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feat(measure_theory): preliminaries for Haar measure (#3195)
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Move properties about lattice operations on encodable types to a new file. These are generalized from lemmas in the measure theory folder, for lattice operations and not just for `ennreal`. Also move them to the `encodable` namespace.
Rename `outer_measure.Union_aux` to `encodable.Union_decode2`.
Generalize some properties for outer measures to arbitrary complete lattices. This is useful for operations that behave like outer measures on a subset of `set α`.

Co-authored-by: Rob Lewis <>
Co-authored-by: Yury G. Kudryashov <>
Co-authored-by: Bryan Gin-ge Chen <>
  • Loading branch information
4 people committed Jul 15, 2020
1 parent 5f5d641 commit 5fe67b7
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Showing 11 changed files with 242 additions and 92 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/data/equiv/denumerable.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ Denumerable (countably infinite) types, as a typeclass extending
encodable. This is used to provide explicit encode/decode functions
from nat, where the functions are known inverses of each other.
import data.equiv.encodable
import data.equiv.encodable.basic
import data.sigma
import data.fintype.basic
import data.list.min_max
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File renamed without changes.
66 changes: 66 additions & 0 deletions src/data/equiv/encodable/lattice.lean
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@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
Copyright (c) 2020 Floris van Doorn. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Author: Floris van Doorn
import data.equiv.encodable.basic
import data.finset
import data.set.disjointed
# Lattice operations on encodable types
Lemmas about lattice and set operations on encodable types
## Implementation Notes
This is a separate file, to avoid unnecessary imports in basic files.
Previously some of these results were in the `measure_theory` folder.

open set

namespace encodable

variables {α : Type*} {β : Type*} [encodable β]

lemma supr_decode2 [complete_lattice α] (f : β → α) :
(⨆ (i : ℕ) (b ∈ decode2 β i), f b) = (⨆ b, f b) :=
by { rw [supr_comm], simp [mem_decode2] }

lemma Union_decode2 (f : β → set α) : (⋃ (i : ℕ) (b ∈ decode2 β i), f b) = (⋃ b, f b) :=
supr_decode2 f

@[elab_as_eliminator] lemma Union_decode2_cases
{f : β → set α} {C : set α → Prop}
(H0 : C ∅) (H1 : ∀ b, C (f b)) {n} :
C (⋃ b ∈ decode2 β n, f b) :=
match decode2 β n with
| none := by { simp, apply H0 }
| (some b) := by { convert H1 b, simp [ext_iff] }

theorem Union_decode2_disjoint_on {f : β → set α} (hd : pairwise (disjoint on f)) :
pairwise (disjoint on λ i, ⋃ b ∈ decode2 β i, f b) :=
rintro i j ij x ⟨h₁, h₂⟩,
revert h₁ h₂,
simp, intros b₁ e₁ h₁ b₂ e₂ h₂,
refine hd _ _ _ ⟨h₁, h₂⟩,
cases encodable.mem_decode2.1 e₁,
cases encodable.mem_decode2.1 e₂,
exact mt (congr_arg _) ij

end encodable

namespace finset

lemma nonempty_encodable {α} (t : finset α) : nonempty $ encodable {i // i ∈ t} :=
classical, induction t using finset.induction with x t hx ih,
{ refine ⟨⟨λ _, 0, λ _, none, λ ⟨x,y⟩, y.rec _⟩⟩ },
{ cases ih with ih, exactI ⟨encodable.of_equiv _ (finset.subtype_insert_equiv_option hx)⟩ }

end finset
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/data/rat/basic.lean
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Expand Up @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Johannes Hölzl, Mario Carneiro
import data.equiv.encodable
import data.equiv.encodable.basic
import algebra.euclidean_domain
import algebra.ordered_field
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3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions src/measure_theory/borel_space.lean
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Expand Up @@ -198,6 +198,9 @@ lemma is_measurable_interior : is_measurable (interior s) :=
lemma is_closed.is_measurable (h : is_closed s) : is_measurable s :=
is_measurable.compl_iff.1 $ h.is_measurable

lemma is_compact.is_measurable [t2_space α] (h : is_compact s) : is_measurable s :=

lemma is_measurable_singleton [t1_space α] {x : α} : is_measurable ({x} : set α) :=

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35 changes: 5 additions & 30 deletions src/measure_theory/measurable_space.lean
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Expand Up @@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ Measurable spaces -- σ-algberas
import data.set.disjointed
import data.set.countable
import data.equiv.encodable.lattice

# Measurable spaces and measurable functions
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -102,25 +103,12 @@ lemma is_measurable.congr {s t : set α} (hs : is_measurable s) (h : s = t) :
is_measurable t :=
by rwa ← h

lemma encodable.Union_decode2 {α} [encodable β] (f : β → set α) :
(⋃ b, f b) = ⋃ (i : ℕ) (b ∈ decode2 β i), f b :=
ext $ by simp [mem_decode2, exists_swap]

@[elab_as_eliminator] lemma encodable.Union_decode2_cases
{α} [encodable β] {f : β → set α} {C : set α → Prop}
(H0 : C ∅) (H1 : ∀ b, C (f b)) {n} :
C (⋃ b ∈ decode2 β n, f b) :=
match decode2 β n with
| none := by simp; apply H0
| (some b) := by convert H1 b; simp [ext_iff]

lemma is_measurable.Union [encodable β] {f : β → set α} (h : ∀b, is_measurable (f b)) :
is_measurable (⋃b, f b) :=
by rw encodable.Union_decode2; exact
by { rw encodable.Union_decode2, exact
‹measurable_space α›.is_measurable_Union
(λ n, ⋃ b ∈ decode2 β n, f b)
(λ n, encodable.Union_decode2_cases is_measurable.empty h)
(λ n, encodable.Union_decode2_cases is_measurable.empty h) }

lemma is_measurable.bUnion {f : β → set α} {s : set β} (hs : countable s)
(h : ∀b∈s, is_measurable (f b)) : is_measurable (⋃b∈s, f b) :=
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -882,19 +870,6 @@ structure dynkin_system (α : Type*) :=
(has_compl : ∀{a}, has a → has aᶜ)
(has_Union_nat : ∀{f:ℕ → set α}, pairwise (disjoint on f) → (∀i, has (f i)) → has (⋃i, f i))

theorem Union_decode2_disjoint_on
{β} [encodable β] {f : β → set α} (hd : pairwise (disjoint on f)) :
pairwise (disjoint on λ i, ⋃ b ∈ decode2 β i, f b) :=
rintro i j ij x ⟨h₁, h₂⟩,
revert h₁ h₂,
simp, intros b₁ e₁ h₁ b₂ e₂ h₂,
refine hd _ _ _ ⟨h₁, h₂⟩,
cases encodable.mem_decode2.1 e₁,
cases encodable.mem_decode2.1 e₂,
exact mt (congr_arg _) ij

namespace dynkin_system

@[ext] lemma ext :
Expand All @@ -913,9 +888,9 @@ by simpa using d.has_compl d.has_empty

theorem has_Union {β} [encodable β] {f : β → set α}
(hd : pairwise (disjoint on f)) (h : ∀i, d.has (f i)) : d.has (⋃i, f i) :=
by rw encodable.Union_decode2; exact
by { rw encodable.Union_decode2, exact
d.has_Union_nat (Union_decode2_disjoint_on hd)
(λ n, encodable.Union_decode2_cases d.has_empty h)
(λ n, encodable.Union_decode2_cases d.has_empty h) }

theorem has_union {s₁ s₂ : set α}
(h₁ : d.has s₁) (h₂ : d.has s₂) (h : s₁ ∩ s₂ ⊆ ∅) : d.has (s₁ ∪ s₂) :=
Expand Down
94 changes: 73 additions & 21 deletions src/measure_theory/measure_space.lean
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Expand Up @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ extension of the restricted measure.
In the first part of the file we define operations on arbitrary functions defined on measurable
Measures on `α` form a complete lattice.
Measures on `α` form a complete lattice, and are closed under scalar multiplication with `ennreal`.
Given a measure, the null sets are the sets where `μ s = 0`, where `μ` denotes the corresponding
outer measure (so `s` might not be measurable). We can then define the completion of `μ` as the
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -129,10 +129,10 @@ lemma measure'_Union
(hd : pairwise (disjoint on f)) (hm : ∀i, is_measurable (f i)) :
measure' (⋃i, f i) = (∑'i, measure' (f i)) :=
rw [encodable.Union_decode2, outer_measure.Union_aux],
rw [encodable.Union_decode2, ← tsum_Union_decode2],
{ exact measure'_Union_nat _ _
(λ n, encodable.Union_decode2_cases is_measurable.empty hm)
(mU _ (measurable_space.Union_decode2_disjoint_on hd)) },
(mU _ (encodable.Union_decode2_disjoint_on hd)) },
{ apply measure'_empty },

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -229,7 +229,7 @@ by simp [infi_subtype, infi_and, trim_eq_infi]
theorem trim_trim (m : outer_measure α) : m.trim.trim = m.trim :=
le_antisymm (le_trim_iff.2 $ λ s hs, by simp [trim_eq _ hs, le_refl]) (trim_ge _)

theorem trim_zero : (0 : outer_measure α).trim = 0 :=
@[simp] theorem trim_zero : (0 : outer_measure α).trim = 0 :=
ext $ λ s, le_antisymm
(le_trans ((trim 0).mono (subset_univ s)) $
le_of_eq $ trim_eq _ is_measurable.univ)
Expand All @@ -251,6 +251,53 @@ theorem trim_sum_ge {ι} (m : ι → outer_measure α) : sum (λ i, (m i).trim)
λ t st ht, ennreal.tsum_le_tsum (λ i,
infi_le_of_le t $ infi_le_of_le st $ infi_le _ ht)

lemma exists_is_measurable_superset_of_trim_eq_zero
{m : outer_measure α} {s : set α} (h : m.trim s = 0) :
∃t, s ⊆ t ∧ is_measurable t ∧ m t = 0 :=
rw [trim_eq_infi] at h,
have h := (infi_eq_bot _).1 h,
choose t ht using show ∀n:ℕ, ∃t, s ⊆ t ∧ is_measurable t ∧ m t < n⁻¹,
{ assume n,
have : (0 : ennreal) < n⁻¹ :=
(zero_lt_iff_ne_zero.2 $ ennreal.inv_ne_zero.2 $ ennreal.nat_ne_top _),
rcases h _ this with ⟨t, ht⟩,
use [t],
simpa [(>), infi_lt_iff, -add_comm] using ht },
refine ⟨⋂n, t n, subset_Inter (λn, (ht n).1), is_measurable.Inter (λn, (ht n).2.1), _⟩,
refine eq_of_le_of_forall_le_of_dense bot_le (assume r hr, _),
rcases ennreal.exists_inv_nat_lt (ne_of_gt hr) with ⟨n, hn⟩,
calc m (⋂n, t n) ≤ m (t n) : m.mono' (Inter_subset _ _)
... ≤ n⁻¹ : le_of_lt (ht n).2.2
... ≤ r : le_of_lt hn

/- Can this proof be simplified? Currently it's pretty ugly. -/
lemma trim_smul (m : outer_measure α) (x : ennreal) : (x • m).trim = x • m.trim :=
ext1 s,
haveI : nonempty {t : set α // s ⊆ t ∧ is_measurable t} :=
⟨⟨set.univ, subset_univ s, is_measurable.univ⟩⟩,
by_cases h : x = 0,
{ simp only [h, zero_smul, zero_apply, trim_zero] },
simp only [smul_apply],
by_cases h2 : m.trim s = 0,
{ rcases exists_is_measurable_superset_of_trim_eq_zero h2 with ⟨t, h1t, h2t, h3t⟩,
simp only [h2, mul_zero, ←le_zero_iff_eq],
refine le_trans (outer_measure.mono _ h1t) _,
simp only [trim_eq _ h2t, smul_apply, le_zero_iff_eq, measure_of_eq_coe, h3t, mul_zero] },
by_cases h3 : x = ⊤,
{ simp only [h3, h2, with_top.top_mul, ne.def, not_false_iff],
simp only [trim_eq_infi, true_and, infi_eq_top, smul_apply, with_top.mul_eq_top_iff,
eq_self_iff_true, not_false_iff, ennreal.top_ne_zero, ← zero_lt_iff_ne_zero, true_and,
intros t ht h2t, right, refine lt_of_lt_of_le (zero_lt_iff_ne_zero.mpr h2) _,
rw [← trim_eq m h2t], exact m.trim.mono ht },
simp only [trim_eq_infi, infi_and'],
simp only [infi_subtype'],
rw [ennreal.mul_infi], refl, exact h3

end outer_measure

/-- A measure is defined to be an outer measure that is countably additive on
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -346,23 +393,7 @@ by rw [← le_zero_iff_eq, ← h₂]; exact measure_mono h

lemma exists_is_measurable_superset_of_measure_eq_zero {s : set α} (h : μ s = 0) :
∃t, s ⊆ t ∧ is_measurable t ∧ μ t = 0 :=
rw [measure_eq_infi] at h,
have h := (infi_eq_bot _).1 h,
choose t ht using show ∀n:ℕ, ∃t, s ⊆ t ∧ is_measurable t ∧ μ t < n⁻¹,
{ assume n,
have : (0 : ennreal) < n⁻¹ :=
(zero_lt_iff_ne_zero.2 $ ennreal.inv_ne_zero.2 $ ennreal.nat_ne_top _),
rcases h _ this with ⟨t, ht⟩,
use [t],
simpa [(>), infi_lt_iff, -add_comm] using ht },
refine ⟨⋂n, t n, subset_Inter (λn, (ht n).1), is_measurable.Inter (λn, (ht n).2.1), _⟩,
refine eq_of_le_of_forall_le_of_dense bot_le (assume r hr, _),
rcases ennreal.exists_inv_nat_lt (ne_of_gt hr) with ⟨n, hn⟩,
calc μ (⋂n, t n) ≤ μ (t n) : measure_mono (Inter_subset _ _)
... ≤ n⁻¹ : le_of_lt (ht n).2.2
... ≤ r : le_of_lt hn
outer_measure.exists_is_measurable_superset_of_trim_eq_zero (by rw [← measure_eq_trim, h])

theorem measure_Union_le {β} [encodable β] (s : β → set α) : μ (⋃i, s i) ≤ (∑'i, μ (s i)) :=
μ.to_outer_measure.Union _
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -658,6 +689,27 @@ instance : complete_lattice (measure α) :=
.. complete_lattice_of_Inf (measure α) (λ ms, ⟨λ _, Inf_le, λ _, le_Inf⟩) }

open outer_measure

instance : has_scalar ennreal (measure α) :=
⟨λ x m, {
m_Union := λ s hs h2s, by { simp only [measure_of_eq_coe, to_outer_measure_apply, smul_apply,
ennreal.tsum_mul_left, measure_Union h2s hs] },
trimmed := by { convert m.to_outer_measure.trim_smul x, ext1 s,
simp only [m.trimmed, smul_apply, measure_of_eq_coe] },
..x • m.to_outer_measure }⟩

@[simp] theorem smul_apply (a : ennreal) (m : measure α) (s : set α) : (a • m) s = a * m s := rfl

instance : semimodule ennreal (measure α) :=
{ smul_add := λ a m₁ m₂, ext $ λ s hs, mul_add _ _ _,
add_smul := λ a b m, ext $ λ s hs, add_mul _ _ _,
mul_smul := λ a b m, ext $ λ s hs, mul_assoc _ _ _,
one_smul := λ m, ext $ λ s hs, one_mul _,
zero_smul := λ m, ext $ λ s hs, zero_mul _,
smul_zero := λ a, ext $ λ s hs, mul_zero _,
..measure.has_scalar }


/-- The pushforward of a measure. It is defined to be `0` if `f` is not a measurable function. -/
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52 changes: 18 additions & 34 deletions src/measure_theory/outer_measure.lean
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Expand Up @@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ Outer measures -- overapproximations of measures
import analysis.specific_limits
import measure_theory.measurable_space
import topology.algebra.infinite_sum

# Outer Measures
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -61,55 +62,39 @@ structure outer_measure (α : Type*) :=

namespace outer_measure

instance {α} : has_coe_to_fun (outer_measure α) := ⟨_, λ m, m.measure_of⟩

section basic
variables {α : Type*} {ms : set (outer_measure α)} {m : outer_measure α}

variables {α : Type*} {β : Type*} {ms : set (outer_measure α)} {m : outer_measure α}

instance : has_coe_to_fun (outer_measure α) := ⟨_, λ m, m.measure_of⟩

@[simp] lemma measure_of_eq_coe {m : outer_measure α} {s : set α} : m.measure_of s = m s := rfl

@[simp] theorem empty' (m : outer_measure α) : m ∅ = 0 := m.empty

theorem mono' (m : outer_measure α) {s₁ s₂}
(h : s₁ ⊆ s₂) : m s₁ ≤ m s₂ := m.mono h

theorem Union_aux (m : set α → ennreal) (m0 : m ∅ = 0)
{β} [encodable β] (s : β → set α) :
(∑' b, m (s b)) = ∑' i, m (⋃ b ∈ decode2 β i, s b) :=
have H : ∀ n, m (⋃ b ∈ decode2 β n, s b) ≠ 0 → (decode2 β n).is_some,
{ intros n h,
cases decode2 β n with b,
{ exact (h (by simp [m0])).elim },
{ exact rfl } },
refine tsum_eq_tsum_of_ne_zero_bij (λ a, option.get (H a.1 a.2)) _ _ _,
{ rintros ⟨m, hm⟩ ⟨n, hn⟩ e,
have := mem_decode2.1 (option.get_mem (H n hn)),
rwa [← e, mem_decode2.1 (option.get_mem (H m hm))] at this },
{ intros b h,
refine ⟨⟨encode b, _⟩, _⟩,
{ simp only [mem_support, encodek2] at h ⊢, convert h, simp [set.ext_iff, encodek2] },
{ exact option.get_of_mem _ (encodek2 _) } },
{ rintros ⟨n, h⟩, dsimp only [subtype.coe_mk],
transitivity, swap,
rw [show decode2 β n = _, from option.get_mem (H n h)],
congr, simp [set.ext_iff, -option.some_get] }

protected theorem Union (m : outer_measure α)
{β} [encodable β] (s : β → set α) :
m (⋃i, s i) ≤ (∑'i, m (s i)) :=
by rw [Union_decode2, Union_aux _ m.empty' s]; exact m.Union_nat _
rel_supr_tsum m m.empty (≤) m.Union_nat s

lemma Union_null (m : outer_measure α)
{β} [encodable β] {s : β → set α} (h : ∀ i, m (s i) = 0) : m (⋃i, s i) = 0 :=
by simpa [h] using m.Union s

protected lemma Union_finset (m : outer_measure α) (s : β → set α) (t : finset β) :
m (⋃i ∈ t, s i) ≤ ∑ i in t, m (s i) :=
rel_supr_sum m m.empty (≤) m.Union_nat s t

protected lemma union (m : outer_measure α) (s₁ s₂ : set α) :
m (s₁ ∪ s₂) ≤ m s₁ + m s₂ :=
convert m.Union (λ b, cond b s₁ s₂),
{ simp [union_eq_Union] },
{ rw tsum_fintype, change _ = _ + _, simp }
rel_sup_add m m.empty (≤) m.Union_nat s₁ s₂

lemma le_inter_add_diff {m : outer_measure α} {t : set α} (s : set α) :
m t ≤ m (t ∩ s) + m (t \ s) :=
by { convert m.union _ _, rw inter_union_diff t s }

lemma union_null (m : outer_measure α) {s₁ s₂ : set α}
(h₁ : m s₁ = 0) (h₂ : m s₂ = 0) : m (s₁ ∪ s₂) = 0 :=
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -339,8 +324,7 @@ variables {s s₁ s₂ : set α}
private def C (s : set α) : Prop := ∀t, m t = m (t ∩ s) + m (t \ s)

private lemma C_iff_le {s : set α} : C s ↔ ∀t, m (t ∩ s) + m (t \ s) ≤ m t :=
forall_congr $ λ t, le_antisymm_iff.trans $ and_iff_right $
by convert m.union _ _; rw inter_union_diff t s
forall_congr $ λ t, le_antisymm_iff.trans $ and_iff_right $ le_inter_add_diff _

@[simp] private lemma C_empty : C ∅ := by simp [C, m.empty, diff_empty]

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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/order/ideal.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: David Wärn
import order.basic
import data.equiv.encodable
import data.equiv.encodable.basic

# Order ideals, cofinal sets, and the Rasiowa–Sikorski lemma
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