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feat(geometry/manifold): add charted_space and model_with_corners
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… for pi types (#6578)

Also use `set.image2` in the `charted_space` instance for `model_prod`.
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urkud authored and Vierkantor committed Jul 13, 2021
1 parent 5c5563c commit 7214d7b
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Showing 3 changed files with 76 additions and 35 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/data/equiv/local_equiv.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ enough.
attribute [mfld_simps] id.def function.comp.left_id set.mem_set_of_eq set.image_eq_empty
set.univ_inter set.preimage_univ set.prod_mk_mem_set_prod_eq and_true set.mem_univ
set.mem_image_of_mem true_and set.mem_inter_eq set.mem_preimage function.comp_app
set.inter_subset_left set.mem_prod set.range_id and_self set.mem_range_self
set.inter_subset_left set.mem_prod set.range_id set.range_prod_map and_self set.mem_range_self
eq_self_iff_true forall_const forall_true_iff set.inter_univ set.preimage_id function.comp.right_id
not_false_iff and_imp set.prod_inter_prod set.univ_prod_univ true_or or_true prod.map_mk
set.preimage_inter heq_iff_eq equiv.sigma_equiv_prod_apply equiv.sigma_equiv_prod_symm_apply
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91 changes: 59 additions & 32 deletions src/geometry/manifold/charted_space.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -542,27 +542,40 @@ end


/-- Same thing as `H × H'`. We introduce it for technical reasons: a charted space `M` with model
`H` is a set of local charts from `M` to `H` covering the space. Every space is registered as a
charted space over itself, using the only chart `id`, in `manifold_model_space`. You can also define
a product of charted space `M` and `M'` (with model space `H × H'`) by taking the products of the
charts. Now, on `H × H'`, there are two charted space structures with model space `H × H'` itself,
the one coming from `manifold_model_space`, and the one coming from the product of the two
`manifold_model_space` on each component. They are equal, but not defeq (because the product of `id`
and `id` is not defeq to `id`), which is bad as we know. This expedient of renaming `H × H'` solves
this problem. -/
/-- For technical reasons we introduce two type tags:
* `model_prod H H'` is the same as `H × H'`;
* `model_pi H` is the same as `Π i, H i`, where `H : ι → Type*` and `ι` is a finite type.
In both cases the reason is the same, so we explain it only in the case of the product. A charted
space `M` with model `H` is a set of local charts from `M` to `H` covering the space. Every space is
registered as a charted space over itself, using the only chart `id`, in `manifold_model_space`. You
can also define a product of charted space `M` and `M'` (with model space `H × H'`) by taking the
products of the charts. Now, on `H × H'`, there are two charted space structures with model space
`H × H'` itself, the one coming from `manifold_model_space`, and the one coming from the product of
the two `manifold_model_space` on each component. They are equal, but not defeq (because the product
of `id` and `id` is not defeq to `id`), which is bad as we know. This expedient of renaming `H × H'`
solves this problem. -/
library_note "Manifold type tags"

/-- Same thing as `H × H'` We introduce it for technical reasons,
see note [Manifold type tags]. -/
def model_prod (H : Type*) (H' : Type*) := H × H'

/-- Same thing as `Π i, H i` We introduce it for technical reasons,
see note [Manifold type tags]. -/
def model_pi {ι : Type*} (H : ι → Type*) := Π i, H i

local attribute [reducible] model_prod

instance model_prod_inhabited {α β : Type*} [inhabited α] [inhabited β] :
inhabited (model_prod α β) :=
⟨(default α, default β)⟩
instance model_prod_inhabited [inhabited H] [inhabited H'] :
inhabited (model_prod H H') :=

instance (H : Type*) [topological_space H] (H' : Type*) [topological_space H'] :
topological_space (model_prod H H') :=
by apply_instance

/- Next lemma shows up often when dealing with derivatives, register it as simp. -/
@[simp, mfld_simps] lemma model_prod_range_prod_id
Expand All @@ -572,32 +585,31 @@ by rw prod_range_univ_eq



variables {ι : Type*} {Hi : ι → Type*}

instance model_pi_inhabited [Π i, inhabited (Hi i)] :
inhabited (model_pi Hi) :=
pi.inhabited _

instance [Π i, topological_space (Hi i)] :
topological_space (model_pi Hi) :=


/-- The product of two charted spaces is naturally a charted space, with the canonical
construction of the atlas of product maps. -/
instance prod_charted_space (H : Type*) [topological_space H]
(M : Type*) [topological_space M] [charted_space H M]
(H' : Type*) [topological_space H']
(M' : Type*) [topological_space M'] [charted_space H' M'] :
charted_space (model_prod H H') (M × M') :=
{ atlas :=
{f : (local_homeomorph (M×M') (model_prod H H')) |
∃ g ∈ charted_space.atlas H M, ∃ h ∈ (charted_space.atlas H' M'),
f = g h},
chart_at := λ x: (M × M'),
(charted_space.chart_at H x.1).prod (charted_space.chart_at H' x.2),
mem_chart_source :=
intro x,
simp only with mfld_simps,
chart_mem_atlas :=
intro x,
use (charted_space.chart_at H x.1),
{ apply chart_mem_atlas _, },
{ use (charted_space.chart_at H' x.2), simp only [chart_mem_atlas, and_self, true_and] }
end }
{ atlas := image2 (atlas H M) (atlas H' M'),
chart_at := λ x : M × M', (chart_at H x.1).prod (chart_at H' x.2),
mem_chart_source := λ x, ⟨mem_chart_source _ _, mem_chart_source _ _⟩,
chart_mem_atlas := λ x, mem_image2_of_mem (chart_mem_atlas _ _) (chart_mem_atlas _ _) }

section prod_charted_space

Expand All @@ -609,6 +621,21 @@ variables [topological_space H] [topological_space M] [charted_space H M]

end prod_charted_space

/-- The product of a finite family of charted spaces is naturally a charted space, with the
canonical construction of the atlas of finite product maps. -/
instance pi_charted_space {ι : Type*} [fintype ι] (H : ι → Type*) [Π i, topological_space (H i)]
(M : ι → Type*) [Π i, topological_space (M i)] [Π i, charted_space (H i) (M i)] :
charted_space (model_pi H) (Π i, M i) :=
{ atlas := local_homeomorph.pi '' (set.pi univ $ λ i, atlas (H i) (M i)),
chart_at := λ f, local_homeomorph.pi $ λ i, chart_at (H i) (f i),
mem_chart_source := λ f i hi, mem_chart_source (H i) (f i),
chart_mem_atlas := λ f, mem_image_of_mem _ $ λ i hi, chart_mem_atlas (H i) (f i) }

@[simp, mfld_simps] lemma pi_charted_space_chart_at {ι : Type*} [fintype ι] (H : ι → Type*)
[Π i, topological_space (H i)] (M : ι → Type*) [Π i, topological_space (M i)]
[Π i, charted_space (H i) (M i)] (f : Π i, M i) :
chart_at (model_pi H) f = local_homeomorph.pi (λ i, chart_at (H i) (f i)) := rfl

end charted_space

/-! ### Constructing a topology from an atlas -/
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18 changes: 16 additions & 2 deletions src/geometry/manifold/smooth_manifold_with_corners.lean
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Expand Up @@ -302,6 +302,20 @@ def
continuous_inv_fun := I.continuous_inv_fun.prod_map I'.continuous_inv_fun,
.. I'.to_local_equiv }

/-- Given a finite family of `model_with_corners` `I i` on `(E i, H i)`, we define the model with
corners `pi I` on `(Π i, E i, model_pi H)`. See note [Manifold type tags] for explanation about
`model_pi H`. -/
def model_with_corners.pi
{𝕜 : Type u} [nondiscrete_normed_field 𝕜] {ι : Type v} [fintype ι]
{E : ι → Type w} [Π i, normed_group (E i)] [Π i, normed_space 𝕜 (E i)]
{H : ι → Type u'} [Π i, topological_space (H i)] (I : Π i, model_with_corners 𝕜 (E i) (H i)) :
model_with_corners 𝕜 (Π i, E i) (model_pi H) :=
{ to_local_equiv := local_equiv.pi (λ i, (I i).to_local_equiv),
source_eq := by simp only [set.pi_univ] with mfld_simps,
unique_diff' := unique_diff_on.pi ι E _ _ (λ i _, (I i).unique_diff'),
continuous_to_fun := continuous_pi $ λ i, (I i).continuous.comp (continuous_apply i),
continuous_inv_fun := continuous_pi $ λ i, (I i).continuous_symm.comp (continuous_apply i) }

/-- Special case of product model with corners, which is trivial on the second factor. This shows up
as the model to tangent bundles. -/
@[reducible] def model_with_corners.tangent
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -602,8 +616,8 @@ instance prod {𝕜 : Type*} [nondiscrete_normed_field 𝕜]
smooth_manifold_with_corners ( I') (M×M') :=
{ compatible :=
rintros f g ⟨f1, hf1, f2, hf2, hf⟩ ⟨g1, hg1, g2, hg2, hg⟩,
rw [hf, hg, local_homeomorph.prod_symm, local_homeomorph.prod_trans],
rintros f g ⟨f1, f2, hf1, hf2, rfl⟩ ⟨g1, g2, hg1, hg2, rfl⟩,
rw [local_homeomorph.prod_symm, local_homeomorph.prod_trans],
have h1 := has_groupoid.compatible (times_cont_diff_groupoid ⊤ I) hf1 hg1,
have h2 := has_groupoid.compatible (times_cont_diff_groupoid ⊤ I') hf2 hg2,
exact times_cont_diff_groupoid_prod h1 h2,
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