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feat(data/pfun): Product of partial functions (#15389)
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Define ` : (α →. γ) → (β →. δ) → α × β →. γ × δ`.
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YaelDillies committed Sep 20, 2022
1 parent dc680a8 commit 744170a
Showing 1 changed file with 55 additions and 1 deletion.
56 changes: 55 additions & 1 deletion src/data/pfun.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ def pfun (α β : Type*) := α → part β
infixr ` →. `:25 := pfun

namespace pfun
variables {α β γ δ : Type*}
variables {α β γ δ ε ι : Type*}

instance : inhabited (α →. β) := ⟨λ a, part.none⟩

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -454,4 +454,58 @@ ext $ λ _ _, by simp only [comp_apply, part.bind_comp]
lemma coe_comp (g : β → γ) (f : α → β) : ((g ∘ f : α → γ) : α →. γ) = (g : β →. γ).comp f :=
ext $ λ _ _, by simp only [coe_val, comp_apply, part.bind_some]

/-- Product of partial functions. -/
def prod_lift (f : α →. β) (g : α →. γ) : α →. β × γ :=
λ x, ⟨(f x).dom ∧ (g x).dom, λ h, ((f x).get h.1, (g x).get h.2)⟩

@[simp] lemma dom_prod_lift (f : α →. β) (g : α →. γ) :
(f.prod_lift g).dom = {x | (f x).dom ∧ (g x).dom} := rfl

lemma get_prod_lift (f : α →. β) (g : α →. γ) (x : α) (h) :
(f.prod_lift g x).get h = ((f x).get h.1, (g x).get h.2) := rfl

@[simp] lemma prod_lift_apply (f : α →. β) (g : α →. γ) (x : α) :
f.prod_lift g x = ⟨(f x).dom ∧ (g x).dom, λ h, ((f x).get h.1, (g x).get h.2)⟩ := rfl

lemma mem_prod_lift {f : α →. β} {g : α →. γ} {x : α} {y : β × γ} :
y ∈ f.prod_lift g x ↔ y.1 ∈ f x ∧ y.2 ∈ g x :=
transitivity ∃ hp hq, (f x).get hp = y.1 ∧ (g x).get hq = y.2,
{ simp only [prod_lift, part.mem_mk_iff, and.exists, prod.ext_iff] },
{ simpa only [exists_and_distrib_left, exists_and_distrib_right] }

/-- Product of partial functions. -/
def prod_map (f : α →. γ) (g : β →. δ) : α × β →. γ × δ :=
λ x, ⟨(f x.1).dom ∧ (g x.2).dom, λ h, ((f x.1).get h.1, (g x.2).get h.2)⟩

@[simp] lemma dom_prod_map (f : α →. γ) (g : β →. δ) :
(f.prod_map g).dom = {x | (f x.1).dom ∧ (g x.2).dom} := rfl

lemma get_prod_map (f : α →. γ) (g : β →. δ) (x : α × β) (h) :
(f.prod_map g x).get h = ((f x.1).get h.1, (g x.2).get h.2) := rfl

@[simp] lemma prod_map_apply (f : α →. γ) (g : β →. δ) (x : α × β) :
f.prod_map g x = ⟨(f x.1).dom ∧ (g x.2).dom, λ h, ((f x.1).get h.1, (g x.2).get h.2)⟩ := rfl

lemma mem_prod_map {f : α →. γ} {g : β →. δ} {x : α × β} {y : γ × δ} :
y ∈ f.prod_map g x ↔ y.1 ∈ f x.1 ∧ y.2 ∈ g x.2 :=
transitivity ∃ hp hq, (f x.1).get hp = y.1 ∧ (g x.2).get hq = y.2,
{ simp only [prod_map, part.mem_mk_iff, and.exists, prod.ext_iff] },
{ simpa only [exists_and_distrib_left, exists_and_distrib_right] }

@[simp] lemma prod_lift_fst_comp_snd_comp (f : α →. γ) (g : β →. δ) :
prod_lift (f.comp ((prod.fst : α × β → α) : α × β →. α))
(g.comp ((prod.snd : α × β → β) : α × β →. β)) = prod_map f g :=
ext $ λ a, by simp

@[simp] lemma prod_map_id_id : ( α).prod_map ( β) = _ :=
ext $ λ _ _, by simp [eq_comm]

@[simp] lemma prod_map_comp_comp (f₁ : α →. β) (f₂ : β →. γ) (g₁ : δ →. ε) (g₂ : ε →. ι) :
(f₂.comp f₁).prod_map (g₂.comp g₁) = (f₂.prod_map g₂).comp (f₁.prod_map g₁) :=
ext $ λ _ _, by tidy

end pfun

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