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feat(group_theory/presented_group): define presented groups (#1118)
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* feat(group_theory/conjugates) : define conjugates
define group conjugates and normal closure

* feat(algebra/order_functions): generalize strict_mono.monotone (#1022)

* trying to merge

* feat(group_theory\presented_group):  define presented groups

Presented groups are defined as a quotient of a free group by the normal subgroup  the relations generate.

* feat(group_theory\presented_group): define presented groups

Presented groups are defined as a quotient of a free group by the normal subgroup  the relations generate

* Update src/group_theory/presented_group.lean

Co-Authored-By: Keeley Hoek <>

* Uniqueness of extension

* Tidied up to_group.unique

* Removed unnecessary line

* Changed naming
  • Loading branch information
Michael-Howes authored and mergify[bot] committed Jun 10, 2019
1 parent 004e0b3 commit bd2f35f
Showing 1 changed file with 73 additions and 0 deletions.
73 changes: 73 additions & 0 deletions src/group_theory/presented_group.lean
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
Copyright (c) 2019 Michael Howes. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Michael Howes
Defining a group given by generators and relations

import group_theory.free_group group_theory.quotient_group

variables {α : Type}

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jiajunma Jan 10, 2023

To incorporate with other definitions, this line maybe change to

variables {α : Type*}

/-- Given a set of relations, rels, over a type α, presented_group constructs the group with
generators α and relations rels as a quotient of free_group α.-/
def presented_group (rels : set (free_group α)) : Type :=

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jiajunma Jan 10, 2023

This line can be changed to

def presented_group (rels : set (free_group α)) :=

quotient_group.quotient $ group.normal_closure rels

namespace presented_group

instance (rels : set (free_group α)) : group (presented_group (rels)) := _

/-- `of x` is the canonical map from α to a presented group with generators α. The term x is
mapped to the equivalence class of the image of x in free_group α. -/
def of {rels : set (free_group α)} (x : α) : presented_group rels := (free_group.of x)

section to_group

Presented groups satisfy a universal property. If β is a group and f : α → β is a map such that the
images of f satisfy all the given relations, then f extends uniquely to a group homomorphism from
presented_group rels to β

variables {β : Type} [group β] {f : α → β} {rels : set (free_group α)}

local notation `F` := free_group.to_group f

variable (h : ∀ r ∈ rels, F r = 1)

lemma closure_rels_subset_ker : group.normal_closure rels ⊆ is_group_hom.ker F :=
group.normal_closure_subset (λ x w, (is_group_hom.mem_ker F).2 (h x w))

lemma to_group_eq_one_of_mem_closure : ∀ x ∈ group.normal_closure rels, F x = 1 :=
λ x w, (is_group_hom.mem_ker F).1 ((closure_rels_subset_ker h) w)

/-- The extension of a map f : α → β that satisfies the given relations to a group homomorphism
from presented_group rels → β. -/
def to_group : presented_group rels → β :=
quotient_group.lift (group.normal_closure rels) F (to_group_eq_one_of_mem_closure h)

instance to_group.is_group_hom : is_group_hom (to_group h) :=
quotient_group.is_group_hom_quotient_lift _ _ _

@[simp] lemma to_group.of {x : α} : to_group h (of x) = f x := free_group.to_group.of

@[simp] lemma to_group.mul {x y} : to_group h (x * y) = to_group h x * to_group h y :=
is_group_hom.map_mul _ _ _

@[simp] lemma : to_group h 1 = 1 :=
is_group_hom.map_one _

@[simp] lemma to_group.inv {x}: to_group h x⁻¹ = (to_group h x)⁻¹ :=
is_group_hom.map_inv _ _

theorem to_group.unique (g : presented_group rels → β) [is_group_hom g]
(hg : ∀ x : α, g (of x) = f x) : ∀ {x}, g x = to_group h x :=
λ x, quotient_group.induction_on x
(λ _, free_group.to_group.unique (λ (x : free_group α), g ( x)) hg)

end to_group
end presented_group

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