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chore(order/iterate): review, add docs (#9965)
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* reorder sections;
* add section docs;
* use inequalities between functions in a few statements;
* add a few lemmas about `strict_mono` functions.
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urkud authored and ericrbg committed Nov 9, 2021
1 parent 783d6da commit a5a0e6a
Showing 1 changed file with 95 additions and 44 deletions.
139 changes: 95 additions & 44 deletions src/order/iterate.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -15,12 +15,25 @@ two self-maps that commute with each other.
Current selection of inequalities is motivated by formalization of the rotation number of
a circle homeomorphism.
variables {α : Type*}
variables {α β : Type*}
open function

namespace monotone

variables [preorder α] {f : α → α} {x y : ℕ → α}

### Comparison of two sequences
If $f$ is a monotone function, then $∀ k, x_{k+1} ≤ f(x_k)$ implies that $x_k$ grows slower than
$f^k(x_0)$, and similarly for the reversed inequalities. If $x_k$ and $y_k$ are two sequences such
that $x_{k+1} ≤ f(x_k)$ and $y_{k+1} ≥ f(y_k)$ for all $k < n$, then $x_0 ≤ y_0$ implies
$x_n ≤ y_n$, see `monotone.seq_le_seq`.
If some of the inequalities in this lemma are strict, then we have $x_n < y_n$. The rest of the
lemmas in this section formalize this fact for different inequalities made strict.

lemma seq_le_seq (hf : monotone f) (n : ℕ) (h₀ : x 0 ≤ y 0)
(hx : ∀ k < n, x (k + 1) ≤ f (x k)) (hy : ∀ k < n, f (y k) ≤ y (k + 1)) :
x n ≤ y n :=
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -59,39 +72,75 @@ lemma seq_lt_seq_of_le_of_lt (hf : monotone f) (n : ℕ) (h₀ : x 0 < y 0)
x n < y n :=
hf.dual.seq_lt_seq_of_lt_of_le n h₀ hy hx

### Iterates of two functions
In this section we compare the iterates of a monotone function `f : α → α` to iterates of any
function `g : β → β`. If `h : β → α` satisfies `h ∘ g ≤ f ∘ h`, then `h (g^[n] x)` grows slower
than `f^[n] (h x)`, and similarly for the reversed inequality.
Then we specialize these two lemmas to the case `β = α`, `h = id`.

variables {g : β → β} {h : β → α}
open function

lemma le_iterate_comp_of_le (hf : monotone f) (H : h ∘ g ≤ f ∘ h) (n : ℕ) :
h ∘ (g^[n]) ≤ (f^[n]) ∘ h :=
λ x, by refine hf.seq_le_seq n _ (λ k hk, _) (λ k hk, _); simp [iterate_succ', H _]

lemma iterate_comp_le_of_le (hf : monotone f) (H : f ∘ h ≤ h ∘ g) (n : ℕ) :
f^[n] ∘ h ≤ h ∘ (g^[n]) :=
hf.dual.le_iterate_comp_of_le H n

/-- If `f ≤ g` and `f` is monotone, then `f^[n] ≤ g^[n]`. -/
lemma iterate_le_of_le {g : α → α} (hf : monotone f) (h : f ≤ g) (n : ℕ) :
f^[n] ≤ (g^[n]) :=
hf.iterate_comp_le_of_le h n

/-- If `f ≤ g` and `g` is monotone, then `f^[n] ≤ g^[n]`. -/
lemma le_iterate_of_le {g : α → α} (hg : monotone g) (h : f ≤ g) (n : ℕ) :
f^[n] ≤ (g^[n]) :=
hg.dual.iterate_le_of_le h n

end monotone

### Comparison of iterations and the identity function
If $f(x) ≤ x$ for all $x$ (we express this as `f ≤ id` in the code), then the same is true for
any iterate of $f$, and similarly for the reversed inequality.

namespace function

section preorder
variables [preorder α] {f : α → α}

lemma id_le_iterate_of_id_le (h : id ≤ f) :
∀ n, id ≤ (f^[n])
| 0 := by { rw function.iterate_zero, exact le_rfl }
| (n + 1) := λ x,
rw function.iterate_succ_apply',
exact (id_le_iterate_of_id_le n x).trans (h _),

lemma iterate_le_id_of_le_id (h : f ≤ id) :
∀ n, (f^[n]) ≤ id :=
@id_le_iterate_of_id_le (order_dual α) _ f h

lemma iterate_le_iterate_of_id_le (h : id ≤ f) {m n : ℕ} (hmn : m ≤ n) :
f^[m] ≤ (f^[n]) :=
rw [←add_tsub_cancel_of_le hmn, add_comm, function.iterate_add],
exact λ x, id_le_iterate_of_id_le h _ _,
/-- If $x ≤ f x$ for all $x$ (we write this as `id ≤ f`), then the same is true for any iterate
`f^[n]` of `f`. -/
lemma id_le_iterate_of_id_le (h : id ≤ f) (n : ℕ) : id ≤ (f^[n]) :=
by simpa only [iterate_id] using monotone_id.iterate_le_of_le h n

lemma iterate_le_id_of_le_id (h : f ≤ id) (n : ℕ) : (f^[n]) ≤ id :=
@id_le_iterate_of_id_le (order_dual α) _ f h n

lemma iterate_le_iterate_of_le_id (h : f ≤ id) {m n : ℕ} (hmn : m ≤ n) :
f^[n] ≤ (f^[m]) :=
@iterate_le_iterate_of_id_le (order_dual α) _ f h m n hmn
lemma monotone_iterate_of_id_le (h : id ≤ f) : monotone (λ m, f^[m]) :=
monotone_nat_of_le_succ $ λ n x, by { rw iterate_succ_apply', exact h _ }

lemma antitone_iterate_of_le_id (h : f ≤ id) : antitone (λ m, f^[m]) :=
λ m n hmn, @monotone_iterate_of_id_le (order_dual α) _ f h m n hmn

end preorder

### Iterates of commuting functions
If `f` and `g` are monotone and commute, then `f x ≤ g x` implies `f^[n] x ≤ g^[n] x`, see
`function.commute.iterate_le_of_map_le`. We also prove two strict inequality versions of this lemma,
as well as `iff` versions.

namespace commute

section preorder
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -155,32 +204,34 @@ end function

namespace monotone

open function
variables [preorder α] {f : α → α} {x : α}

/-- If `f` is a monotone map and `x ≤ f x` at some point `x`, then the iterates `f^[n] x` form
a monotone sequence. -/
lemma monotone_iterate_of_le_map (hf : monotone f) (hx : x ≤ f x) : monotone (λ n, f^[n] x) :=
monotone_nat_of_le_succ $ λ n, by { rw iterate_succ_apply, exact hf.iterate n hx }

variables {β : Type*} [preorder β] {f : α → α} {g : β → β} {h : α → β}
/-- If `f` is a monotone map and `f x ≤ x` at some point `x`, then the iterates `f^[n] x` form
a antitone sequence. -/
lemma antitone_iterate_of_map_le (hf : monotone f) (hx : f x ≤ x) : antitone (λ n, f^[n] x) :=
hf.dual.monotone_iterate_of_le_map hx

lemma le_iterate_comp_of_le (hg : monotone g) (H : ∀ x, h (f x) ≤ g (h x)) (n : ℕ) (x : α) :
h (f^[n] x) ≤ (g^[n] (h x)) :=
by refine hg.seq_le_seq n _ (λ k hk, _) (λ k hk, _); simp [iterate_succ', H _]
end monotone

lemma iterate_comp_le_of_le (hg : monotone g) (H : ∀ x, g (h x) ≤ h (f x)) (n : ℕ) (x : α) :
g^[n] (h x) ≤ h (f^[n] x) :=
hg.dual.le_iterate_comp_of_le H n x
namespace strict_mono

variables [preorder α] {f : α → α} {x : α}

variables [preorder α] {f g : α → α}
/-- If `f` is a strictly monotone map and `x < f x` at some point `x`, then the iterates `f^[n] x`
form a strictly monotone sequence. -/
lemma strict_mono_iterate_of_lt_map (hf : strict_mono f) (hx : x < f x) :
strict_mono (λ n, f^[n] x) :=
strict_mono_nat_of_lt_succ $ λ n, by { rw iterate_succ_apply, exact hf.iterate n hx }

/-- If `f ≤ g` and `f` is monotone, then `f^[n] ≤ g^[n]`. -/
lemma iterate_le_of_le (hf : monotone f) (h : f ≤ g) (n : ℕ) :
f^[n] ≤ (g^[n]) :=
hf.iterate_comp_le_of_le h n
/-- If `f` is a strictly antitone map and `f x < x` at some point `x`, then the iterates `f^[n] x`
form a strictly antitone sequence. -/
lemma strict_anti_iterate_of_map_lt (hf : strict_mono f) (hx : f x < x) :
strict_anti (λ n, f^[n] x) :=
hf.dual.strict_mono_iterate_of_lt_map hx

/-- If `f ≤ g` and `f` is monotone, then `f^[n] ≤ g^[n]`. -/
lemma iterate_ge_of_ge (hg : monotone g) (h : f ≤ g) (n : ℕ) :
f^[n] ≤ (g^[n]) :=
hg.dual.iterate_le_of_le h n

end monotone
end strict_mono

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