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refactor(linear_algebra/tensor_product): make `lift f (x ⊗ₜ y) = f x …
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…y` true by `rfl` (#18121)

Since this is essentially the "primitive" recursor, it is very convenient for it to expand definitionally.

With this change, the following lemmas are now rfl:

* `algebra.mul'_apply`
* `free_monoid.lift_comp_of`
* `free_monoid.lift_eval_of`
* `tensor_product.lie_module.lift_apply`
* `alternating_map.dom_coprod'_apply`
* `contract_left_apply`
* `contract_right_apply`
* `dual_tensor_hom_apply`
* `derivation.tensor_product_to_tmul`
* `poly_equiv_tensor.to_fun_linear_tmul_apply`
* `tensor_product.lift.tmul`
* `tensor_product.lift.tmul'`
* `algebra.tensor_product.lift_tmul`
* `algebra.tensor_product.lmul'_apply_tmul`
* `tensor_product.algebra.smul_def`

And one lemma is no longer rfl

* `free_monoid.lift_apply`
  • Loading branch information
eric-wieser committed Jan 11, 2023
1 parent 914cb17 commit 657df43
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Showing 11 changed files with 52 additions and 50 deletions.
3 changes: 1 addition & 2 deletions src/algebra/algebra/bilinear.lean
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Expand Up @@ -59,8 +59,7 @@ variables {R}
@[simp] lemma mul_right_apply (a b : A) : mul_right R a b = b * a := rfl
@[simp] lemma mul_left_right_apply (a b x : A) : mul_left_right R (a, b) x = a * x * b := rfl

@[simp] lemma mul'_apply {a b : A} : mul' R A (a ⊗ₜ b) = a * b :=
by simp only [linear_map.mul', tensor_product.lift.tmul, mul_apply']
@[simp] lemma mul'_apply {a b : A} : mul' R A (a ⊗ₜ b) = a * b := rfl

@[simp] lemma mul_left_zero_eq_zero :
mul_left R (0 : A) = 0 :=
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30 changes: 22 additions & 8 deletions src/algebra/free_monoid/basic.lean
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Expand Up @@ -136,27 +136,41 @@ lemma hom_eq ⦃f g : free_monoid α →* M⦄ (h : ∀ x, f (of x) = g (of x))
monoid_hom.ext $ λ l, rec_on l (f.map_one.trans g.map_one.symm) $
λ x xs hxs, by simp only [h, hxs, monoid_hom.map_mul]

/-- A variant of `` that has `[x].prod = x` true definitionally.
The purpose is to make `free_monoid.lift_eval_of` true by `rfl`. -/
@[to_additive "A variant of `list.sum` that has `[x].sum = x` true definitionally.
The purpose is to make `free_add_monoid.lift_eval_of` true by `rfl`."]
def prod_aux {M} [monoid M] (l : list M) : M :=
l.rec_on 1 (λ x xs (_ : M), list.foldl (*) x xs)

lemma prod_aux_eq : ∀ l : list M, free_monoid.prod_aux l =
| [] := rfl
| (x :: xs) := congr_arg (λ x, list.foldl (*) x xs) (one_mul _).symm

/-- Equivalence between maps `α → M` and monoid homomorphisms `free_monoid α →* M`. -/
@[to_additive "Equivalence between maps `α → A` and additive monoid homomorphisms
`free_add_monoid α →+ A`."]
def lift : (α → M) ≃ (free_monoid α →* M) :=
{ to_fun := λ f, ⟨λ l, ( f).prod, rfl,
λ l₁ l₂, by simp only [to_list_mul, list.map_append, list.prod_append]⟩,
{ to_fun := λ f, ⟨λ l, free_monoid.prod_aux ( f), rfl,
λ l₁ l₂, by simp only [prod_aux_eq, to_list_mul, list.map_append, list.prod_append]⟩,
inv_fun := λ f x, f (of x),
left_inv := λ f, funext $ λ x, one_mul (f x),
right_inv := λ f, hom_eq $ λ x, one_mul (f (of x)) }
left_inv := λ f, rfl,
right_inv := λ f, hom_eq $ λ x, rfl }

@[simp, to_additive]
lemma lift_symm_apply (f : free_monoid α →* M) : lift.symm f = f ∘ of := rfl

lemma lift_apply (f : α → M) (l : free_monoid α) : lift f l = ( f).prod := rfl
lemma lift_apply (f : α → M) (l : free_monoid α) : lift f l = ( f).prod :=
prod_aux_eq _

@[to_additive] lemma lift_comp_of (f : α → M) : lift f ∘ of = f := lift.symm_apply_apply f
@[to_additive] lemma lift_comp_of (f : α → M) : lift f ∘ of = f := rfl

@[simp, to_additive]
lemma lift_eval_of (f : α → M) (x : α) : lift f (of x) = f x :=
congr_fun (lift_comp_of f) x
lemma lift_eval_of (f : α → M) (x : α) : lift f (of x) = f x := rfl

@[simp, to_additive]
lemma lift_restrict (f : free_monoid α →* M) : lift (f ∘ of) = f :=
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/algebra/lie/tensor_product.lean
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Expand Up @@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ def lift : (M →ₗ[R] N →ₗ[R] P) ≃ₗ⁅R,L⁆ (M ⊗[R] N →ₗ[R] P)

@[simp] lemma lift_apply (f : M →ₗ[R] N →ₗ[R] P) (m : M) (n : N) :
lift R L M N P f (m ⊗ₜ n) = f m n :=
lift.equiv_apply R M N P f m n

/-- A weaker form of the universal property for tensor product of modules of a Lie algebra.
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16 changes: 6 additions & 10 deletions src/category_theory/monoidal/internal/Module.lean
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Expand Up @@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ instance (A : Mon_ (Module.{u} R)) : algebra R A.X :=
have h₂ := linear_map.congr_fun A.mul_one (a ⊗ₜ r),
exact h₁.trans h₂.symm,
smul_def' := λ r a, by { convert (linear_map.congr_fun A.one_mul (r ⊗ₜ a)).symm, simp, },
smul_def' := λ r a, (linear_map.congr_fun A.one_mul (r ⊗ₜ a)).symm, }

@[simp] lemma algebra_map (A : Mon_ (Module.{u} R)) (r : R) : algebra_map R A.X r = r := rfl
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -127,10 +127,8 @@ def inverse : Algebra.{u} R ⥤ Mon_ (Module.{u} R) :=
{ obj := inverse_obj,
map := λ A B f,
{ hom := f.to_linear_map,
one_hom' :=
by { ext, dsimp, simp only [ring_hom.map_one, alg_hom.map_one] },
mul_hom' :=
by { ext, dsimp, simp only [linear_map.mul'_apply, ring_hom.map_mul, alg_hom.map_mul] } } }.
one_hom' := linear_map.ext f.commutes,
mul_hom' := tensor_product.ext $ linear_map.ext₂ $ map_mul f, } }

end Mon_Module_equivalence_Algebra

Expand All @@ -146,19 +144,17 @@ def Mon_Module_equivalence_Algebra : Mon_ (Module.{u} R) ≌ Algebra R :=
unit_iso := nat_iso.of_components
(λ A,
{ hom := { hom := { to_fun := id, map_add' := λ x y, rfl, map_smul' := λ r a, rfl, },
mul_hom' := by { ext, dsimp at *,
simp only [linear_map.mul'_apply, Mon_.X.ring_mul] } },
mul_hom' := by { ext, dsimp at *, refl } },
inv := { hom := { to_fun := id, map_add' := λ x y, rfl, map_smul' := λ r a, rfl, },
mul_hom' := by { ext, dsimp at *,
simp only [linear_map.mul'_apply, Mon_.X.ring_mul]} } })
mul_hom' := by { ext, dsimp at *, refl } } })
(by tidy),
counit_iso := nat_iso.of_components (λ A,
{ hom :=
{ to_fun := id,
map_zero' := rfl,
map_add' := λ x y, rfl,
map_one' := (algebra_map R A).map_one,
map_mul' := λ x y, linear_map.mul'_apply,
map_mul' := λ x y, (@linear_map.mul'_apply R _ _ _ _ _ _ x y),
commutes' := λ r, rfl, },
inv :=
{ to_fun := id,
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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/group_theory/submonoid/membership.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -291,8 +291,8 @@ by rw [free_monoid.mrange_lift, subtype.range_coe]
@[to_additive] lemma closure_eq_image_prod (s : set M) :
(closure s : set M) = '' {l : list M | ∀ x ∈ l, x ∈ s} :=
rw [closure_eq_mrange, coe_mrange, ← list.range_map_coe, ← set.range_comp],
rw [closure_eq_mrange, coe_mrange, ← list.range_map_coe, ← set.range_comp, function.comp],
exact congr_arg _ (funext $ free_monoid.lift_apply _),

Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/linear_algebra/alternating.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -862,7 +862,7 @@ tensor_product.lift $ by
lemma dom_coprod'_apply
(a : alternating_map R' Mᵢ N₁ ιa) (b : alternating_map R' Mᵢ N₂ ιb) :
dom_coprod' (a ⊗ₜ[R'] b) = dom_coprod a b :=
by simp only [dom_coprod', tensor_product.lift.tmul, linear_map.mk₂_apply]

end alternating_map

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7 changes: 4 additions & 3 deletions src/linear_algebra/contraction.lean
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Expand Up @@ -48,14 +48,14 @@ def dual_tensor_hom : (module.dual R M) ⊗ N →ₗ[R] M →ₗ[R] N :=
variables {R M N P Q}

@[simp] lemma contract_left_apply (f : module.dual R M) (m : M) :
contract_left R M (f ⊗ₜ m) = f m := by apply uncurry_apply
contract_left R M (f ⊗ₜ m) = f m := rfl

@[simp] lemma contract_right_apply (f : module.dual R M) (m : M) :
contract_right R M (m ⊗ₜ f) = f m := by apply uncurry_apply
contract_right R M (m ⊗ₜ f) = f m := rfl

@[simp] lemma dual_tensor_hom_apply (f : module.dual R M) (m : M) (n : N) :
dual_tensor_hom R M N (f ⊗ₜ n) m = (f m) • n :=
by { dunfold dual_tensor_hom, rw uncurry_apply, refl, }

@[simp] lemma transpose_dual_tensor_hom (f : module.dual R M) (m : M) :
dual.transpose (dual_tensor_hom R M M (f ⊗ₜ m)) = dual_tensor_hom R _ _ (dual.eval R M m ⊗ₜ f) :=
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -199,6 +199,7 @@ begin
have h : function.surjective e.to_linear_map := e.surjective,
refine (cancel_right h).1 _,
ext p f q m,
dsimp [ltensor_hom_equiv_hom_ltensor],
simp only [ltensor_hom_equiv_hom_ltensor, dual_tensor_hom_equiv, compr₂_apply, mk_apply, coe_comp,
linear_equiv.coe_to_linear_map, function.comp_app, map_tmul, linear_equiv.coe_coe,
dual_tensor_hom_equiv_of_basis_apply, linear_equiv.trans_apply, congr_tmul,
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14 changes: 5 additions & 9 deletions src/linear_algebra/tensor_product.lean
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Expand Up @@ -403,8 +403,7 @@ add_con.add_con_gen_le $ λ x y hxy, match x, y, hxy with
by simp_rw [add_monoid_hom.map_add, add_comm]

lemma lift_aux_tmul (m n) : lift_aux f (m ⊗ₜ n) = f m n :=
zero_add _
lemma lift_aux_tmul (m n) : lift_aux f (m ⊗ₜ n) = f m n := rfl

variable {f}

Expand All @@ -422,11 +421,8 @@ def lift : M ⊗ N →ₗ[R] P :=
.. lift_aux f }
variable {f}

@[simp] lemma lift.tmul (x y) : lift f (x ⊗ₜ y) = f x y :=
zero_add _

@[simp] lemma lift.tmul' (x y) : (lift f).1 (x ⊗ₜ y) = f x y :=
lift.tmul _ _
@[simp] lemma lift.tmul (x y) : lift f (x ⊗ₜ y) = f x y := rfl
@[simp] lemma lift.tmul' (x y) : (lift f).1 (x ⊗ₜ y) = f x y := rfl

theorem ext' {g h : (M ⊗[R] N) →ₗ[R] P}
(H : ∀ x y, g (x ⊗ₜ y) = h (x ⊗ₜ y)) : g = h :=
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -653,11 +649,11 @@ variables [add_comm_monoid Q'] [module R Q']

lemma map_comp (f₂ : P →ₗ[R] P') (f₁ : M →ₗ[R] P) (g₂ : Q →ₗ[R] Q') (g₁ : N →ₗ[R] Q) :
map (f₂.comp f₁) (g₂.comp g₁) = (map f₂ g₂).comp (map f₁ g₁) :=
ext' $ λ _ _, by simp only [linear_map.comp_apply, map_tmul]
ext' $ λ _ _, rfl

lemma lift_comp_map (i : P →ₗ[R] Q →ₗ[R] Q') (f : M →ₗ[R] P) (g : N →ₗ[R] Q) :
(lift i).comp (map f g) = lift ((i.comp f).compl₂ g) :=
ext' $ λ _ _, by simp only [lift.tmul, map_tmul, linear_map.compl₂_apply, linear_map.comp_apply]
ext' $ λ _ _, rfl

local attribute [ext] ext

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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/ring_theory/derivation.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -520,7 +520,7 @@ tensor_product.algebra_tensor_module.lift ((linear_map.lsmul S (S →ₗ[R] M)).

lemma derivation.tensor_product_to_tmul (D : derivation R S M) (s t : S) :
D.tensor_product_to (s ⊗ₜ t) = s • D t :=
tensor_product.lift.tmul s t

lemma derivation.tensor_product_to_mul (D : derivation R S M) (x y : S ⊗[R] S) :
D.tensor_product_to (x * y) = tensor_product.lmul' R x • D.tensor_product_to y +
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -815,7 +815,7 @@ begin
{ generalize : f x = y, obtain ⟨y, rfl⟩ := ideal.quotient.mk_surjective y, refl },
have e₂ : x = kaehler_differential.quotient_cotangent_ideal_ring_equiv
R S (is_scalar_tower.to_alg_hom R S _ x),
{ exact ((tensor_product.lmul'_apply_tmul x 1).trans (mul_one x)).symm },
{ exact (mul_one x).symm },
{ intro e,
exact (e₁.trans (@ring_equiv.congr_arg _ _ _ _ _ _
Expand Down
7 changes: 2 additions & 5 deletions src/ring_theory/polynomial_algebra.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ tensor_product.lift (to_fun_bilinear R A)

lemma to_fun_linear_tmul_apply (a : A) (p : R[X]) :
to_fun_linear R A (a ⊗ₜ[R] p) = to_fun_bilinear R A a p := lift.tmul _ _
to_fun_linear R A (a ⊗ₜ[R] p) = to_fun_bilinear R A a p := rfl

-- We apparently need to provide the decidable instance here
-- in order to successfully rewrite by this lemma.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -125,10 +125,7 @@ alg_hom_of_linear_map_tensor_product

@[simp] lemma to_fun_alg_hom_apply_tmul (a : A) (p : R[X]) :
to_fun_alg_hom R A (a ⊗ₜ[R] p) = p.sum (λ n r, monomial n (a * (algebra_map R A) r)) :=
dsimp [to_fun_alg_hom],
rw [to_fun_linear_tmul_apply, to_fun_bilinear_apply_eq_sum],
to_fun_bilinear_apply_eq_sum R A _ _

(Implementation detail.)
Expand Down
13 changes: 6 additions & 7 deletions src/ring_theory/tensor_product.lean
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Expand Up @@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ the given bilinear map `M →[A] N →[R] P`. -/

@[simp] lemma lift_tmul (f : M →ₗ[A] (N →ₗ[R] P)) (x : M) (y : N) :
lift f (x ⊗ₜ y) = f x y :=
lift.tmul' x y

variables (R A M N P)
/-- Heterobasic version of `tensor_product.uncurry`:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -780,15 +780,15 @@ variables {R}

lemma lmul'_to_linear_map : (lmul' R : _ →ₐ[R] S).to_linear_map = linear_map.mul' R S := rfl

@[simp] lemma lmul'_apply_tmul (a b : S) : lmul' R (a ⊗ₜ[R] b) = a * b := linear_map.mul'_apply
@[simp] lemma lmul'_apply_tmul (a b : S) : lmul' R (a ⊗ₜ[R] b) = a * b := rfl

lemma lmul'_comp_include_left : (lmul' R : _ →ₐ[R] S).comp include_left = R S :=
alg_hom.ext $ λ _, (lmul'_apply_tmul _ _).trans (_root_.mul_one _)
alg_hom.ext $ _root_.mul_one

lemma lmul'_comp_include_right : (lmul' R : _ →ₐ[R] S).comp include_right = R S :=
alg_hom.ext $ λ _, (lmul'_apply_tmul _ _).trans (_root_.one_mul _)
alg_hom.ext $ _root_.one_mul

If `S` is commutative, for a pair of morphisms `f : A →ₐ[R] S`, `g : B →ₐ[R] S`,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -926,8 +926,7 @@ tensor_product.lift
map_smul' := λ n r, by { ext, simp only [ring_hom.id_apply, linear_map.smul_apply, smul_assoc] } }

lemma module_aux_apply (a : A) (b : B) (m : M) :
module_aux (a ⊗ₜ[R] b) m = a • b • m :=
by simp [module_aux]
module_aux (a ⊗ₜ[R] b) m = a • b • m := rfl

variables [smul_comm_class A B M]

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -977,6 +976,6 @@ protected def module : module (A ⊗[R] B) M :=

local attribute [instance] tensor_product.algebra.module

lemma smul_def (a : A) (b : B) (m : M) : (a ⊗ₜ[R] b) • m = a • b • m := module_aux_apply a b m
lemma smul_def (a : A) (b : B) (m : M) : (a ⊗ₜ[R] b) • m = a • b • m := rfl

end tensor_product.algebra

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