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feat(simplex_category): various epi/mono lemmas (#11924)
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Co-authored-by: Joël Riou <>
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joelriou and joelriou committed Mar 3, 2022
1 parent 46b9d05 commit a65b323
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Showing 2 changed files with 242 additions and 0 deletions.
237 changes: 237 additions & 0 deletions src/algebraic_topology/simplex_category.lean
Expand Up @@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ import category_theory.skeletal
import tactic.linarith
import data.fintype.sort
import order.category.NonemptyFinLinOrd
import category_theory.reflects_isomorphisms

/-! # The simplex category
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lemma le_of_epi {n m : ℕ} {f : [n] ⟶ [m]} : epi f → (m ≤ n) :=

instance {n : ℕ} {i : fin (n+2)} : mono (δ i) :=
rw mono_iff_injective,
exact fin.succ_above_right_injective,

instance {n : ℕ} {i : fin (n+1)} : epi (σ i) :=
rw epi_iff_surjective,
intro b,
simp only [σ, mk_hom, hom.to_order_hom_mk, order_hom.coe_fun_mk],
by_cases b ≤ i,
{ use b,
rw fin.pred_above_below i b (by simpa only [fin.coe_eq_cast_succ] using h),
simp only [fin.coe_eq_cast_succ, fin.cast_pred_cast_succ], },
{ use b.succ,
rw [fin.pred_above_above i b.succ _, fin.pred_succ],
rw not_le at h,
rw fin.lt_iff_coe_lt_coe at h ⊢,
simpa only [fin.coe_succ, fin.coe_cast_succ] using h, }

instance : reflects_isomorphisms (forget simplex_category) :=
intros x y f,
exact is_iso.of_iso
{ hom := f,
inv :=
{ to_fun := inv ((forget simplex_category).map f),
monotone' :=λ y₁ y₂ h, begin
by_cases h' : y₁ < y₂,
{ by_contradiction h'',
have eq := λ i, congr_hom (iso.inv_hom_id (as_iso ((forget _).map f))) i,
have ineq := f.to_order_hom.monotone' (le_of_not_ge h''),
dsimp at ineq,
erw [eq, eq] at ineq,
exact not_le.mpr h' ineq, },
{ rw eq_of_le_of_not_lt h h', }
end, },
hom_inv_id' := by { ext1, ext1, exact iso.hom_inv_id (as_iso ((forget _).map f)), },
inv_hom_id' := by { ext1, ext1, exact iso.inv_hom_id (as_iso ((forget _).map f)), }, },

lemma is_iso_of_bijective {x y : simplex_category.{u}} {f : x ⟶ y}
(hf : function.bijective (f.to_order_hom.to_fun)) : is_iso f :=
haveI : is_iso ((forget simplex_category).map f) := (is_iso_iff_bijective _).mpr hf,
exact is_iso_of_reflects_iso f (forget simplex_category),

/-- An isomorphism in `simplex_category` induces an `order_iso`. -/
def order_iso_of_iso {x y : simplex_category.{u}} (e : x ≅ y) :
fin (x.len+1) ≃o fin (y.len+1) :=
{ to_fun := e.hom.to_order_hom,
inv_fun := e.inv.to_order_hom,
left_inv := λ i, by simpa only using congr_arg (λ φ, (hom.to_order_hom φ) i) e.hom_inv_id',
right_inv := λ i, by simpa only using congr_arg (λ φ, (hom.to_order_hom φ) i) e.inv_hom_id', }
e.hom.to_order_hom.monotone e.inv.to_order_hom.monotone

lemma iso_eq_iso_refl {x : simplex_category.{u}} (e : x ≅ x) :
e = iso.refl x :=
have h : (finset.univ : finset (fin (x.len+1))).card = x.len+1 := finset.card_fin (x.len+1),
have eq₁ := finset.order_emb_of_fin_unique' h
(λ i, finset.mem_univ ((order_iso_of_iso e) i)),
have eq₂ := finset.order_emb_of_fin_unique' h
(λ i, finset.mem_univ ((order_iso_of_iso (iso.refl x)) i)),
ext1, ext1,
convert congr_arg (λ φ, (order_embedding.to_order_hom φ)) (eq₁.trans eq₂.symm),
ext1, ext1 i,

lemma eq_id_of_is_iso {x : simplex_category.{u}} {f : x ⟶ x} (hf : is_iso f) : f = 𝟙 _ :=
congr_arg (λ (φ : _ ≅ _), φ.hom) (iso_eq_iso_refl (as_iso f))

lemma eq_σ_comp_of_not_injective' {n : ℕ} {Δ' : simplex_category} (θ : mk (n+1) ⟶ Δ')
(i : fin (n+1)) (hi : θ.to_order_hom i.cast_succ = θ.to_order_hom i.succ):
∃ (θ' : mk n ⟶ Δ'), θ = σ i ≫ θ' :=
use δ i.succ ≫ θ,
ext1, ext1, ext1 x,
simp only [hom.to_order_hom_mk, function.comp_app, order_hom.comp_coe,
hom.comp, small_category_comp, σ, mk_hom, order_hom.coe_fun_mk],
by_cases h' : x ≤ i.cast_succ,
{ rw fin.pred_above_below i x h',
have eq := fin.cast_succ_cast_pred (gt_of_gt_of_ge (fin.cast_succ_lt_last i) h'),
erw fin.succ_above_below i.succ x.cast_pred _, swap,
{ rwa [eq, ← fin.le_cast_succ_iff], },
rw eq, },
{ simp only [not_le] at h',
let y := x.pred begin
intro h,
rw h at h',
simpa only [fin.lt_iff_coe_lt_coe, nat.not_lt_zero, fin.coe_zero] using h',
simp only [show x = y.succ, by rw fin.succ_pred] at h' ⊢,
rw [fin.pred_above_above i y.succ h', fin.pred_succ],
by_cases h'' : y = i,
{ rw h'',
convert hi.symm,
erw fin.succ_above_below i.succ _,
exact fin.lt_succ, },
{ erw fin.succ_above_above i.succ _,
simp only [fin.lt_iff_coe_lt_coe, fin.le_iff_coe_le_coe, fin.coe_succ,
fin.coe_cast_succ, nat.lt_succ_iff, fin.ext_iff] at h' h'' ⊢,
cases nat.le.dest h' with c hc,
cases c,
{ exfalso,
rw [add_zero] at hc,
rw [hc] at h'',
exact h'' rfl, },
{ rw ← hc,
simp only [add_le_add_iff_left, nat.succ_eq_add_one,
le_add_iff_nonneg_left, zero_le], }, }, }

lemma eq_σ_comp_of_not_injective {n : ℕ} {Δ' : simplex_category} (θ : mk (n+1) ⟶ Δ')
(hθ : ¬function.injective θ.to_order_hom) :
∃ (i : fin (n+1)) (θ' : mk n ⟶ Δ'), θ = σ i ≫ θ' :=
simp only [function.injective, exists_prop, not_forall] at hθ,
-- as θ is not injective, there exists `x<y` such that `θ x = θ y`
-- and then, `θ x = θ (x+1)`
have hθ₂ : ∃ (x y : fin (n+2)), (hom.to_order_hom θ) x = (hom.to_order_hom θ) y ∧ x<y,
{ rcases hθ with ⟨x, y, ⟨h₁, h₂⟩⟩,
by_cases x<y,
{ exact ⟨x, y, ⟨h₁, h⟩⟩, },
{ refine ⟨y, x, ⟨h₁.symm, _⟩⟩,
cases lt_or_eq_of_le ( h) with h' h',
{ exact h', },
{ exfalso,
exact h₂ h'.symm, }, }, },
rcases hθ₂ with ⟨x, y, ⟨h₁, h₂⟩⟩,
let z := x.cast_pred,
use z,
simp only [← (show z.cast_succ = x,
by exact fin.cast_succ_cast_pred (lt_of_lt_of_le h₂ (fin.le_last y)))] at h₁ h₂,
apply eq_σ_comp_of_not_injective',
rw fin.cast_succ_lt_iff_succ_le at h₂,
apply le_antisymm,
{ exact θ.to_order_hom.monotone (le_of_lt (fin.cast_succ_lt_succ z)), },
{ rw h₁,
exact θ.to_order_hom.monotone h₂, },

lemma eq_comp_δ_of_not_surjective' {n : ℕ} {Δ : simplex_category} (θ : Δ ⟶ mk (n+1))
(i : fin (n+2)) (hi : ∀ x, θ.to_order_hom x ≠ i) :
∃ (θ' : Δ ⟶ (mk n)), θ = θ' ≫ δ i :=
by_cases i < fin.last (n+1),
{ use θ ≫ σ (fin.cast_pred i),
ext1, ext1, ext1 x,
simp only [hom.to_order_hom_mk, function.comp_app,
order_hom.comp_coe, hom.comp, small_category_comp],
by_cases h' : θ.to_order_hom x ≤ i,
{ simp only [σ, mk_hom, hom.to_order_hom_mk, order_hom.coe_fun_mk],
erw fin.pred_above_below (fin.cast_pred i) (θ.to_order_hom x)
(by simpa [fin.cast_succ_cast_pred h] using h'),
erw fin.succ_above_below i, swap,
{ simp only [fin.lt_iff_coe_lt_coe, fin.coe_cast_succ],
exact lt_of_le_of_lt (fin.coe_cast_pred_le_self _)
( ((ne.le_iff_lt (hi x)).mp h')), },
rw fin.cast_succ_cast_pred,
apply lt_of_le_of_lt h' h, },
{ simp only [not_le] at h',
simp only [σ, mk_hom, hom.to_order_hom_mk, order_hom.coe_fun_mk,
fin.pred_above_above (fin.cast_pred i) (θ.to_order_hom x)
(by simpa only [fin.cast_succ_cast_pred h] using h')],
erw [fin.succ_above_above i _, fin.succ_pred],
simpa only [fin.le_iff_coe_le_coe, fin.coe_cast_succ, fin.coe_pred]
using nat.le_pred_of_lt ( h'), }, },
{ have h' := le_antisymm (fin.le_last i) ( h),
subst h',
use θ ≫ σ (fin.last _),
ext1, ext1, ext1 x,
simp only [hom.to_order_hom_mk, function.comp_app, order_hom.comp_coe, hom.comp,
small_category_comp, σ, δ, mk_hom, order_hom.coe_fun_mk,
order_embedding.to_order_hom_coe, fin.pred_above_last, fin.succ_above_last,
fin.cast_succ_cast_pred ((ne.le_iff_lt (hi x)).mp (fin.le_last _))], },

lemma eq_comp_δ_of_not_surjective {n : ℕ} {Δ : simplex_category} (θ : Δ ⟶ mk (n+1))
(hθ : ¬function.surjective θ.to_order_hom) :
∃ (i : fin (n+2)) (θ' : Δ ⟶ (mk n)), θ = θ' ≫ δ i :=
cases hθ with i hi,
use i,
exact eq_comp_δ_of_not_surjective' θ i ( hi),

lemma eq_id_of_mono {x : simplex_category.{u}} (i : x ⟶ x) [mono i] : i = 𝟙 _ :=
apply eq_id_of_is_iso,
apply is_iso_of_bijective,
erw [fintype.bijective_iff_injective_and_card i.to_order_hom, ← mono_iff_injective,
eq_self_iff_true, and_true],

lemma eq_id_of_epi {x : simplex_category.{u}} (i : x ⟶ x) [epi i] : i = 𝟙 _ :=
apply eq_id_of_is_iso,
apply is_iso_of_bijective,
erw [fintype.bijective_iff_surjective_and_card i.to_order_hom, ← epi_iff_surjective,
eq_self_iff_true, and_true],

lemma eq_σ_of_epi {n : ℕ} (θ : mk (n+1) ⟶ mk n) [epi θ] : ∃ (i : fin (n+1)), θ = σ i :=
rcases eq_σ_comp_of_not_injective θ _ with ⟨i, θ', h⟩, swap,
{ by_contradiction,
simpa only [nat.one_ne_zero, add_le_iff_nonpos_right, nonpos_iff_eq_zero]
using le_of_mono (mono_iff_injective.mpr h), },
use i,
haveI : epi (σ i ≫ θ') := by { rw ← h, apply_instance, },
haveI := category_theory.epi_of_epi (σ i) θ',
erw [h, eq_id_of_epi θ', category.comp_id],

lemma eq_δ_of_mono {n : ℕ} (θ : mk n ⟶ mk (n+1)) [mono θ] : ∃ (i : fin (n+2)), θ = δ i :=
rcases eq_comp_δ_of_not_surjective θ _ with ⟨i, θ', h⟩, swap,
{ by_contradiction,
simpa only [add_le_iff_nonpos_right, nonpos_iff_eq_zero]
using le_of_epi (epi_iff_surjective.mpr h), },
use i,
haveI : mono (θ' ≫ δ i) := by { rw ← h, apply_instance, },
haveI := category_theory.mono_of_mono θ' (δ i),
erw [h, eq_id_of_mono θ', category.id_comp],

end epi_mono

end simplex_category
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions src/data/fin/basic.lean
Expand Up @@ -673,6 +673,11 @@ lt_iff_coe_lt_coe.2 $ by simp only [coe_cast_succ, coe_succ, nat.lt_succ_self]
lemma le_cast_succ_iff {i : fin (n + 1)} {j : fin n} : i ≤ j.cast_succ ↔ i < j.succ :=
by simpa [lt_iff_coe_lt_coe, le_iff_coe_le_coe] using nat.succ_le_succ_iff.symm

lemma cast_succ_lt_iff_succ_le {n : ℕ} {i : fin n} {j : fin (n+1)} :
i.cast_succ < j ↔ i.succ ≤ j :=
by simpa only [fin.lt_iff_coe_lt_coe, fin.le_iff_coe_le_coe, fin.coe_succ, fin.coe_cast_succ]
using nat.lt_iff_add_one_le

@[simp] lemma succ_last (n : ℕ) : (last n).succ = last (n.succ) := rfl

@[simp] lemma succ_eq_last_succ {n : ℕ} (i : fin n.succ) :
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