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split(data/finset/prod): split off data.finset.basic (#10142)
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Killing the giants. This moves `finset.product`, `finset.diag`, `finset.off_diag` to their own file, the theme being "finsets on `α × β`".

The copyright header now credits:
* Johannes Hölzl for ba95269
* Mario Carneiro
* Oliver Nash for #4502
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YaelDillies committed Nov 4, 2021
1 parent de79226 commit 69189d4
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109 changes: 2 additions & 107 deletions src/data/finset/basic.lean
Expand Up @@ -63,9 +63,6 @@ and the empty finset otherwise. See `data.fintype.basic`.
* `finset.range`: For any `n : ℕ`, `range n` is equal to `{0, 1, ... , n - 1} ⊆ ℕ`.
This convention is consistent with other languages and normalizes `card (range n) = n`.
Beware, `n` is not in `range n`.
* `finset.diag`: Given `s`, `diag s` is the set of pairs `(a, a)` with `a ∈ s`. See also
`finset.off_diag`: Given a finite set `s`, the off-diagonal,
`s.off_diag` is the set of pairs `(a, b)` with `a ≠ b` for `a, b ∈ s`.
* `finset.attach`: Given `s : finset α`, `attach s` forms a finset of elements of the subtype
`{a // a ∈ s}`; in other words, it attaches elements to a proof of membership in the set.
Expand All @@ -85,9 +82,9 @@ called `top` with `⊤ = univ`.
* `finset.subset`: Lots of API about lattices, otherwise behaves exactly as one would expect.
* `finset.union`: Defines `s ∪ t` (or `s ⊔ t`) as the union of `s` and `t`.
See `finset.bUnion` for finite unions.
See `finset.sup`/`finset.bUnion` for finite unions.
* `finset.inter`: Defines `s ∩ t` (or `s ⊓ t`) as the intersection of `s` and `t`.
TODO: `finset.bInter` for finite intersections.
See `finset.inf` for finite intersections.
* `finset.disj_union`: Given a hypothesis `h` which states that finsets `s` and `t` are disjoint,
`s.disj_union t h` is the set such that `a ∈ disj_union s t h` iff `a ∈ s` or `a ∈ t`; this does
not require decidable equality on the type `α`.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2752,69 +2749,6 @@ bUnion_nonempty.2 $ hs.imp $ λ x hx, ⟨hx, ht x hx⟩

end bUnion

/-! ### prod -/
section prod
variables {s s' : finset α} {t t' : finset β}

/-- `product s t` is the set of pairs `(a, b)` such that `a ∈ s` and `b ∈ t`. -/
protected def product (s : finset α) (t : finset β) : finset (α × β) := ⟨_, nodup_product s.2 t.2

@[simp] theorem product_val : (s.product t).1 = s.1.product t.1 := rfl

@[simp] theorem mem_product {p : α × β} : p ∈ s.product t ↔ p.1 ∈ s ∧ p.2 ∈ t := mem_product

theorem subset_product [decidable_eq α] [decidable_eq β] {s : finset (α × β)} :
s ⊆ (s.image prod.fst).product (s.image prod.snd) :=
λ p hp, mem_product.2 ⟨mem_image_of_mem _ hp, mem_image_of_mem _ hp⟩

lemma product_subset_product (hs : s ⊆ s') (ht : t ⊆ t') : s.product t ⊆ s'.product t' :=
λ ⟨x,y⟩ h, mem_product.2 ⟨hs (mem_product.1 h).1, ht (mem_product.1 h).2

lemma product_subset_product_left (hs : s ⊆ s') : s.product t ⊆ s'.product t :=
product_subset_product hs (subset.refl _)

lemma product_subset_product_right (ht : t ⊆ t') : s.product t ⊆ s.product t' :=
product_subset_product (subset.refl _) ht

theorem product_eq_bUnion [decidable_eq α] [decidable_eq β] (s : finset α) (t : finset β) :
s.product t = s.bUnion (λa, t.image $ λb, (a, b)) :=
ext $ λ ⟨x, y⟩, by simp only [mem_product, mem_bUnion, mem_image, exists_prop,,
and.left_comm, exists_and_distrib_left, exists_eq_right, exists_eq_left]

@[simp] lemma product_bUnion {β γ : Type*} [decidable_eq γ]
(s : finset α) (t : finset β) (f : α × β → finset γ) :
(s.product t).bUnion f = s.bUnion (λ a, t.bUnion (λ b, f (a, b))) :=
by { classical, simp_rw [product_eq_bUnion, bUnion_bUnion, image_bUnion] }

@[simp] theorem card_product (s : finset α) (t : finset β) : card (s.product t) = card s * card t :=
multiset.card_product _ _

theorem filter_product (p : α → Prop) (q : β → Prop) [decidable_pred p] [decidable_pred q] :
(s.product t).filter (λ (x : α × β), p x.1 ∧ q x.2) = (s.filter p).product (t.filter q) :=
by { ext ⟨a, b⟩, simp only [mem_filter, mem_product], finish, }

lemma filter_product_card (s : finset α) (t : finset β)
(p : α → Prop) (q : β → Prop) [decidable_pred p] [decidable_pred q] :
((s.product t).filter (λ (x : α × β), p x.1 ↔ q x.2)).card =
(s.filter p).card * (t.filter q).card + (s.filter (not ∘ p)).card * (t.filter (not ∘ q)).card :=
rw [← card_product, ← card_product, ← filter_product, ← filter_product, ← card_union_eq],
{ apply congr_arg, ext ⟨a, b⟩, simp only [filter_union_right, mem_filter, mem_product],
split; intros; finish, },
{ rw disjoint_iff, change _ ∩ _ = ∅, ext ⟨a, b⟩, rw mem_inter, finish, },

lemma empty_product (t : finset β) :
(∅ : finset α).product t = ∅ :=

lemma product_empty (s : finset α) :
s.product (∅ : finset β) = ∅ :=
eq_empty_of_forall_not_mem (λ x h, (finset.mem_product.1 h).2)

end prod

/-! ### sigma -/
section sigma
variables {σ : α → Type*} {s : finset α} {t : Πa, finset (σ a)}
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2973,45 +2907,6 @@ by { classical, simp [← card_union_eq, filter_union_filter_neg_eq, disjoint_fi

end disjoint

section self_prod
variables (s : finset α) [decidable_eq α]

/-- Given a finite set `s`, the diagonal, `s.diag` is the set of pairs of the form `(a, a)` for
`a ∈ s`. -/
def diag := (s.product s).filter (λ (a : α × α), a.fst = a.snd)

/-- Given a finite set `s`, the off-diagonal, `s.off_diag` is the set of pairs `(a, b)` with `a ≠ b`
for `a, b ∈ s`. -/
def off_diag := (s.product s).filter (λ (a : α × α), a.fst ≠ a.snd)

@[simp] lemma mem_diag (x : α × α) : x ∈ s.diag ↔ x.1 ∈ s ∧ x.1 = x.2 :=
by { simp only [diag, mem_filter, mem_product], split; intros; finish, }

@[simp] lemma mem_off_diag (x : α × α) : x ∈ s.off_diag ↔ x.1 ∈ s ∧ x.2 ∈ s ∧ x.1 ≠ x.2 :=
by { simp only [off_diag, mem_filter, mem_product], split; intros; finish, }

@[simp] lemma diag_card : (diag s).card = s.card :=
suffices : diag s = s.image (λ a, (a, a)), { rw this, apply card_image_of_inj_on, finish, },
ext ⟨a₁, a₂⟩, rw mem_diag, split; intros; finish,

@[simp] lemma off_diag_card : (off_diag s).card = s.card * s.card - s.card :=
suffices : (diag s).card + (off_diag s).card = s.card * s.card,
{ nth_rewrite 2 ← s.diag_card, finish, },
rw ← card_product,
apply filter_card_add_filter_neg_card_eq_card,

@[simp] lemma diag_empty : (∅ : finset α).diag = ∅ :=
eq_empty_of_forall_not_mem (by simp)

@[simp] lemma off_diag_empty : (∅ : finset α).off_diag = ∅ :=
eq_empty_of_forall_not_mem (by simp)

end self_prod

Given a set A and a set B inside it, we can shrink A to any appropriate size, and keep B
inside it.
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124 changes: 124 additions & 0 deletions src/data/finset/prod.lean
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
Copyright (c) 2017 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Johannes Hölzl, Mario Carneiro, Oliver Nash
import data.finset.basic

# Finsets in product types
This file defines finset constructions on the product type `α × β`. Beware not to confuse with the
`` operation which computes the multiplicative product.
## Main declarations
* `finset.product`: Turns `s : finset α`, `t : finset β` into their product in `finset (α × β)`.
* `finset.diag`: For `s : finset α`, `s.diag` is the `finset (α × α)` of pairs `(a, a)` with
`a ∈ s`.
* `finset.off_diag`: For `s : finset α`, `s.off_diag` is the `finset (α × α)` of pairs `(a, b)` with
`a, b ∈ s` and `a ≠ b`.

open multiset

variables {α β γ : Type*}

namespace finset

/-! ### prod -/
section prod
variables {s s' : finset α} {t t' : finset β}

/-- `product s t` is the set of pairs `(a, b)` such that `a ∈ s` and `b ∈ t`. -/
protected def product (s : finset α) (t : finset β) : finset (α × β) := ⟨_, nodup_product s.2 t.2

@[simp] lemma product_val : (s.product t).1 = s.1.product t.1 := rfl

@[simp] lemma mem_product {p : α × β} : p ∈ s.product t ↔ p.1 ∈ s ∧ p.2 ∈ t := mem_product

lemma subset_product [decidable_eq α] [decidable_eq β] {s : finset (α × β)} :
s ⊆ (s.image prod.fst).product (s.image prod.snd) :=
λ p hp, mem_product.2 ⟨mem_image_of_mem _ hp, mem_image_of_mem _ hp⟩

lemma product_subset_product (hs : s ⊆ s') (ht : t ⊆ t') : s.product t ⊆ s'.product t' :=
λ ⟨x,y⟩ h, mem_product.2 ⟨hs (mem_product.1 h).1, ht (mem_product.1 h).2

lemma product_subset_product_left (hs : s ⊆ s') : s.product t ⊆ s'.product t :=
product_subset_product hs (subset.refl _)

lemma product_subset_product_right (ht : t ⊆ t') : s.product t ⊆ s.product t' :=
product_subset_product (subset.refl _) ht

lemma product_eq_bUnion [decidable_eq α] [decidable_eq β] (s : finset α) (t : finset β) :
s.product t = s.bUnion (λa, t.image $ λb, (a, b)) :=
ext $ λ ⟨x, y⟩, by simp only [mem_product, mem_bUnion, mem_image, exists_prop,,
and.left_comm, exists_and_distrib_left, exists_eq_right, exists_eq_left]

@[simp] lemma product_bUnion [decidable_eq γ] (s : finset α) (t : finset β) (f : α × β → finset γ) :
(s.product t).bUnion f = s.bUnion (λ a, t.bUnion (λ b, f (a, b))) :=
by { classical, simp_rw [product_eq_bUnion, bUnion_bUnion, image_bUnion] }

@[simp] lemma card_product (s : finset α) (t : finset β) : card (s.product t) = card s * card t :=
multiset.card_product _ _

lemma filter_product (p : α → Prop) (q : β → Prop) [decidable_pred p] [decidable_pred q] :
(s.product t).filter (λ (x : α × β), p x.1 ∧ q x.2) = (s.filter p).product (t.filter q) :=
by { ext ⟨a, b⟩, simp only [mem_filter, mem_product], finish }

lemma filter_product_card (s : finset α) (t : finset β)
(p : α → Prop) (q : β → Prop) [decidable_pred p] [decidable_pred q] :
((s.product t).filter (λ (x : α × β), p x.1 ↔ q x.2)).card =
(s.filter p).card * (t.filter q).card + (s.filter (not ∘ p)).card * (t.filter (not ∘ q)).card :=
rw [← card_product, ← card_product, ← filter_product, ← filter_product, ← card_union_eq],
{ apply congr_arg, ext ⟨a, b⟩, simp only [filter_union_right, mem_filter, mem_product],
split; intros; finish },
{ rw disjoint_iff, change _ ∩ _ = ∅, ext ⟨a, b⟩, rw mem_inter, finish }

lemma empty_product (t : finset β) : (∅ : finset α).product t = ∅ := rfl

lemma product_empty (s : finset α) : s.product (∅ : finset β) = ∅ :=
eq_empty_of_forall_not_mem (λ x h, (finset.mem_product.1 h).2)

end prod

section diag
variables (s : finset α) [decidable_eq α]

/-- Given a finite set `s`, the diagonal, `s.diag` is the set of pairs of the form `(a, a)` for
`a ∈ s`. -/
def diag := (s.product s).filter (λ (a : α × α), a.fst = a.snd)

/-- Given a finite set `s`, the off-diagonal, `s.off_diag` is the set of pairs `(a, b)` with `a ≠ b`
for `a, b ∈ s`. -/
def off_diag := (s.product s).filter (λ (a : α × α), a.fst ≠ a.snd)

@[simp] lemma mem_diag (x : α × α) : x ∈ s.diag ↔ x.1 ∈ s ∧ x.1 = x.2 :=
by { simp only [diag, mem_filter, mem_product], split; intros; finish }

@[simp] lemma mem_off_diag (x : α × α) : x ∈ s.off_diag ↔ x.1 ∈ s ∧ x.2 ∈ s ∧ x.1 ≠ x.2 :=
by { simp only [off_diag, mem_filter, mem_product], split; intros; finish }

@[simp] lemma diag_card : (diag s).card = s.card :=
suffices : diag s = s.image (λ a, (a, a)), { rw this, apply card_image_of_inj_on, finish },
ext ⟨a₁, a₂⟩, rw mem_diag, split; intros; finish,

@[simp] lemma off_diag_card : (off_diag s).card = s.card * s.card - s.card :=
suffices : (diag s).card + (off_diag s).card = s.card * s.card,
{ nth_rewrite 2 ← s.diag_card, finish },
rw ← card_product,
apply filter_card_add_filter_neg_card_eq_card,

@[simp] lemma diag_empty : (∅ : finset α).diag = ∅ := rfl

@[simp] lemma off_diag_empty : (∅ : finset α).off_diag = ∅ := rfl

end diag
end finset
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion src/data/fintype/basic.lean
Expand Up @@ -4,9 +4,10 @@ Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Mario Carneiro
import data.array.lemmas
import data.finset.option
import data.finset.pi
import data.finset.powerset
import data.finset.option
import data.sym.basic
import data.ulift
import group_theory.perm.basic
Expand Down

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