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chore(data/real/basic): move some data out of real.comm_ring (#18118)
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This pulls out the `int_cast`, `nat_cast`, and `has_sub` data typeclasses from `real.comm_ring`.

The `of_cauchy_sub` and `cauchy_sub` lemmas are also new.

This is intended to be the safe half of #8146, and is motivated by shrinking the diff there to bisect the issue.

Co-authored-by: Scott Morrison <>
  • Loading branch information
eric-wieser and semorrison committed Jan 11, 2023
1 parent cf4c49c commit ccad6d5
Showing 1 changed file with 29 additions and 24 deletions.
53 changes: 29 additions & 24 deletions src/data/real/basic.lean
Expand Up @@ -66,12 +66,15 @@ instance : has_one ℝ := ⟨one⟩
instance : has_add ℝ := ⟨add⟩
instance : has_neg ℝ := ⟨neg⟩
instance : has_mul ℝ := ⟨mul⟩
instance : has_sub ℝ := ⟨λ a b, a + (-b)⟩
noncomputable instance : has_inv ℝ := ⟨inv'⟩

lemma of_cauchy_zero : (⟨0⟩ : ℝ) = 0 := show _ = zero, by rw zero
lemma of_cauchy_one : (⟨1⟩ : ℝ) = 1 := show _ = one, by rw one
lemma of_cauchy_add (a b) : (⟨a + b⟩ : ℝ) = ⟨a⟩ + ⟨b⟩ := show _ = add _ _, by rw add
lemma of_cauchy_neg (a) : (⟨-a⟩ : ℝ) = -⟨a⟩ := show _ = neg _, by rw neg
lemma of_cauchy_sub (a b) : (⟨a - b⟩ : ℝ) = ⟨a⟩ - ⟨b⟩ :=
by { rw [sub_eq_add_neg, of_cauchy_add, of_cauchy_neg], refl }
lemma of_cauchy_mul (a b) : (⟨a * b⟩ : ℝ) = ⟨a⟩ * ⟨b⟩ := show _ = mul _ _, by rw mul
lemma of_cauchy_inv {f} : (⟨f⁻¹⟩ : ℝ) = ⟨f⟩⁻¹ := show _ = inv' _, by rw inv'

Expand All @@ -83,17 +86,22 @@ lemma cauchy_neg : ∀ a, (-a : ℝ).cauchy = -a.cauchy
| ⟨a⟩ := show (neg _).cauchy = _, by rw neg
lemma cauchy_mul : ∀ a b, (a * b : ℝ).cauchy = a.cauchy * b.cauchy
| ⟨a⟩ ⟨b⟩ := show (mul _ _).cauchy = _, by rw mul
lemma cauchy_sub : ∀ a b, (a - b : ℝ).cauchy = a.cauchy - b.cauchy
| ⟨a⟩ ⟨b⟩ := by { rw [sub_eq_add_neg, ←cauchy_neg, ←cauchy_add], refl }
lemma cauchy_inv : ∀ f, (f⁻¹ : ℝ).cauchy = f.cauchy⁻¹
| ⟨f⟩ := show (inv' _).cauchy = _, by rw inv'

/-- `real.equiv_Cauchy` as a ring equivalence. -/
def ring_equiv_Cauchy : ℝ ≃+* cau_seq.completion.Cauchy abs :=
{ to_fun := cauchy,
inv_fun := of_cauchy,
map_add' := cauchy_add,
map_mul' := cauchy_mul,
..equiv_Cauchy }
instance : has_nat_cast ℝ := { nat_cast := λ n, ⟨n⟩ }
instance : has_int_cast ℝ := { int_cast := λ z, ⟨z⟩ }
instance : has_rat_cast ℝ := { rat_cast := λ q, ⟨q⟩ }

lemma of_cauchy_nat_cast (n : ℕ) : (⟨n⟩ : ℝ) = n := rfl
lemma of_cauchy_int_cast (z : ℤ) : (⟨z⟩ : ℝ) = z := rfl
lemma of_cauchy_rat_cast (q : ℚ) : (⟨q⟩ : ℝ) = q := rfl

lemma cauchy_nat_cast (n : ℕ) : (n : ℝ).cauchy = n := rfl
lemma cauchy_int_cast (z : ℤ) : (z : ℝ).cauchy = z := rfl
lemma cauchy_rat_cast (q : ℚ) : (q : ℝ).cauchy = q := rfl

instance : comm_ring ℝ :=
Expand All @@ -102,30 +110,28 @@ begin
mul := (*),
add := (+),
neg := @has_neg.neg ℝ _,
sub := λ a b, a + (-b),
nat_cast := λ n, ⟨n⟩,
int_cast := λ n, ⟨n⟩,
sub := @has_sub.sub ℝ _,
npow := @npow_rec ℝ ⟨1⟩ ⟨(*)⟩,
nsmul := @nsmul_rec ℝ ⟨0⟩ ⟨(+)⟩,
zsmul := @zsmul_rec ℝ ⟨0⟩ ⟨(+)⟩ ⟨@has_neg.neg ℝ _⟩ };
zsmul := @zsmul_rec ℝ ⟨0⟩ ⟨(+)⟩ ⟨@has_neg.neg ℝ _⟩,
..real.has_int_cast, };
repeat { rintro ⟨_⟩, };
try { refl };
simp [← of_cauchy_zero, ← of_cauchy_one, ←of_cauchy_add, ←of_cauchy_neg, ←of_cauchy_mul,
λ n, show @coe ℕ ℝ ⟨_⟩ n = ⟨n⟩, from rfl];
λ n, show @coe ℕ ℝ ⟨_⟩ n = ⟨n⟩, from rfl, has_nat_cast.nat_cast, has_int_cast.int_cast];
apply add_assoc <|> apply add_comm <|> apply mul_assoc <|> apply mul_comm <|>
apply left_distrib <|> apply right_distrib <|> apply sub_eq_add_neg <|> skip,

instance : has_rat_cast ℝ := { rat_cast := λ q, ⟨q⟩ }

lemma of_cauchy_nat_cast (n : ℕ) : (⟨n⟩ : ℝ) = n := rfl
lemma of_cauchy_int_cast (z : ℤ) : (⟨z⟩ : ℝ) = z := rfl
lemma of_cauchy_rat_cast (q : ℚ) : (⟨q⟩ : ℝ) = q := rfl

lemma cauchy_nat_cast (n : ℕ) : (n : ℝ).cauchy = n := rfl
lemma cauchy_int_cast (z : ℤ) : (z : ℝ).cauchy = z := rfl
lemma cauchy_rat_cast (q : ℚ) : (q : ℝ).cauchy = q := rfl
/-- `real.equiv_Cauchy` as a ring equivalence. -/
def ring_equiv_Cauchy : ℝ ≃+* cau_seq.completion.Cauchy abs :=
{ to_fun := cauchy,
inv_fun := of_cauchy,
map_add' := cauchy_add,
map_mul' := cauchy_mul,
..equiv_Cauchy }

/-! Extra instances to short-circuit type class resolution.
Expand All @@ -149,7 +155,6 @@ instance : comm_monoid ℝ := by apply_instance
instance : monoid ℝ := by apply_instance
instance : comm_semigroup ℝ := by apply_instance
instance : semigroup ℝ := by apply_instance
instance : has_sub ℝ := by apply_instance
instance : inhabited ℝ := ⟨0

/-- The real numbers are a `*`-ring, with the trivial `*`-structure. -/
Expand Down

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