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split(algebra/big_operators/multiset): Split off data.multiset.basic (
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This moves
* ``, `multiset.sum` to `algebra.big_operators.multiset`
* `multiset.join`, `multiset.bind`, `multiset.product`, `multiset.sigma` to `data.multiset.bind`. This is needed as `join` is defined
  using `sum`.

The file was quite messy, so I reorganized `algebra.big_operators.multiset` by increasing typeclass assumptions.

I'm crediting Mario for 0663945 (`prod`, `sum`, `join`), f9de183 (`bind`, `product`), 16d40d7 (`sigma`).
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YaelDillies committed Dec 25, 2021
1 parent 4923cfc commit 8d426f0
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Showing 7 changed files with 568 additions and 531 deletions.
350 changes: 350 additions & 0 deletions src/algebra/big_operators/multiset.lean
@@ -0,0 +1,350 @@
Copyright (c) 2015 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Mario Carneiro
import data.list.prod_monoid
import data.multiset.basic

# Sums and products over multisets
In this file we define products and sums indexed by multisets. This is later used to define products
and sums indexed by finite sets.
## Main declarations
* ``: ` f` is the product of `f i` over all `i ∈ s`. Not to be mistaken with
the cartesian product `multiset.product`.
* `multiset.sum`: `s.sum f` is the sum of `f i` over all `i ∈ s`.

variables {ι α β γ : Type*}

namespace multiset
section comm_monoid
variables [comm_monoid α] {s t : multiset α} {a : α}

/-- Product of a multiset given a commutative monoid structure on `α`.
`prod {a, b, c} = a * b * c` -/
@[to_additive "Sum of a multiset given a commutative additive monoid structure on `α`.
`sum {a, b, c} = a + b + c`"]
def prod : multiset α → α := foldr (*) (λ x y z, by simp [mul_left_comm]) 1

lemma prod_eq_foldr (s : multiset α) : prod s = foldr (*) (λ x y z, by simp [mul_left_comm]) 1 s :=

lemma prod_eq_foldl (s : multiset α) : prod s = foldl (*) (λ x y z, by simp [mul_right_comm]) 1 s :=
(foldr_swap _ _ _ _).trans (by simp [mul_comm])

@[simp, norm_cast, to_additive] lemma coe_prod (l : list α) : prod ↑l = := prod_eq_foldl _

@[simp, to_additive]
lemma prod_to_list (s : multiset α) : = :=
conv_rhs { rw ←coe_to_list s },
rw coe_prod,

@[simp, to_additive] lemma prod_zero : @prod α _ 0 = 1 := rfl

@[simp, to_additive]
lemma prod_cons (a : α) (s) : prod (a ::ₘ s) = a * prod s := foldr_cons _ _ _ _ _

@[simp, to_additive]
lemma prod_singleton (a : α) : prod {a} = a :=
by simp only [mul_one, prod_cons, singleton_eq_cons, eq_self_iff_true, prod_zero]

@[simp, to_additive]
lemma prod_add (s t : multiset α) : prod (s + t) = prod s * prod t :=
quotient.induction_on₂ s t $ λ l₁ l₂, by simp

lemma prod_nsmul (m : multiset α) : ∀ (n : ℕ), (n • m).prod = ^ n
| 0 := by { rw [zero_nsmul, pow_zero], refl }
| (n + 1) :=
by rw [add_nsmul, one_nsmul, pow_add, pow_one, prod_add, prod_nsmul n]

@[simp, to_additive] lemma prod_repeat (a : α) (n : ℕ) : (repeat a n).prod = a ^ n :=
by simp [repeat, list.prod_repeat]

@[to_additive nsmul_count]
lemma pow_count [decidable_eq α] (a : α) : a ^ (s.count a) = (s.filter (eq a)).prod :=
by rw [filter_eq, prod_repeat]

lemma prod_map_one {m : multiset ι} : prod ( (λ a, (1 : α))) = 1 :=
by rw [map_const, prod_repeat, one_pow]

@[simp, to_additive]
lemma prod_map_mul {m : multiset ι} {f g : ι → α} :
prod ( $ λ a, f a * g a) = prod ( f) * prod ( g) :=
multiset.induction_on m (by simp) (λ a m ih, by simp [ih]; cc)

lemma prod_map_prod_map (m : multiset β) (n : multiset γ) {f : β → γ → α} :
prod ( $ λ a, prod $ $ λ b, f a b) = prod ( $ λ b, prod $ $ λ a, f a b) :=
multiset.induction_on m (by simp) (λ a m ih, by simp [ih])

lemma prod_induction (p : α → Prop) (s : multiset α) (p_mul : ∀ a b, p a → p b → p (a * b))
(p_one : p 1) (p_s : ∀ a ∈ s, p a) :
p :=
rw prod_eq_foldr,
exact foldr_induction (*) (λ x y z, by simp [mul_left_comm]) 1 p s p_mul p_one p_s,

lemma prod_induction_nonempty (p : α → Prop) (p_mul : ∀ a b, p a → p b → p (a * b))
(hs : s ≠ ∅) (p_s : ∀ a ∈ s, p a) :
p :=
revert s,
refine multiset.induction _ _,
{ intro h,
simpa using h },
intros a s hs hsa hpsa,
rw prod_cons,
by_cases hs_empty : s = ∅,
{ simp [hs_empty, hpsa a] },
have hps : ∀ x, x ∈ s → p x, from λ x hxs, hpsa x (mem_cons_of_mem hxs),
exact p_mul a (hpsa a (mem_cons_self a s)) (hs hs_empty hps),

lemma prod_hom [comm_monoid β] (s : multiset α) (f : α →* β) : ( f).prod = f :=
quotient.induction_on s $ λ l, by simp only [l.prod_hom f, quot_mk_to_coe, coe_map, coe_prod]

lemma prod_hom_rel [comm_monoid β] (s : multiset ι) {r : α → β → Prop} {f : ι → α} {g : ι → β}
(h₁ : r 1 1) (h₂ : ∀ ⦃a b c⦄, r b c → r (f a * b) (g a * c)) :
r ( f).prod ( g).prod :=
quotient.induction_on s $ λ l,
by simp only [l.prod_hom_rel h₁ h₂, quot_mk_to_coe, coe_map, coe_prod]

lemma dvd_prod : a ∈ s → a ∣ :=
quotient.induction_on s (λ l a h, by simpa using list.dvd_prod h) a

lemma prod_dvd_prod (h : s ≤ t) : ∣ :=
obtain ⟨z, rfl⟩ := multiset.le_iff_exists_add.1 h,
simp only [prod_add, dvd_mul_right],

end comm_monoid

section add_comm_monoid
variables [add_comm_monoid α]

/-- `multiset.sum`, the sum of the elements of a multiset, promoted to a morphism of
`add_comm_monoid`s. -/
def sum_add_monoid_hom : multiset α →+ α :=
{ to_fun := sum,
map_zero' := sum_zero,
map_add' := sum_add }

@[simp] lemma coe_sum_add_monoid_hom : (sum_add_monoid_hom : multiset α → α) = sum := rfl

end add_comm_monoid

section comm_monoid_with_zero
variables [comm_monoid_with_zero α]

lemma prod_eq_zero {s : multiset α} (h : (0 : α) ∈ s) : = 0 :=
rcases multiset.exists_cons_of_mem h with ⟨s', hs'⟩,
simp [hs', multiset.prod_cons]

variables [no_zero_divisors α] [nontrivial α] {s : multiset α}

lemma prod_eq_zero_iff : = 0 ↔ (0 : α) ∈ s :=
quotient.induction_on s $ λ l, by { rw [quot_mk_to_coe, coe_prod], exact list.prod_eq_zero_iff }

lemma prod_ne_zero (h : (0 : α) ∉ s) : ≠ 0 := mt prod_eq_zero_iff.1 h

end comm_monoid_with_zero

section comm_group
variables [comm_group α]

@[simp] lemma coe_inv_monoid_hom : (comm_group.inv_monoid_hom : α → α) = has_inv.inv := rfl

@[simp, to_additive]
lemma prod_map_inv (m : multiset α) : ( has_inv.inv).prod =⁻¹ :=
m.prod_hom comm_group.inv_monoid_hom

end comm_group

section semiring
variables [semiring α] {a : α} {s : multiset ι} {f : ι → α}

lemma sum_map_mul_left : sum ( (λ i, a * f i)) = a * sum ( f) :=
multiset.induction_on s (by simp) (λ i s ih, by simp [ih, mul_add])

lemma sum_map_mul_right : sum ( (λ i, f i * a)) = sum ( f) * a :=
multiset.induction_on s (by simp) (λ a s ih, by simp [ih, add_mul])

end semiring

section comm_semiring
variables [comm_semiring α]

lemma dvd_sum {a : α} {s : multiset α} : (∀ x ∈ s, a ∣ x) → a ∣ s.sum :=
multiset.induction_on s (λ _, dvd_zero _)
(λ x s ih h, by { rw sum_cons, exact dvd_add
(h _ (mem_cons_self _ _)) (ih $ λ y hy, h _ $ mem_cons.2 $ or.inr hy) })

end comm_semiring

/-! ### Order -/

section ordered_comm_monoid
variables [ordered_comm_monoid α] {s t : multiset α} {a : α}

@[to_additive sum_nonneg]
lemma one_le_prod_of_one_le : (∀ x ∈ s, (1 : α) ≤ x) → 1 ≤ :=
quotient.induction_on s $ λ l hl, by simpa using list.one_le_prod_of_one_le hl

lemma single_le_prod : (∀ x ∈ s, (1 : α) ≤ x) → ∀ x ∈ s, x ≤ :=
quotient.induction_on s $ λ l hl x hx, by simpa using list.single_le_prod hl x hx

lemma prod_le_of_forall_le (s : multiset α) (n : α) (h : ∀ x ∈ s, x ≤ n) : ≤ n ^ s.card :=
induction s using quotient.induction_on,
simpa using list.prod_le_of_forall_le _ _ h,

@[to_additive all_zero_of_le_zero_le_of_sum_eq_zero]
lemma all_one_of_le_one_le_of_prod_eq_one :
(∀ x ∈ s, (1 : α) ≤ x) → = 1 → ∀ x ∈ s, x = (1 : α) :=
apply quotient.induction_on s,
simp only [quot_mk_to_coe, coe_prod, mem_coe],
exact λ l, list.all_one_of_le_one_le_of_prod_eq_one,

lemma prod_le_prod_of_rel_le (h : s.rel (≤) t) : ≤ :=
induction h with _ _ _ _ rh _ rt,
{ refl },
{ rw [prod_cons, prod_cons],
exact mul_le_mul' rh rt }

lemma prod_map_le_prod (f : α → α) (h : ∀ x, x ∈ s → f x ≤ x) : ( f).prod ≤ :=
prod_le_prod_of_rel_le $ rel_map_left.2 $ rel_refl_of_refl_on h

lemma prod_le_sum_prod (f : α → α) (h : ∀ x, x ∈ s → x ≤ f x) : ≤ ( f).prod :=
@prod_map_le_prod (order_dual α) _ _ f h

@[to_additive card_nsmul_le_sum]
lemma pow_card_le_prod (h : ∀ x ∈ s, a ≤ x) : a ^ s.card ≤ :=
by { rw [←multiset.prod_repeat, ←multiset.map_const], exact prod_map_le_prod _ h }

@[to_additive sum_le_card_nsmul]
lemma prod_le_pow_card (h : ∀ x ∈ s, x ≤ a) : ≤ a ^ s.card :=
@pow_card_le_prod (order_dual α) _ _ _ h

end ordered_comm_monoid

lemma prod_nonneg [ordered_comm_semiring α] {m : multiset α} (h : ∀ a ∈ m, (0 : α) ≤ a) :
0 ≤ :=
revert h,
refine m.induction_on _ _,
{ rintro -, rw prod_zero, exact zero_le_one },
intros a s hs ih,
rw prod_cons,
exact mul_nonneg (ih _ $ mem_cons_self _ _) (hs $ λ a ha, ih _ $ mem_cons_of_mem ha),

-- TODO: Additivize
lemma sum_eq_zero_iff [canonically_ordered_add_monoid α] {m : multiset α} :
m.sum = 0 ↔ ∀ x ∈ m, x = (0 : α) :=
quotient.induction_on m $ λ l, by simpa using list.sum_eq_zero_iff l

-- TODO: Additivize
lemma le_sum_of_mem [canonically_ordered_add_monoid α] {m : multiset α} {a : α} (h : a ∈ m) :
a ≤ m.sum :=
obtain ⟨m', rfl⟩ := exists_cons_of_mem h,
rw [sum_cons],
exact _root_.le_add_right (le_refl a),

@[to_additive le_sum_of_subadditive_on_pred]
lemma le_prod_of_submultiplicative_on_pred [comm_monoid α] [ordered_comm_monoid β]
(f : α → β) (p : α → Prop) (h_one : f 1 = 1) (hp_one : p 1)
(h_mul : ∀ a b, p a → p b → f (a * b) ≤ f a * f b)
(hp_mul : ∀ a b, p a → p b → p (a * b)) (s : multiset α) (hps : ∀ a, a ∈ s → p a) :
f ≤ ( f).prod :=
revert s,
refine multiset.induction _ _,
{ simp [le_of_eq h_one] },
intros a s hs hpsa,
have hps : ∀ x, x ∈ s → p x, from λ x hx, hpsa x (mem_cons_of_mem hx),
have hp_prod : p, from prod_induction p s hp_mul hp_one hps,
rw [prod_cons, map_cons, prod_cons],
exact (h_mul a (hpsa a (mem_cons_self a s)) hp_prod).trans (mul_le_mul_left' (hs hps) _),

@[to_additive le_sum_of_subadditive]
lemma le_prod_of_submultiplicative [comm_monoid α] [ordered_comm_monoid β]
(f : α → β) (h_one : f 1 = 1) (h_mul : ∀ a b, f (a * b) ≤ f a * f b) (s : multiset α) :
f ≤ ( f).prod :=
le_prod_of_submultiplicative_on_pred f (λ i, true) h_one trivial (λ x y _ _ , h_mul x y) (by simp)
s (by simp)

@[to_additive le_sum_nonempty_of_subadditive_on_pred]
lemma le_prod_nonempty_of_submultiplicative_on_pred [comm_monoid α] [ordered_comm_monoid β]
(f : α → β) (p : α → Prop) (h_mul : ∀ a b, p a → p b → f (a * b) ≤ f a * f b)
(hp_mul : ∀ a b, p a → p b → p (a * b)) (s : multiset α) (hs_nonempty : s ≠ ∅)
(hs : ∀ a, a ∈ s → p a) :
f ≤ ( f).prod :=
revert s,
refine multiset.induction _ _,
{ intro h,
exact h rfl },
rintros a s hs hsa_nonempty hsa_prop,
rw [prod_cons, map_cons, prod_cons],
by_cases hs_empty : s = ∅,
{ simp [hs_empty] },
have hsa_restrict : (∀ x, x ∈ s → p x), from λ x hx, hsa_prop x (mem_cons_of_mem hx),
have hp_sup : p,
from prod_induction_nonempty p hp_mul hs_empty hsa_restrict,
have hp_a : p a, from hsa_prop a (mem_cons_self a s),
exact (h_mul a _ hp_a hp_sup).trans (mul_le_mul_left' (hs hs_empty hsa_restrict) _),

@[to_additive le_sum_nonempty_of_subadditive]
lemma le_prod_nonempty_of_submultiplicative [comm_monoid α] [ordered_comm_monoid β]
(f : α → β) (h_mul : ∀ a b, f (a * b) ≤ f a * f b) (s : multiset α) (hs_nonempty : s ≠ ∅) :
f ≤ ( f).prod :=
le_prod_nonempty_of_submultiplicative_on_pred f (λ i, true) (by simp [h_mul]) (by simp) s
hs_nonempty (by simp)

@[simp] lemma sum_map_singleton (s : multiset α) : ( (λ a, ({a} : multiset α))).sum = s :=
multiset.induction_on s (by simp) (by simp [singleton_eq_cons])

lemma abs_sum_le_sum_abs [linear_ordered_add_comm_group α] {s : multiset α} :
abs s.sum ≤ ( abs).sum :=
le_sum_of_subadditive _ abs_zero abs_add s

end multiset

lemma monoid_hom.map_multiset_prod [comm_monoid α] [comm_monoid β] (f : α →* β) (s : multiset α) :
f = ( f).prod :=
(s.prod_hom f).symm
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/data/multiset/antidiagonal.lean
Expand Up @@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ Copyright (c) 2017 Mario Carneiro. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Mario Carneiro
import data.multiset.bind
import data.multiset.powerset

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