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feat(combinatorics/double_counting): Double-counting the edges of a b…
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…ipartite graph (#11372)

This proves a classic of double-counting arguments: If each element of the `|α|` elements on the left is connected to at least `m` elements on the right and each of the `|β|` elements on the right is connected to at most `n` elements on the left, then `|α| * m ≤ |β| * n` because the LHS is less than the number of edges which is less than the RHS.

This is put in a new file `combinatorics.double_counting` with the idea that we could gather double counting arguments here, much as is done with `combinatorics.pigeonhole`.
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YaelDillies committed Jan 11, 2022
1 parent 93e7741 commit 8db96a8
Showing 1 changed file with 83 additions and 0 deletions.
83 changes: 83 additions & 0 deletions src/combinatorics/double_counting.lean
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
Copyright (c) 2022 Yaël Dillies. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Yaël Dillies
import algebra.big_operators.order

# Double countings
This file gathers a few double counting arguments.
## Bipartite graphs
In a bipartite graph (considered as a relation `r : α → β → Prop`), we can bound the number of edges
between `s : finset α` and `t : finset β` by the minimum/maximum of edges over all `a ∈ s` times the
the size of `s`. Similarly for `t`. Combining those two yields inequalities between the sizes of `s`
and `t`.
* `bipartite_below`: `s.bipartite_below r b` are the elements of `s` below `b` wrt to `r`. Its size
is the number of edges of `b` in `s`.
* `bipartite_above`: `t.bipartite_above r a` are the elements of `t` above `a` wrt to `r`. Its size
is the number of edges of `a` in `t`.
* `card_mul_le_card_mul`, `card_mul_le_card_mul'`: Double counting the edges of a bipartite graph
from below and from above.
* `card_mul_eq_card_mul`: Equality combination of the previous.

open finset function
open_locale big_operators

/-! ### Bipartite graph -/

namespace finset
section bipartite
variables {α β : Type*} (r : α → β → Prop) (s : finset α) (t : finset β) (a a' : α) (b b' : β)
[decidable_pred (r a)] [Π a, decidable (r a b)] {m n : ℕ}

/-- Elements of `s` which are "below" `b` according to relation `r`. -/
def bipartite_below : finset α := s.filter (λ a, r a b)

/-- Elements of `t` which are "above" `a` according to relation `r`. -/
def bipartite_above : finset β := t.filter (r a)

lemma bipartite_below_swap : t.bipartite_below (swap r) a = t.bipartite_above r a := rfl
lemma bipartite_above_swap : s.bipartite_above (swap r) b = s.bipartite_below r b := rfl

variables {s t a a' b b'}

@[simp] lemma mem_bipartite_below {a : α} : a ∈ s.bipartite_below r b ↔ a ∈ s ∧ r a b := mem_filter
@[simp] lemma mem_bipartite_above {b : β} : b ∈ t.bipartite_above r a ↔ b ∈ t ∧ r a b := mem_filter

lemma sum_card_bipartite_above_eq_sum_card_bipartite_below [Π a b, decidable (r a b)] :
∑ a in s, (t.bipartite_above r a).card = ∑ b in t, (s.bipartite_below r b).card :=
by { simp_rw [card_eq_sum_ones, bipartite_above, bipartite_below, sum_filter], exact sum_comm }

/-- Double counting argument. Considering `r` as a bipartite graph, the LHS is a lower bound on the
number of edges while the RHS is an upper bound. -/
lemma card_mul_le_card_mul [Π a b, decidable (r a b)]
(hm : ∀ a ∈ s, m ≤ (t.bipartite_above r a).card)
(hn : ∀ b ∈ t, (s.bipartite_below r b).card ≤ n) :
s.card * m ≤ t.card * n :=
_ ≤ ∑ a in s, (t.bipartite_above r a).card : s.le_sum_of_forall_le _ _ hm
... = ∑ b in t, (s.bipartite_below r b).card
: sum_card_bipartite_above_eq_sum_card_bipartite_below _
... ≤ _ : t.sum_le_of_forall_le _ _ hn

lemma card_mul_le_card_mul' [Π a b, decidable (r a b)]
(hn : ∀ b ∈ t, n ≤ (s.bipartite_below r b).card)
(hm : ∀ a ∈ s, (t.bipartite_above r a).card ≤ m) :
t.card * n ≤ s.card * m :=
card_mul_le_card_mul (swap r) hn hm

lemma card_mul_eq_card_mul [Π a b, decidable (r a b)]
(hm : ∀ a ∈ s, (t.bipartite_above r a).card = m)
(hn : ∀ b ∈ t, (s.bipartite_below r b).card = n) :
s.card * m = t.card * n :=
(card_mul_le_card_mul _ (λ a ha, (hm a ha).ge) $ λ b hb, (hn b hb).le).antisymm $
card_mul_le_card_mul' _ (λ a ha, (hn a ha).ge) $ λ b hb, (hm b hb).le

end bipartite
end finset

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