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feat(order/extension/well): Extend a well-founded order (#17054)
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A well-founded order can be extended to a well order.

For this, we need the rank of an an element of a well-founded order.

Also rename `order.extension` to `order.extension.linear`.

Co-authored-by: Junyan Xu <>
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YaelDillies and alreadydone committed Oct 31, 2022
1 parent 1ab3ae0 commit 65ee857
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75 changes: 75 additions & 0 deletions src/order/extension/well.lean
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
Copyright (c) 2022 Yaël Dillies, Junyan Xu. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Yaël Dillies, Junyan Xu
import set_theory.ordinal.arithmetic

# Extend a well-founded order to a well-order
This file constructs a well-order (linear well-founded order) which is an extension of a given
well-founded order.
## Proof idea
We can map our order into two well-orders:
* the first map respects the order but isn't necessarily injective. Namely, this is the *rank*
function `rank : α → ordinal`.
* the second map is injective but doesn't necessarily respect the order. This is an arbitrary
well-order on `α`.
Then their lexicographic product is a well-founded linear order which our original order injects in.

universe u

variables {α : Type u} {r : α → α → Prop}

namespace well_founded
variable (hwf : well_founded r)
include hwf

/-- An arbitrary well order on `α` that extends `r`.
The construction maps `r` into two well-orders: the first map is `well_founded.rank`, which is not
necessarily injective but respects the order `r`; the other map is the identity (with an arbitrarily
chosen well-order on `α`), which is injective but doesn't respect `r`.
By taking the lexicographic product of the two, we get both properties, so we can pull it back and
get an well-order that extend our original order `r`. Another way to view this is that we choose an
arbitrary well-order to serve as a tiebreak between two elements of same rank.
noncomputable def well_order_extension : linear_order α :=
let l : linear_order α := is_well_order.linear_order well_ordering_rel in by exactI
@linear_order.lift' α (ordinal ×ₗ α) _
(λ a : α, (well_founded.rank.{u u} hwf a, a)) (λ _ _, congr_arg prod.snd)

instance well_order_extension.is_well_founded_lt : is_well_founded α :=
⟨ _ $ prod.lex_wf⟩

/-- Any well-founded relation can be extended to a well-ordering on that type. -/
lemma exists_well_order_ge : ∃ s, r ≤ s ∧ is_well_order α s :=
⟨, λ a b h, prod.lex.left _ _ (hwf.rank_lt_of_rel h), by split⟩

end well_founded

/-- A type alias for `α`, intended to extend a well-founded order on `α` to a well-order. -/
def well_order_extension (α) : Type* := α

instance [inhabited α] : inhabited (well_order_extension α) := ‹inhabited (well_order_extension α)›

/-- "Identity" equivalence between a well-founded order and its well-order extension. -/
def to_well_order_extension : α ≃ well_order_extension α := equiv.refl _

noncomputable instance [has_lt α] [well_founded_lt α] : linear_order (well_order_extension α) :=
( : @well_founded α (<)).well_order_extension

instance well_order_extension.well_founded_lt [has_lt α] [well_founded_lt α] :
well_founded_lt (well_order_extension α) :=
well_founded.well_order_extension.is_well_founded_lt _

lemma to_well_order_extension_strict_mono [preorder α] [well_founded_lt α] :
strict_mono (to_well_order_extension : α → well_order_extension α) :=
λ a b h, prod.lex.left _ _ $ well_founded.rank_lt_of_rel _ h
45 changes: 45 additions & 0 deletions src/set_theory/ordinal/arithmetic.lean
Expand Up @@ -2400,3 +2400,48 @@ meta def positivity_opow : expr → tactic strictness
| _ := failed

end tactic

namespace acc
variables {a b : α}

/-- The rank of an element `a` accessible under a relation `r` is defined inductively as the
smallest ordinal greater than the ranks of all elements below it (i.e. elements `b` such that
`r b a`). -/
noncomputable def rank (h : acc r a) : ordinal :=
acc.rec_on h $ λ a h ih, ordinal.sup $ λ b : {b // r b a}, order.succ $ ih b b.2

lemma rank_eq (h : acc r a) :
h.rank = ordinal.sup (λ b : {b // r b a}, order.succ (h.inv b.2).rank) :=
by { change (acc.intro a $ λ _, h.inv).rank = _, refl }

/-- if `r a b` then the rank of `a` is less than the rank of `b`. -/
lemma rank_lt_of_rel (hb : acc r b) (h : r a b) : (hb.inv h).rank < hb.rank :=
(order.lt_succ _).trans_le $ by { rw hb.rank_eq, refine le_trans _ (ordinal.le_sup _ ⟨a, h⟩), refl }

end acc

namespace well_founded
variables (hwf : well_founded r) {a b : α}
include hwf

/-- The rank of an element `a` under a well-founded relation `r` is defined inductively as the
smallest ordinal greater than the ranks of all elements below it (i.e. elements `b` such that
`r b a`). -/
noncomputable def rank (a : α) : ordinal := (hwf.apply a).rank

lemma rank_eq : hwf.rank a = ordinal.sup (λ b : {b // r b a}, order.succ $ hwf.rank b) :=
by { rw [rank, acc.rank_eq], refl }

lemma rank_lt_of_rel (h : r a b) : hwf.rank a < hwf.rank b := acc.rank_lt_of_rel _ h

omit hwf

lemma rank_strict_mono [preorder α] [well_founded_lt α] :
strict_mono (rank $ α (<) _) :=
λ _ _, rank_lt_of_rel _

lemma rank_strict_anti [preorder α] [well_founded_gt α] :
strict_anti (rank $ α (>) _) :=
λ _ _, rank_lt_of_rel $ α (>) _

end well_founded

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