b x : α} (ha : a < x) (hb : x < b) : Ico a b ∈ 𝓝 x :=
mem_sets_of_superset (Ioo_mem_nhds ha hb) Ioo_subset_Ico_self

lemma Icc_mem_nhds {a b x : α} (ha : a < x) (hb : x < b) : Icc a b ∈ 𝓝 x :=
mem_sets_of_superset (Ioo_mem_nhds ha hb) Ioo_subset_Icc_self

section pi

### Intervals in `Π i, π i` belong to `𝓝 x`
For each leamma `pi_Ixx_mem_nhds` we add a non-dependent version `pi_Ixx_mem_nhds'` because
sometimes Lean fails to unify different instances while trying to apply the dependent version to,
e.g., `ι → ℝ`.

variables {ι : Type*} {π : ι → Type*} [fintype ι] [Π i, linear_order (π i)]
[Π i, topological_space (π i)] [∀ i, order_topology (π i)] {a b x : Π i, π i} {a' b' x' : ι → α}

lemma pi_Iic_mem_nhds (ha : ∀ i, x i < a i) : Iic a ∈ 𝓝 x :=
pi_univ_Iic a ▸ set_pi_mem_nhds (finite.of_fintype _) (λ i _, Iic_mem_nhds (ha _))

lemma pi_Iic_mem_nhds' (ha : ∀ i, x' i < a' i) : Iic a' ∈ 𝓝 x' :=
pi_Iic_mem_nhds ha

lemma pi_Ici_mem_nhds (ha : ∀ i, a i < x i) : Ici a ∈ 𝓝 x :=
pi_univ_Ici a ▸ set_pi_mem_nhds (finite.of_fintype _) (λ i _, Ici_mem_nhds (ha _))

lemma pi_Ici_mem_nhds' (ha : ∀ i, a' i < x' i) : Ici a' ∈ 𝓝 x' :=
pi_Ici_mem_nhds ha

lemma pi_Icc_mem_nhds (ha : ∀ i, a i < x i) (hb : ∀ i, x i < b i) : Icc a b ∈ 𝓝 x :=
pi_univ_Icc a b ▸ set_pi_mem_nhds (finite.of_fintype _) (λ i _, Icc_mem_nhds (ha _) (hb _))

lemma pi_Icc_mem_nhds' (ha : ∀ i, a' i < x' i) (hb : ∀ i, x' i < b' i) : Icc a' b' ∈ 𝓝 x' :=
pi_Icc_mem_nhds ha hb

variables [nonempty ι]

lemma pi_Iio_mem_nhds (ha : ∀ i, x i < a i) : Iio a ∈ 𝓝 x :=
refine mem_sets_of_superset (set_pi_mem_nhds (finite.of_fintype _) (λ i _, _))
(pi_univ_Iio_subset a),
exact Iio_mem_nhds (ha i)

lemma pi_Iio_mem_nhds' (ha : ∀ i, x' i < a' i) : Iio a' ∈ 𝓝 x' :=
pi_Iio_mem_nhds ha

lemma pi_Ioi_mem_nhds (ha : ∀ i, a i < x i) : Ioi a ∈ 𝓝 x :=
@pi_Iio_mem_nhds ι (λ i, order_dual (π i)) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ha

lemma pi_Ioi_mem_nhds' (ha : ∀ i, a' i < x' i) : Ioi a' ∈ 𝓝 x' :=
pi_Ioi_mem_nhds ha

lemma pi_Ioc_mem_nhds (ha : ∀ i, a i < x i) (hb : ∀ i, x i < b i) : Ioc a b ∈ 𝓝 x :=
refine mem_sets_of_superset (set_pi_mem_nhds (finite.of_fintype _) (λ i _, _))
(pi_univ_Ioc_subset a b),
exact Ioc_mem_nhds (ha i) (hb i)

lemma pi_Ioc_mem_nhds' (ha : ∀ i, a' i < x' i) (hb : ∀ i, x' i < b' i) : Ioc a' b' ∈ 𝓝 x' :=
pi_Ioc_mem_nhds ha hb

lemma pi_Ico_mem_nhds (ha : ∀ i, a i < x i) (hb : ∀ i, x i < b i) : Ico a b ∈ 𝓝 x :=
refine mem_sets_of_superset (set_pi_mem_nhds (finite.of_fintype _) (λ i _, _))
(pi_univ_Ico_subset a b),
exact Ico_mem_nhds (ha i) (hb i)

lemma pi_Ico_mem_nhds' (ha : ∀ i, a' i < x' i) (hb : ∀ i, x' i < b' i) : Ico a' b' ∈ 𝓝 x' :=
pi_Ico_mem_nhds ha hb

lemma pi_Ioo_mem_nhds (ha : ∀ i, a i < x i) (hb : ∀ i, x i < b i) : Ioo a b ∈ 𝓝 x :=
refine mem_sets_of_superset (set_pi_mem_nhds (finite.of_fintype _) (λ i _, _))
(pi_univ_Ioo_subset a b),
exact Ioo_mem_nhds (ha i) (hb i)

lemma pi_Ioo_mem_nhds' (ha : ∀ i, a' i < x' i) (hb : ∀ i, x' i < b' i) : Ioo a' b' ∈ 𝓝 x' :=
pi_Ioo_mem_nhds ha hb

end pi

lemma disjoint_nhds_at_top [no_top_order α] (x : α) :
disjoint (𝓝 x) at_top :=
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5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions src/topology/constructions.lean
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Expand Up @@ -604,6 +604,11 @@ lemma is_open_set_pi [∀a, topological_space (π a)] {i : set ι} {s : Πa, set
(hi : finite i) (hs : ∀a∈i, is_open (s a)) : is_open (pi i s) :=
by rw [pi_def]; exact (is_open_bInter hi $ assume a ha, continuous_apply a _ $ hs a ha)

lemma set_pi_mem_nhds [Π a, topological_space (π a)] {i : set ι} {s : Π a, set (π a)}
{x : Π a, π a} (hi : finite i) (hs : ∀ a ∈ i, s a ∈ 𝓝 (x a)) :
pi i s ∈ 𝓝 x :=
by { rw [pi_def], exact Inter_mem_sets hi (λ a ha, (continuous_apply a).continuous_at (hs a ha)) }

lemma pi_eq_generate_from [∀a, topological_space (π a)] :
Pi.topological_space =
generate_from {g | ∃(s:Πa, set (π a)) (i : finset ι), (∀a∈i, is_open (s a)) ∧ g = pi ↑i s} :=
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3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions src/topology/instances/real.lean
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Expand Up @@ -294,6 +294,9 @@ compact_of_totally_bounded_is_closed
(real.totally_bounded_Icc a b)
(is_closed_inter (is_closed_ge' a) (is_closed_le' b))

lemma compact_pi_Icc {ι : Type*} {a b : ι → ℝ} : is_compact (Icc a b) :=
pi_univ_Icc a b ▸ compact_univ_pi $ λ i, compact_Icc

instance : proper_space ℝ :=
{ compact_ball := λx r, by rw closed_ball_Icc; apply compact_Icc }

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